已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




第五讲交际用语考点1常考的交际用语1Alberts birthday is on next Saturday,and Im planning a surprise party for him._.Ill bring some wine.(2017天津,1)ASounds like fun BIt dependsCJust a minute DYou are welcome答案A解析句意为:艾伯特下周六过生日,我正筹划一个聚会,要给他一个惊喜。听起来很有趣(Sounds like fun)。我会带一些葡萄酒来。It depends那得看情况;Just a minute请稍等;You are welcome不客气。2Michael was late for Mr Smiths chemistry class this morning._?As far as I know,he never came late to class.(2017天津,7)ASo what BWhy notCWho cares DHow come答案D解析句意为:今天早上迈克尔在史密斯先生的化学课上迟到了。怎么会呢(How come)?据我所知,他上课从未迟到过。So what?那又怎样?Why not?为什么不呢?Who cares?管它呢,谁管呢。3Are you sure youre ready for the test?_.Im well prepared for it.(2016浙江,1)AIm afraid not BNo problemCHard to say DNot really答案B解析句意为:你确定为考试做好准备了吗?没问题,我准备好了。Im afraid not恐怕不;No problem没问题;Hard to say很难说;Not really不完全是,不见得。根据答语中的“Im well prepared for it.”可知,选B。4Im thinking of going back to school to get another degree.Sounds great!_.(2016天津,6)AIt all depends BGo for itCNever mind DNo wonder答案B解析句意为:我正考虑回学校再攻读个学位。听起来太棒了!好好争取吧。Go for it意为“好好争取”,符合语境。It all depends那得看情况;Never mind不要紧;No wonder不足为奇。5Jack,you seem excited._? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.(2015天津,4)AGuess what BSo whatCPardon me DWho cares答案A解析句意为:杰克,你看起来很兴奋。你猜怎么着?我获得了英语演讲比赛一等奖。Guess what你猜怎么着,符合语境。So what那又怎样,那又如何;Pardon me对不起,没听清;Who cares管它呢。6Jim,can you work this Sunday?_? Ive been working for two weeks on end.(2015江苏,23)AWhy me BWhy notCWhat if DSo what答案A解析句意为:吉姆,这个星期天你能工作吗? 为什么是我?我已经连续工作两个星期了。Why me为什么是我;Why not为什么不;What if如果又能怎样;So what那又怎样。Why me是“Why do you ask me to work this Sunday”的省略。考点归纳1It/That (all) depends.那得视情况而定。2Forget it.没关系(回答道歉);休想(表示拒绝);别提了。3How come?怎么会?为什么?4Never mind.没关系;别担心。5Its up to you.由你决定。6I cant agree more.我非常赞同。7Not really.不完全是;不怎么样。8So what?那又怎么样?9Go ahead.用吧;使吧;说吧;去吧。10Congratulations!祝贺!11Id love/like to.我很乐意/愿意。12Not exactly.(说反话时用)根本不,决不,一点也不;(纠正对方刚说过的话)不完全是这样,并非如此。13Dont take it to heart.别往心里去;别为此而伤神。14Wed better be off.我们该走了。15Is that so?真是那样?16I dont know for sure.我不确切知道;我不确定。17Brilliant idea!/Good idea!/Thats a great idea!/That sounds great!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!18I am behind you.我支持你。19You can count on it.尽管相信好了;尽管放心。20I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。21Thanks anyway/all the same.无论如何还是得谢谢你。22Its a deal.一言为定。23Come on.快点,加油,加把劲儿;得了吧。24Make it.做成,达到目的,设法安排,搞定。25Cheer up! 振作些!26No wonder.难怪;不足为奇。27Guess what?你猜猜发生了什么事?28Thats it.正是这样。29Not in the least.一点也不。30Far from it.一点也不。31Why not?好哇,干嘛不?(同意建议)32Help yourself.随便吃;自己拿。33What if? 如果将会怎样?34Its a bargain.便宜货。35Lets go Dutch.AA制。36Its my treat.我请客。37By all means.当然可以;尽一切办法;务必。38Absolutely.完全可以。39Its a piece of cake.小菜一碟。40Better play it safe.慎重,别冒险。41Its better than nothing.总比什么都没有好。42Just my luck.真倒霉;真不走运。43You bet!当然!44Drop me a line.写信给我。45Ill keep my ears open.我会留意的。46Youre the boss.听你的。47If I were in your shoes.如果我是你的话。48Hold the line,please.别挂电话。49Please remember me to your mum.请代我向你的妈妈问好。50Yes? 我在这儿,有什么事?考点2区分两对相似的交际用语1Sir,could I hand in my homework a bit late?_,since youve been unwell these days.(2015陕西,16)AYou cant be seriousBIm afraid notCGood ideaDWell,all right答案D解析句意为:老师,我能晚一点交作业吗?好吧,因为你这些日子总是不大舒服。You cant be serious你一定是在开玩笑吧;Im afraid not我恐怕不能;Good idea好主意;Well,all right嗯,好吧。根据答语知老师同意学生的请求,故选D项。2Thank you for the flowers._.I thought they might cheer you up.AThats right BAll rightCIm all right DIts all right答案D解析句意为:谢谢你的花。不用谢。我想它们可以使你振作起来。thats right是的,没错;all right好的;Im all right我一切都好;Its all right没关系(可对Thank you或sorry进行回答)。考点归纳1All right.表示“好吧”,用于表示同意别人的提议;Its/Thats all right.表示“不用谢”或“没关系”,用于应答别人的感谢或道歉;Thats right.表示“你说得对”。Are you sure you wont come for a drink with us?All right then,if you insist.你确定不和我们一起去喝一杯吗?如果你坚持的话,那么好吧!2With pleasure.相当于Im glad to.表示“非常乐意”,用于应答别人的求助。My pleasure不用谢,用于应答别人的感谢。Can you help me get the book down?With pleasure.你能帮我把书拿下来吗?乐意效劳。Thank you for your timely help.Its a pleasure.谢谢你及时的帮助。别客气。3Take it easy.意为“别紧张”,用来安慰对方;而Take your time.意为“慢慢来”,安慰对方不要着急。Take it easy when you are on the stage.在台上的时候不要紧张。Take your time,for we still have one and a half hours.慢慢来,我们还有一个半小时。4Good luck.意为“祝你好运”,用于当对方要参加某项活动时;而Congratulations.表示“祝贺你”,是当对方做某事取得了成功时的祝贺用语。Ill take the driving test tomorrow.Good luck.我明天要去考驾照。祝你好运。I have passed the driving test.Congratulations.我通过了驾照考试。祝贺你。5So what?表示不以为然,意为“那又怎么样?”;For what?/What for?意为“为什么?”。Your room looks a real mess.So what? 你的房间里凌乱不堪。那又怎么样?She has decided to take a part-time job.For what?/What for?她已经决定去做兼职了。为什么?6Dont mention it.用于回答感谢等,意为“不客气”。Forget it.用于回答感谢,意为“不客气”;用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”;用于表示否定或拒绝,意为“休想,不可能”。Im terribly sorry I broke your glass.You can forget it.十分对不起,我把你的水杯打碎了。没关系,别放在心上。Id like to take a weeks holiday.Forget it;were as busy as a bee.我想休一周的假。别想了,我们都忙得不可开交了。7Not exactly.用于纠正某人说过的话,意为“并非如此;不完全是这样”;Not really.表示委婉的否定,意为“事实上没有;不全是”。Youre leaving,arent you?Not exactly,Im just going on holiday.你要离开,是吧?不全对,我只是去度假。Was he sorry for what hed done?Not really.他为自己的行为感到懊悔了吗?并没有。考点3接受请求或邀请的应答语1Going to watch the Womens Volleyball Match on Wednesday?_!Will you go with me?(2017江苏,35)AYou there BYou betCYou got me DYou know better答案B解析句意为:周三看女排比赛吗?_!你跟我一起去好吗?从对话的连贯性来看,这里应选B项You bet来回答前面的问句,表示“当然啦,一点儿不错”。You there说你呢;You got me你明白我的意思了;You know better你不会不知道吧。2Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter? Oh,_ Im already going out,Im afraid.(2015安徽,21)Awhat a pity! Bdont ask!Chow come? Dso what?答案A解析 句意为:星期六你能来参加聚会吗,彼得?噢,真遗憾!(到时候)恐怕我已经出去了。what a pity真遗憾;dont ask别问了;how come怎么会;so what那又怎样。根据句意可知,这里指可能参加不了聚会,因此此处表示“遗憾”,故选A。3Hello Jenny,can I see Ms Lewis?_.Ill tell her youre here.(2015重庆,15)AWith pleasure BNever mindCYoure welcome DJust a minute答案D解析句意为:你好,珍妮,我可以找一下刘易斯女士吗?稍等,我告诉她你来了。With pleasure乐意效劳;Never mind没关系;Youre welcome不客气;Just a minute稍等。考点归纳1接受请求或邀请的应答用语有:With pleasure;Id be happy/glad to;Id love to;No problem;Good idea;That would be nice;By all means等。2拒绝请求和邀请的应答用语有:Sorry,but.Id rather you.;Thank you,but.;Id love to,but.;Its very nice of you,but.等。方法1熟记常考情景高考英语常考如下8种情景:询问信息、个人看法、电话、就餐、请求、问候、谈论天气、购物。熟练掌握上述情景的交际方式和常用表达,解决问题就能有的放矢。比如对于道谢及其答语有:Thank you very much./Thanks a lot./Its kind of you to help me./Thats (Its) all right./Youre welcome./Dont mention it./Its a pleasure./Its my pleasure.等;对于道歉及其答语:Excuse me./Im sorry./Pardon me./Thats all right./Not at all./Dont worry about it./Never mind.等。典例1I got that job I wanted at the public library._! Thats good news.(2014陕西,11)AGo ahead BCheersCCongratulations DCome on答案C解析Go ahead请吧;Cheers干杯;Congratulations祝贺你;Come on来吧,加油。根据答语后一句可知此处表示祝贺,故选C项。典例2Could I use this dictionary?_.Its a spare one.(2014江西,21)AGood idea BJust go aheadCYoure welcome DYoud better not 答案B解析句意为:我可以用这本字典吗?拿去用吧!这是多余的一本。Good idea好主意;Just go ahead去做吧,用吧(表示同意对方提出的做法);Youre welcome不用谢;Youd better not你最好不要这样做。故B项符合句意。方法2分析题目语言环境,确保用语和谐一致交际用语的考查主要设置在真实的语境中,做题时要考虑全面,要注意语境的和谐一致。特别要注意上下句的关系,不能只看到题目的一部分就得出结论。特别是对话,要看答语和问句是否一致。典例1Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._.Opposites sometimes do attract.(2016江苏,32)AI hope not BI think soCI appreciate that DI beg to differ答案D解析句意为:只有那些志趣相投的人才能够友好相处。恕我不敢苟同,有时兴趣相反的人却能相互吸引。根据答语第二句“Opposites sometimes do attract.”可知,答话者并不同意对方的说法。I beg to differ恕我不能赞同,符合语境。I hope not我希望不是这样;I think so我认为是这样;I appreciate that我很欣赏,都与语境不符。典例2The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go._.See you at 8:10.(2016浙江,20)ASo long BSounds greatCGood luck DHave a good time答案B解析句意为:电影将在八点半开始,我们走之前可以随便吃点什么。听起来不错。八点十分见。Sounds great听起来不错,用来表示同意对方的建议,符合语境。So long再见;Good luck祝你好运;Have a good time玩得愉快。典例3It was a wonderful trip.So,which city did you like better,Paris or Rome?_.There were good things and bad things about them.(2016天津,1)AIts hard to sayBI didnt get itCYou must be kiddingDCouldnt be better答案A解析句意为:这是一次美好的旅行。那么,你更喜欢哪座城市,巴黎还是罗马?很难说。它们各有优缺点。Its hard to say意为“很难说”,符合语境。I didnt get it.我不明白;You must be kidding.你一定是在开玩笑;Couldnt be better.再好不过了。方法3注意东西方文化差异,不要受汉语思维影响东西方文化不同,教育不同,思维方式也不一样,表现在交际中也大相径庭。所以要从西方文化角度去思考问题,不要受汉语思维的影响。典例Jack,Id like to have your opinions about my written report._.But I have one suggestion.(2014重庆,15)AThats a good ideaBYou are too modestCIt looks fine to meDYou should check it first答案C解析语境为:对方请Jack就一份书面报告说说自己的看法。A项用于对方提出建议时的回答;B项为中式表达;D项不够礼貌,且与语境不符。由答语后一句“但我有一个建议”可知,C项符合题意。强化练(五)1It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.Thats right._.(2017河北区二模,5)AMany hands make light workBSomething is better than nothingCThe more,the betterDThe sooner begun,the sooner done答案A解析句意为:如果我们都自愿帮忙的话,聚会结束后不需要多长时间就可以收拾干净。对。人多力量大。Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高,人多力量大;Something is better than nothing有总比没有好;The more,the better越多越好;The sooner begun,the sooner done越早开始,越早完成。2Smoking should be banned in public places._.It is harmful to both the smokers and non-smokers.(2017天津十二所重点中学二模,5)AId love toBIts my pleasureCIm with you on thatDIts up to you答案C解析句意为:公共场所应禁止吸烟。我同意你的观点。吸烟对吸烟的人和不吸烟的人都有害。Im with you on that在这点上我同意你的观点,符合句意。Id love to我喜欢;Its my pleasure不客气,乐意效劳;Its up to you由你负责,由你决定。3I feel so upset.Im afraid Ill be fired for the terrible economic crisis._!Things are not so bad as they seem.(2017红桥区二模,1)AGo ahead BGood luckCNo problem DCheer up答案D解析句意为:我感到很沮丧。我担心我会因为这次严重的经济危机而被解雇。振作起来!事情并不像看上去那么糟糕。Cheer up振作起来,符合句意。Go ahead说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧;Good luck祝您好运;No problem没问题。 4Lucy,could you please spare me a few minutes?_,but I hope “a few minutes” wont turn into an hour.(2017河北区二模,1)AIt doesnt matter BThats kind of youCIm afraid not DI guess so答案D解析句意为:露西,请你给我抽出几分钟时间好吗?我想可以,但我希望“几分钟”不会变成一个小时。从设空后的but可知,答语同意说话者的要求。故选D。I guess so我想可以,应该可以,符合语境。It doesnt matter没关系,用于回答别人的道歉;Thats kind of you你真是太好了;Im afraid not恐怕不行,表示委婉的拒绝。5It took me eight years to build up my business,and it almost killed me.Well,you know what they say._.(2017天津十二所重点中学二模,15)AThere is no smoke without fireBNo pain,no gainCAll roads lead to RomeDPractice makes perfect答案B解析句意为:我花了八年的时间才建立了我的公司,它几乎要了我的命了。哦,老话怎么说来着。不劳则无获。No pain,no gain不劳则无获,符合句意。There is no smoke without fire无火不生烟,无风不起浪;All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马,殊途同归;Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。6Would you mind if I open the window?_.I feel a bit cold.(2017河东区二模,4)AOf course not BId rather you didntCGo ahead DNever mind答案B解析句意为:你介意我打开窗户吗?我希望你别打开窗户。我觉得有点冷。从设空处后的句子“I feel a bit cold”可知,答语不希望对方打开窗户,四个选项中,只有B项表示不同意,故B项为正确答案。7Whats the matter?You really look down._Well,better luck next time.(2017河西区二模,1)AMe?I never look down upon you.BMind your own business.CI failed an important test.DI have a bad cold.答案C解析句意为:怎么了?你真的看起来很沮丧。一次重要的考试我没通过。哦,祝下次好运。由后面的回答better luck next time“(鼓励未成功的人)祝下次好运”可知选C。8This free gift doesnt look good._,madam,but if you want good quality,you have to pay for it.(2017和平区一模,13)ANo doubt BNo offenseCNo problem DNo way答案B解析句意为:这件免费的礼物看着不怎么样。无意冒犯,女士,但如果您想要质量好的东西,你必须要付钱。No offense无意冒犯,符合句意。No doubt无疑;No problem没问题;No way没门儿。9Peter,you seem in high spirits._ I have been offered a part-time job in the KFC.(2017天津十二所重点中学一模,1)ASo what? BNo wonder.CNo doubt. DGuess what?答案D解析句意为:彼得,你似乎情绪高涨。你猜怎么着?我得到了一份肯德基的兼职工作。Guess what?你猜怎么着?符合句意。So what?那又怎么样?No wonder难怪;No doubt毫无疑问。10The rising frequency of smoggy days is making me deeply worried that one day we will have to rely on masks to survive._!The government really should do something.(2017河西区二模,7)AGood idea BI got itCYou bet DThats all right答案C解析句意为:雾霾天频率的上升使我非常担心有一天我们将不得不依赖口罩生存。的确!政府真的应该做点什么。You bet当然,真的,的确,符合句意。Good idea好主意;I got it我明白了;Thats all right不用谢,不客气,没关系。11Excuse me,Miss,but may I share your table?Of course._.(2017和平区一模,1)ANot at all BBe my guestCAs you wish DI dont mind答案B解析句意为:打扰了,小姐,我可以和你共用一张桌子吗?当然。请(自)便。Be my guest请(自)便。12I feel nervous when taking an exam._ and you can do it well.(2017天津十二所重点中学二模,1)ATake it easy BTake your timeCGood luck DIts up to you答案A解析句意为:考试时我感到紧张。放松点,你就能考好了。Take it easy别紧张,放松点,符合句意。Take your time慢慢来;Good luck祝您好运;Its up to you你决定吧。B项为干扰项,Take your time侧重时间,Take it easy侧重情绪。13Why didnt you come back last night?I waited long!_.You were playing games the whole night.(2017江苏南京二模,35)ADont give me thatBDont lose your headCDont trust to chanceDDont dream away your time答案A解析句意为:你昨天晚上为什么不回来呢?我等了很久!少来这套!你整晚都在玩游戏。Dont give me that少来这套,符合句意。Dont lose your head不要头脑发昏,别惊慌失措;Dont trust to chance不要碰运气;Dont dream away your time不要虚度光阴。14So you missed the football match held yesterday?_.I got there 15 minutes before the end of it.(2017天津十二所重点中学一模,11)ANot likely BNot a littleCNot at all DNot exactly答案D解析句意为:这么说你错过了昨天举行的足球比赛了?也不完全是。我在比赛结束前15分钟到了那里。Not exactly(用于纠正某人说过的话)并非如此,不完全是这样,符合句意。Not likely绝不可能,绝对不会;Not a little非常;Not at all别客气,没什么。15There wont be anywhere to park.Oh,_.Lets try the subway.(2017南开区三模,3)Athats a real bargainBthats a good pointCthats really somethingDthats all se


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