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New Horizon College English IV,河北工程大学英语协会欢迎您,7,4,Summary,Text Study,Lead-in,Writing,7,4,Research into Population Genetics,7,4,Lead-in,Brainstorming,Discussions,Pictures comparison,7,4,Brainstorming,Words to express “研究”,study Research survey exploration examination inspection investigation consideration seminar symposium,Words about the topic,genetics variation resemble Genetic Project nucleotide sequence evolutionary- relatedness species disregard scientific basis,基因学,次序,进化亲 缘关系,物种,忽视,变异,相像,基因工程,核苷酸,科学依据,Review,Preview,7,4,Discussions,Q1: Whats your definition of population genetics?,1) A field of biology that studies the genetic composition; 2) A study of the changes in genetic composition; 3) A research into what factors lead to the genetic changes; 4) A construction of mathematical models of gene frequency dynamics;,Tips,Discussions,7,4,Q2: Whats the origin of population genetics?,1) Darwin and his Origin of Species? 2) The major mechanism of evolutionary change? 3) Mendel and his theory of inheritance? 4) The law of segregation (基因分离定律) ?,Tips,Q3: What are the applications of human genetics?,Discussions,Tips,1) to understand the origin of humanity 2) to understand the process of human evolution 3) to understand how we are closely related to each other 4) to know more about genes and how they affect health 5) to find cures about cancer 6) to deepen our understanding of racial equality,7,4,Between the Black and the White,VS,7,4,Apparently they are physically different. Do they have anything in common biologically? Now make a list. 1. _. 2. _. 3. _. ,7,4,Similarities,1. Their blood is red. 2. Their teeth are white. 3. They own the same kinds of organs. 4. They feel happy when they eat delicious food. 5. They may cry with frustration. 6. They will smile for sure if you are friendly to them. 7. They have active thoughts. 8. They may share the similar genes.,7,4,Conclusion,The “races” are remarkably alike under the skin. So there is no biological basis for racial prejudice.,7,4,Understanding,Zooming Words,Text Summary,Structure Analysis,Sentence Pattern,Text Study,7,4,Text StudyUnderstanding,7,4,Understanding,Questions Answering,Language Points,1.,Questions to comprehension,Questions Answering,Reference Words:,despite surface features, remarkably alike,2. Questions to Comprehension,Q:,1) What does The History and Geography of Human Genes conclude? (Para.1),7,4,Reference Words:,Luca Cavalli-Sforza, his colleagues,Q:,2) Who created the first genetic map of the world? (Para.2),7,4,Reference Words:,human blood, various proteins, genetic makeup,Q:,3) Where did the scientists find the information to draw a global family tree? (Para.3),7,4,Reference Words:,share superficial characteristics,Q:,4) Why did people assume that Australias native people were closely related to black Africans? (Para.5),7,4,Reference Words:,birthplace of humanity, starting point of the original human movements,Q:,5) What else does the genetic map of the world show us about Africa? (Para.6),7,4,Reference Words:,ancient mix of west Asians and black Africans, rather than, directly descended from,Q:,6) How does the genetic map prove many guesses about the Khoisan people wrong? (Para.7),7,4,Reference Words:,A mixed population, 65% Asian, 35% African,Q:,7) According to genetic information, are Europeans pure or mixed? (Para.8),7,4,Reference Words:,latest raw material of the medical industry; weaken conventional notions; racial prejudice,Q:,8) Apart from the human origins, what else does genetic information contribute to human beings? (Para.10),7,4,2.2 Comprehension,The History and Geography of Human Genes, a book containing the results of more than 50 years of research in _, argues against the theories pushing the _ of any one population over another.,population genetics,genetic superiority,Para.1 The significance of the book,7,4,The book created the first _ of the world and traced the routes of early humans migration to find_ _,genetic map,Creation of the map,the closest thing we have to a global family tree.,Para.2,7,4,To draw the tree, information should be collected from _. Scientists assembled profiles of many individuals , confining the study to groups that were in their _ as of 1492 to ensure _.,human blood,Hard Job,present location,Para.3-4,the populations were “pure”,Example of difficulties : Ancient populations in remote areas were often afraid to _ or raise _.,cooperate,religious concerns,7,4,genetic,Contributions of the first genetic map,racial,Para.5-6,Africa was the,birthplace of humanity,Australians are most distant from the Africans in the map. No _ difference, despite the _ difference, exists between Europeans and Africans.,The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that _ _.,7,4,Para.7-8,Contributions of the first genetic map,A general point:,Example1:,Example2:,The genetic maps shed new light on the origins of population.,The origin of the Khoisan people in southern Africa,The origin of the Basques,7,4,Genetic raw material from the research could have some value in making_.,medicines,Contributions of the first genetic map,Para.9,7,4,Conclusion,Para.10,Apart from scientific value of the research, the social significance is to _ of race that cause racial prejudice.,weaken conventional notions,7,4,Summary of the questions,Five Discoveries,Summary of the questions,Further Summary,Summary of the questions,The value of research into human genetics,7,4,7,4,Language Points,Key Sentences,Useful Expressions,7,4,如果不考虑影响肤色、身高等表面特征的基因,不同的“种族”在外表之下相似得令人吃惊。,7,4,Key Sentences,Back,产 生 式 应用,Once sth. be discounted, sth. else be remarkably alike.,如果不考虑,却令人吃惊地相似。,7,4,e.g.如果不考虑贪官们受贿的金额,他们极力想掌权的动机却相似得令人吃惊。,应用,Once the bribes of money the corrupt officials take are discounted, their motives for climbing to power are remarkably alike.,7,4,实际上,那种认为某一种群比另一种群的基因更优越的理论是毫无科学根据的。,7,4,Back,产 生 式 应用,There be no scientific basis for sth. 某事毫无科学根据。,用于强调“事物的非真实性”。,7,4,e.g. “龙生龙,凤生凤”的说法毫无科学根据。,应用,There is no scientific basis for the argument that like begets like.,7,4,1,因为澳洲土著和非洲黑人之间有一些共同的外表特征,如肤色、体型等,所以普遍认为他们有较近的亲缘关系。但是他们的基因却表明并非如此。,7,4,Sth./Sb. is widely assumed/believed/ thought to But sth./sb. else tells a different story.,人们普遍认为然而表明并非如此。,7,4,e.g. 五花八门的作弊手段使得一些教育者认为考场作弊防不胜防。然而诚信协定说明了不同的结果。,应用,The diversity of tricks in cheating has persuaded some educators that cheating in examinations is hard to guard against. But a treaty of trust begs to differ.,7,4,1,我们所看到的人种差异,例如欧洲人与非洲人的差异,主要是人类从一个大陆向另一个大陆迁徙时为适应气候所产生的。,7,4,What the eye sees as are mainly .,我们所看到的主要是,7,4,e.g.我们所看到的不良现象主要是权力和金钱至上所产生的。,应用,What the eye sees as unhealthy phenomena are mainly a way to put power and money above everything else.,7,4,The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the original human movements. (L. 42),结合对远古人骨的研究,这一图谱证实了非洲是人类的诞生地,因而也是人类迁移的始发地。,原 句,7,4,句型5,Sth., in combination with sth. else, confirms that,结合 , 某事证实了 ,7,4,e.g.结合他们的调查访问,这一事件证 实了: 得道多助,失道寡助。,应用,This event, in combination with their investigations and interviews, confirms that a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support.,7,4,The unique character of the clicking sounds in their language has persuaded some researchers that the Khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors. But their genes beg to differ. (L. 48),他们语言中那种独特的短促而清脆的声音使得一些研究者认为科伊桑人是最原始的人类祖先的直系后裔。然而他们的基因说明了不同的结果。,原 句,7,4,句型6,Sth. superficial has persuaded sb. that. But sth. else begs to differ.,表面现象使得某人 认为然而 说明了不同的结果。 ,7,4,e.g.她的巧言令色使上司认为她是这个岗位的最佳人选。然而她的所作所为却表明情况并非如此。,应用,Her artful speech and flashy manner persuaded her superior that she was the best candidate for the post. But what she has done begs to differ.,7,4,more than: having greater value or importance than sth. else.,The book, however, is much more than an argument against the latest racially biased theory. (para 1),然而,此书还不仅仅是对目前的种族偏见理论的批驳。,Please not here “more than” is used in a sentence without an adverbial clause of comparison.,Useful Expressions,7,4,Hes more than a coach; hes a friend.,more than 不仅仅,followed by a noun phrase,followed by a verbal phrase,followed by an adjective phrase,He more than scolded me; he told me what to do next.,His house is more than large and beautiful.,No more than 仅仅,7,4,2 The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.,the mover behind sth.某事的倡导者动力:,Have a try,他伸张正义的主要动力是他邪不压正的信念。,The prime mover behind his upholding justice is his belief that evil can never prevail over good.,7,4,2 The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.,nothing less than简直是, 完全:,Have a try,就他对金钱的贪婪程度而言,他简直是个吸血鬼。,In terms of his greed for money, he is nothing less than a bloodsucker.,7,4,人生需要判断力来确定方向,这很像一个站在十字路口的人要弄清往哪走。,3 The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps. (para 2),much as很像;尽管:,Have a try,Your life needs judgment to set its directionmuch as one at the crossroad has to figure out where to go.,7,4,如果说天下有无耻之徒的话,他应该是首选。,4 Result: the closest thing we have to a global family tree.,the closest thing to sth.相当于:,Have a try,If there is the closest thing to the shameless in the world, he should number as the first chosen.,7,4,科学技术的重大进步使人们对时空概念有了新认识。,5 The genetic maps also shed new light on the origins of populations that have long puzzled scientists. (para 7),to shed / throw / cast light on阐明;使清楚:,Have a try,Significant progress in science and technology sheds new light on the concept of space and time.,6 And the fact that they live in a region next to famous caves which contain vivid paintings from Europes early humans, leads Cavalli-Sforza to the following conclusion(para 8),to lead sb. to the conclusion (that ) :使人得出以下结论:,Have a try,滥用权力常使人得出这样的错误结论:在这个社会里权比法管用。,Abuse of authority often leads one to the wrong conclusion that power is of more effect than law in this society.,7,4,7 In addition to telling us about our origins, genetic information is also the latest raw material of the medical industry, which hopes to use human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs.(Para. 10),to have some value as 具有的价值:,Have a try,除了别的作用,竞争还有激发人的进取精神的价值。,Among other things, competition has some value as an incentive to ones spirit of enterprise.,7,4,Zooming Words,discount feature migrate assemble assume Distinctive Bias,7,4,1) discount:,Much of what he says must be discounted; he imagines things. 他说的许多话都是要打折扣的,他喜欢想象。 He does not discount the possibility that the stress he was under affected his decision. 他没有忽视这种可能性,即当时他所受的压力可能影响到他的决定。,v. think or say that sth. is not important or not true 不重视,不相信,Translation,7,4,discount:,Students get a 15% discount on some theatre tickets. 一些剧院的戏票,学生可以打八五折。,n. an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of sth. 打折,Translation,7,4,2) feature:,The film features a new French actress. 这部电影由法国新女星主演。 The weeks broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence. 本周广播将对家庭暴力受害者进行特别报告。,v. give a prominent part to sb/sth 给某人、某物显著地位;由某人、某物主演,Translation,7,4,feature:,The schools most notable feature was its air of calm. 安详的校园气氛是这所学校最显著的特点。,n. an important and noticeable characteristic of sth. 特点,特征,Translation,7,4,3) migrate:,Mexican farm workers migrate into the U.S. each year in the hope of finding work at harvest time. 墨西哥农场工人每年有大批外出去美国,希望能在丰收季节找到工作。,v. move from one place to go and live and work in another 迁居;移居,Translation,7,4,migrate:,These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. 这些鸟到冬天迁徙到北非。,v. (used about animals and birds) travel from one part of the world to another at the same time every year (指动物等)迁徙,Translation,7,4,4) assemble:,He has refused to come to any kind of conclusions until he has assembled all the information he thinks relevant. 他拒绝在收集到所有相关信息之前下任何结论。 The members of the tour group assembled at the airport for departure. 旅行团的成员们在机场集合准备出发。,v. bring people together as a group 集合,Translation,7,4,5) assume:,We cannot assume anything is this case. 这种情况下我们无法作任何揣测。 If you are rude to other people your child will assume that this kind of behavior is acceptable. 如果你对别人不礼貌,你的孩子就会认为这样做是可以的。,v. think or accept that sth. is true but without proof of it 假定,假设,Translation,7,4,6) distinctive:,The buildings most distinctive feature is its enormous dome-shaped roof. 这幢建筑的最大特色是它那巨大的圆形屋顶。 You will play your part in helping to preserve a distinctive type of beer for future generations to enjoy. 你们要尽职去帮助保持一种风格独特的啤酒,以便后代更好地享用。,adj. having a quality or characteristic that makes sth. different and easily noticed 特别的,Translation,7,4,distinct adj. easily heard, seen, felt or understood 清晰的,明确的 distinction n. difference or contrasts 差别;对比 e.g. The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh. 足迹清晰易辨,一定是不久前留下来的。 He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women. 他把男读者和女读者硬是人为地区分开来。,Association,7,4,7). bias n. an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling,许多妇女在工作场合仍遭受根深蒂固的偏见。,Many women still encounter deep-seated bias in the workplace.,7,4,Introduction + Body + Conclusion,Structure Analysis,7,4,Research into Population Genetics,Introduction of the book and the first genetic map (Paras. 12),The process of conducting the research (Paras. 34),Example: blood sample,(To be continued),7,4,Contributions of the first genetic map of the world: (Paras. 59),Conclusion: to weaken conventional notions of race that cause racial prejudice (Para. 10),discovery,birthplace,origins,values,7,4,7,4,Sth. be widely assumed to be / do But sth. else tell a different story.,What the eye sees as sth. are mainly .,Sth. persuade sb. that But sth. else beg to differ.,Sentence Pattern,7,4,Text Summary,based,research,appears,findings,external,similar,whole,The book The History and Geography of Human Genes is _ on the combined _ of more than 50 years into the genetics of humans. It _ from this books _ that, if we disregard (忽视) the different _ physical features between different races, then we are all very _ under the surface. Taken as a _ the genetic differences _ groups are much less than _ between the individuals in those groups _ “races”. Scientifically there is no _,those,between,or,evidence,7,4,in,superior,traced,took,that,that one race is _ any way genetically _ to any other. The book has also _ the paths that humans in the past _ when migrating around the world. And it appears _ Africa is the very _ of mankind. Biologically the _ differences we see between _ populations are largely adaptations over time _ the environment, caused by moving to different climates.,modern,visible,origin,to,7,4,English Equivalents of Chinese,English to Chinese,Old to New,Summary,English Equivalents of Chinese,top-selling book,to date,at the level of genes,more than an argument against,to serve as the markers to do sth.,in effect,on one occasion,to take blood sample from sb.,to do some magic with the blood,to jump right off the book cover,7,4,English Equivalents of Chinese,to be directly descended from sb.,a global family tree,be of unknown origin,the highest rate of a rare blood type,be used for commercial purposes,7,4,II. Chinese to English,广泛的调查 科学根据 偏远地区 乡下 引人注目的发现 并非如此 适应 商业目的 最终目的 传统观念,extensive survey scientific basis remote areas rural region remarkable discoveries tell a different story adapt to commercial purposes ultimate aim conventional notions,7,4,change make known bring together face be similar to divide not the same unusual use for profit,vary reveal assemble confront resemble split distinct unique exploit,III. Old to New,7,4,Such writing begins with your general statement about the issue to be discussed, such as a social phenomenon or something unknown to the reader.,For your statement to be more acceptable to the reader, you choose to cite cases in point from your own experiences or observations in society.,Example(s),General Statement,Writing,7,4,Pattern of Writing,Collecting blood, particularly from ancient populations in remote areas, was not always easy. (General Statement) On one occasion, when Cavalli-Sforza was taking blood samples from children in a rural region of Africa, he was confronted by an angry farmer wav


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