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高考提能练(十四) Module 2Developing and Developed Countries.阅读理解A2019银川质检 Recently I accepted a challenge to join Naasih, a motivational speaker, on a voyage through India designed to refresh my spirit. After too many hours, Naasih and I arrived in the slum (贫民窟) just as the sun was breaking across the smoggy Delhi sky. It seemed as if the small houses extended for miles, an ocean of tin roofs and laundry lines.Finally, Naasih stopped and turned to me. “Give me your bag,” he said. I handed it to him. I had promised to follow his directions, and in return, I was hoping to find whatever I thought was missing from my life. “I will meet you back here at sunset,” Naasih said and walked away.I began to walk through the streets. No one paid too much attention to the tall, hairless man walking among them. My throat was dry, my stomach turning over with hunger. And then I saw a small house and I knocked softly on the door.A young, skinny man, no older than 25, came to answer it. As I soon found out, the man is named Sankar and he was a Lakers fan. I also learned that he was a recently graduated university student who had left his family to go after a dream of success in the big city. Instead, he had found work in the back of a restaurant.After lunch, Sankar took me to play basketball with a group of children in a trashfilled field down the road. The sun was beginning to fall as the laughter of the basket games echoed (发出回声) through the slum. I was so caught up in my day with Sankar. I had started the morning in fear and exhaustion, but I was ending the day connected to something much larger.After the game, Sankar and I walked to Rata Road. There stood Naasih. He said, “Youre_shining,_Leon.” I had been knocked entirely out of my comfort zone, and I felt that wild burst of life that had been missing from my own.体裁:记叙文题材:日常生活主题:旅游经历【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者的一次旅行。【难句分析】I also learned that he was a recently graduated university student who had left his family to go after a dream of success in the big city.分析:本句包含that引导的宾语从句;who引导定语从句,修饰先行词a recently graduated university student,并在从句中作主语。译文:我还了解到,他是一名刚毕业的大学生,为了追逐在大城市取得成功的梦想,他离开了自己的家。1Why did the author come to Sankars home?ATo play a game with him.BTo respond to Naasihs request.CTo relieve his hunger and thirst.DTo learn how disadvantaged people live.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“My throat was dry, my stomach turning over with hunger. And then I saw a small house and I knocked softly on the door”可推知,作者来到Sankar家的原因是为了缓解他的饥渴。2What can we learn about Sankar?AHe didnt live as he dreamed.BHe found a good job in the city.CHe studied cooking in university.DHe had a great talent for basketball.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“I also learned that he was a recently graduated university student who had left his family to go after a dream of success in the big city. Instead, he had found work in the back of a restaurant”可推知,Sankar并没有像他梦想的那样生活。3What does Naasih mean by saying “Youre shining, Leon” in the last paragraph?ALeon is an inspiration to him.BLeon has changed his state of mind.CLeon is popular among the children.DLeon is good at connecting with others.答案与解析:B考查句意理解。根据最后一段中的“I had been knocked entirely out of my comfort zone, and I felt that wild burst of life that had been missing from my own”可知,作者被完全地从舒适区中撞了出来,感受到了自己的生活中缺失的那种激情。由此可推知Leon改变了他的心态。另外,第一段中的“on a voyage through India designed to refresh my spirit”也是提示。4What is the best title of the passage?AA Chance to Make AcquaintancesBThe Power of Sports GamesCThe Pleasure from Indian SlumsDA Voyage of Finding the Self答案与解析:D考查主旨大意。根据全文内容尤其是第一段第一句“Recently I accepted a challenge to join Naasih, a motivational speaker, on a voyage through India designed to refresh my spirit”可知,这篇文章的主旨是寻找自我的一次旅行。B2019成都第一次诊断IHOUSE 20172018 DINING SERVICES NOTICEInternational House (IHouse) serves meals that international students can choose from. On holidays only one meal is served. Meals do not carry over from term to term. You have the option of purchasing extra meals through Dining Services. Included in the IHouse Room & Board package is a resident meal plan. The meals per period will be as indicated:MealsHoursDaysBreakfast7:15 am 9:30 amMonday FridayLunch11:30 am 1:30 pmMonday FridayDinner6:00 pm 8:00 pmMonday SundayBrunch9:30 am 1:00 pmSaturdays & SundaysMeal Cards Dining Services operate on a computerized system. Your student ID or IHouse Access Card will serve as your meal card and get coded in the computer system. NO MEALS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHOUT PRESENTATION OF A VALID MEAL CARD OR CASH. If your card is damaged, you are responsible for replacing your card and then contact Dining Services to have it coded again before entering the dining area.Removal of Food or Supplies Removing food or supplies from the Dining Facility, without permission, may result in additional charges to your Room & Board to pay the costs or any related expenses.Special Diets Dining Services provide a variety of meal options, including religious selections. Although not guaranteed, special diets can usually be accommodated within our ability. You may arrange a meeting with our dining staff to discuss any special diet concerns or food allergies by emailing .Physical Disabilities The International House Dining Facility is accessible to all disabled residents. However, the residents must be accompanied by their personal nurses for meal assistance. They will receive a meal free of charge at the time assistance is given.体裁:应用文题材:社会生活主题:Ihouse餐饮服务【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了IHouse的餐饮服务、供餐时间等,重点介绍了就餐卡的使用规定以及为残疾人提供的便利等。【难句分析】If your card is damaged, you are responsible for replacing your card and then contact Dining Services to have it coded again before entering the dining area.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“If your card is damaged”为If引导的条件状语从句,主句中使用了have sth. done结构“have it coded”。译文:如果你的卡损坏了,你有责任更换你的卡,然后联系餐饮服务部门,在你进入用餐区之前把它重新编码。5How many meals are usually served every week?A17. B18.C19. D20.答案与解析:C考查细节理解和观察与比较的能力。根据第一段中的表格信息可知,从周一到周五,供应的有五顿早餐和五顿午餐;从周一到周日,一共供应七顿晚餐;周六和周日都供应早午餐,每周一共供应十九顿饭菜,故C项正确。6What can you do if your meal card doesnt work properly?APay in cash. BGet food free.CHave it repaired. DGet it coded.答案与解析:A考查细节理解和分析能力。根据第二段第三句“NO MEALS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHOUT PRESENTATION OF A VALID MEAL CARD OR CASH”可知,如无法提供有效的餐卡或现金,将无法用餐。据此可知,餐卡失效时使用现金支付也可以正常用餐,故A项正确。7What can we learn from the passage?AThe services there meet different needs.BThe food in services is delicious and safe.CRemoving food will result in great charges.DThe dining staff are professional and polite.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第四段,尤其是该段中的“Dining Services provide a variety of meal options, including religious selections. Although not guaranteed, special diets can usually be accommodated within our ability”可知,该餐厅提供多种食物以供选择,包括符合宗教信仰的食物,餐厅供应的食物通常能满足不同饮食习惯的人。据此可以判断,该餐厅的服务能满足各种不同的需要,故A项正确。.完形填空2019日照检测One small mistake changed Sonias life. Now she is _1_ and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way.One day, Sonia walked _2_ a little boy, who wanted to buy crayons(彩色蜡笔), but he couldnt _3_ them. He looked sad when he saw the money in Sonias hand. _4_ she didnt realize he was in _5_ of help at all. Sonia ignored him and _6_ on her way home.After reaching home, she told everything to her brother Gur. Gur told Sonia that God had given you a(n) _7_ to help a boy, but you _8_ it. Theres a possibility that God was _9_ you; maybe today would have become your big day of your life. Hearing Gurs words, Sonia _10_ back to the shop to find the boy but time never _11_ for anyone. Sonia got disappointed and returned home, continuously _12_ at herself. Why didnt it come into her mind what Gur had _13_? “Chances are everywhere, and all you need to do is _14_ them because they dont always show up,” said Gur. Now what Sonia has missed is a chance that she can only _15_.On that day Sonia learnt the biggest _16_ in her life. Actually not only Sonia, but many of us ignore the chance of helping in _17_ ways because we always run after bigger ones. However, big opportunities do come but not every day. Therefore, _18_ small ones so that you cant miss big ones. Sonia also _19_ to wait for big opportunities, but now she knows that with small opportunities she can make big _20_ in her life. 体裁:记叙文题材:日常生活主题:及时行善【语篇解读】本文讲述了主人公Sonia在错失一次帮助他人的机会后,受到哥哥启发,从而意识到要不断练习抓住小的机会帮助别人来改变自己的生活的故事。这也告诉我们,行善无论大小,有机会就要及时抓住。【核心词汇】in need of需要(常作表语)ignore忽视,不予理睬run after追求grasp opportunities抓住机会1A.attentive BoptimisticCenthusiastic Dfortunate答案与解析:A根据空后的“and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way”可知,Sonia现在很专注,尽力不去错过任何她遇到的机会。attentive“专心的”;optimistic“乐观的”;enthusiastic“热情的”;fortunate“幸运的”。 2A.through BbyCover Dup答案与解析:B根据语境可知,此处表示Sonia从一个小男孩身旁走过。by“经过”。 3A.arrange BaffordCoffer Dgain答案与解析:B根据“who wanted to buy crayons(彩色蜡笔)”及下文可知,小男孩想买彩色蜡笔,但是买不起。arrange“安排”;afford“买得起”;offer“主动提供”;gain“获得,得到”。 4A.Thus BBesidesCBut DAnd答案与解析:C根据上下文可知,空处表示转折。此处表示小男孩需要帮助,但是Sonia并未意识到,故But符合语境。 5A.favor BhonorCneed Dsearch答案与解析:C参见上题解析。in favor of“支持”;in honor of“为了纪念”;in need of“需要”;in search of“寻找”。 6A.remained BhurriedChesitated Dcontinued答案与解析:DSonia没有理睬小男孩,继续走自己的路。continue“继续”符合语境。remain“仍然是”;hurry“匆忙(做)”;hesitate“犹豫”。 7A.direction BdutyCurge Dopportunity答案与解析:D根据文意可知,此处指上帝给了你一个机会去帮助小男孩,但是你却错过了。direction“方向”;duty“责任”;urge“强烈的欲望”;opportunity“机会”。 8A.doubted BmissedCpassed Dmistook答案与解析:B参见上题解析。9A.punishing BsavingCtesting Drefusing答案与解析:C上帝可能在(通过这个机会)测试你。test“测验,考查”符合语境。 10A.stepped BmovedCjumped Drushed答案与解析:DSonia听到哥哥的话后有所意识,故应用“跑回去”来突出她此时急于弥补错过的机会的心情。step“踩,迈步”;move“移动”;jump“跳跃”;rush“急速移动”。 11A.longs BanswersCallows Dwaits答案与解析:D根据“to find the boy”及“Sonia got disappointed”可知,Sonia没有找到小男孩,因此此处表示时间不等(waits)人。下文中的“wait for big opportunities”也是提示。long“渴望”;answer“回答”;allow“允许”。 12A.angry BhardCsurprised Dcrazy答案与解析:A由上文可知,Sonia第一次忽略了小男孩而没有帮他,再次回去也没有找到他,所以生自己的气。be angry at sb.“生某人的气”。 13A.considered BorderedCrealized Dlearnt答案与解析:C为什么她没有想到Gur所意识到的事呢?此处指Sonia的自责和后悔。realize“意识到”。 14A.strike BgrabCenjoy Dfind答案与解析:B机会随处都有,但你要抓住(grab)机会。strike“打,击,撞”。 15A.regret BupsetCexperience Dforget答案与解析:A现在Sonia所错过的是一个她只能后悔的(帮助别人的)机会,故用regret“懊悔”。 16A.problem BchanceCwisdom Dlesson答案与解析:D那天她学到她生命中最大的一个教训(lesson)。 17A.precious BsmallCeasy Defficient答案与解析:B实际上,不仅Sonia,我们很多人都会忽视从小的方面去帮助别人,因为我们总是追求更大的方面的机会。 18A.add BsupplyCobserve Dpractice答案与解析:D练习小的机会,这样你就不会错过大的机会了。practice“练习”符合语境。add“增加”;supply“提供”;observe“观察,庆祝,遵守”。 19A.wanted BwishedCused Daccustomed答案与解析:CSonia过去也常常等待大的机会,但是现在她知道了小的机会也能使她的生活有大的变化。此处表示过去和现在的对比,故选C项。 20A.sense BchangesCfortune Ddeals答案与解析:B参见上题解析。sense“意义”;change“改变”;fortune“机会,运气”;deal“协议”。 .语法填空2019惠州市调研Longjing tea, _1_ has topped the list of the ten most famous teas in China with its color, taste and shape, _2_ (name) after its production region Longjing Village of West Lake. The good environment and water resources have contributed much to the _3_ (grow) of the tea, confirming the saying that “Longjing tea is the _4_ (good) among all of the teas in the world”Thanks _5_ the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty, the tea has earned a high reputation. The story went that the Qianlong Emperor visited a mountain during his Hangzhou travels, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at _6_ foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself.While _7_ (pick) the tea, he received the news of his mothers illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and _8_ (leave) Hangzhou for Beij


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