



语法专项(一)谓语动词 单句语法填空1(2019江西南昌一模)At a young age, he (move) to Spain and now plays professionally for the FC Barcelona.moved解析:根据时间状语At a young age可知,此处表示过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。2(2019广东深圳二模)It (rain) at that time and the streets were full of holes which were full of water.was raining解析:根据时间状语at that time可知,当时正在下雨,即“下雨”这一动作在过去某段时间内正在进行。故用过去进行时。3(2019浙江金丽衢十二校联考)I just graduated from West Coast University. I (receive) job skill training just before that, but I had never worked.had received解析:此处根据just before that可知,我在之前受过职业技能的培训,根据上句中的一般过去时可知,此处应用过去完成时。4(2019安徽合肥重点中学联考)The full railway, which includes 72kilometer section through Beijing, (complete) in four and a half years.will be completed解析:句意:这一整条铁路,其中有72千米经过北京,将在四年半内完工。设空处作主句的谓语,根据时间状语in four and a half years可知,应用一般将来时;且主语The full railway与complete之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。5(2019浙江台州期末考试)We (reduce) emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still major source of them.have reduced/have been reducing解析:由句中的时间状语in recent years可知,应用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。6(2019合肥第一次检测)Its fun for amateurs to try, but to become good at it, not only years of practice but also natural talent (need)is needed解析:考查主谓一致和被动语态。“not only.but also.”作主语,谓语动词的单复数遵循就近原则,故此处谓语动词应用单数。natural talent与动词need之间是动宾关系,故用is needed。7(2019湖南长沙长郡中学月考)The beauty of the views couldnt (imagine) and they left me with many great memories.be imagined解析:句意:这些景色的美是无法想象的,它们给我留下了许多美好的回忆。imagine和The beauty of the views之间为动宾关系,且根据句意可知应用被动语态;含情态动词的被动语态的构成是:情态动词be done。8(2019吉林长春外国语学校)It was the fourth time she (shop) online for hours. I had already reminded her to think twice before buying anything, but my wife ignored what I had said.had shopped解析:“It was第几次过去完成时”是固定句式。9(2019聊城检测)Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also (give) us a sense of fair play and team spirit.gives解析:考查时态。not only.but also.连接两个平行结构,因此所填动词应与makes时态一致,故填gives。10(2019山西太原期末)The reason for this is that Britains supermarkets (experience) huge changes in the past decades.have experienced解析:根据题干中的时间状语in the past decades可知,此处应该用现在完成时。 单句改错1(2019贵阳监测)Once I went to the market with my mum for a big dinner on Saturday. When we were walking past the stalls, a loud noise was caught my attention. 去掉was解析:考查动词语态。主语a loud noise与catch之间构成主谓关系,表主动,故删除was。2(2019山东青岛模拟)Whats more, thousands of tourists from the world came here every year, which is really splendid. camecome解析:根据时间状语every year及从句为一般现在时可知,主句应用一般现在时,故将came改为come。3(2019福建福州十三中期中考试)Today Ive got wonderful news to tell you.I had been offered a job at a company in England for my good performance. hadhave解析:根据句意可知,指过去的动作对现在造成的结果,应用现在完成时。4(2019长沙联考)To collect opinions from the public, an online survey has made these days. 在has后加been解析:an online survey与m


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