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2019级高一英语周考 (1)一、阅读理解(40分)AIf you are genuinely interested in an activity, it soon takes the form of a hobby. The more expertise you have in your hobby, the more are the chances that you can make money with it. The most appropriate examples of hobbies and interests that make money and relate to the computer world can be found in the field of computer games testing and computer hacking. If you take pleasure in playing PC games, finding the glitches or bugs(errors) in them, you are the right man. The software companies, which create and sell computer games, pay fortunes to people like you who could help them improve their products. Have you ever seriously thought that this time-consuming and unproductive hobby could be the one that will make money for you? There was a time when one could easily distinguish between the hobbies for women and men, but not any more. In todays free world, where muscle power is surpassed by mental muscles, everyone is free to follow his or her own interests. A mans interest could be others idea of boredom and vanity. Some people like indoor activities that can be carried on within their homes. On the other hand, many people like to get involved in outdoor activities. Both the activities have a fair chance of developing into hobbies that make money. There are people who know how to make their hobbies earn some bucks for them. You may find that any hobby pursued to the perfection becomes an art. People always pay for perfection. Among the interests, hobby and money, first comes the interest, which encourages you to strive and master a hobby. If it holds true with you, now, it is time to extend yourself and make some money.1. In what condition can you make money with your hobby? A. When you are interested in an activity. B. When you have your own hobby. C. When you have enough skills. D. When you have enough special knowledge in PC games.2. What field can you make money easily concerning with the hobbies and interests according to the passage? A. Finding glitches in daily life. B. Helping computer companies improve products. C. Creating and selling computer games. D. Finding bugs in the software companies. 3. What does the author mean by saying muscle power is surpassed by mental muscles, ? A. Anyone can have his/her own interests and hobbies. B. There are differences between women and men. C. Knowledge is more powerful than physical strength. D. Some like indoor activities better than outdoor activities. 4. The underlined word bucks means _ in the last paragraph. A. money B. hobbiesC. interestsD. encouragements 5. What can be the best title of this passage? A. Hobbies That Make Money B. Interests Or Hobbies C. Distinguish Between Interests and Hobbies D. Expertise in Your HobbiesBNEW YORK: New York on Thursday, 13 Sept, became the first city in the United States to enforce a limited ban on super-sized soda drinks blamed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg for fuelling a national obesity crisis. The Board of Healths formal approval of the ban-proposed by Bloomberg and praised by health campaigners, but hotly opposed by soft drinks manufacturerswas not considered a surprise. The city health commissioner, Thomas Farley, called the vote historic. However, Liz Berman, president of Continental Food and Beverage and head of the New Yorkers for Beverage Choices lobby group, described the discriminatory ban as a fix. Its sad that the board wants to limit our choices. We are smart enough to make our own decisions about what to eat and drink. she said in a statement. However, there is nothing to stop people from buying as much soda as they like by refilling smaller containers. Also, the ban does not extend to drinks sold in supermarkets or any dairy or fruit drinks, many of which also contain huge quantities of sugar. Diet and alcoholic drinks are also exempted. The measure, which could face legal challenges from the soft drinks industry, takes effect in six months. According to official statistics, some 6,000 people in New York die each year from obesity-linked problems. One in eight adult New Yorkers has diabetes, which can be worsened by sugar consumption. Boosting the mayor, the newly-built basketball stadium for the Brooklyn Nets announced it will immediately adopt the rules, well ahead of the March 12 deadline. The measure generated a stormy debate, including 38,000 comments written to the Board of Health. Polls showed a majority of people opposed the ban. 6. Why does New York enforce the limited ban on super-sized soda drinks? A. Because it is believed that soda drinks are of harm to health. B. Because it is believed that soda drinks cause the nation overweight. C. Because too many people dont like drinking soda drinks. D. Because super-sized soda drinks block the sugar consumption. 7. Whats the attitude of the consumers towards the limited ban? A. Supportive. B. Opposed. C. Neutral. D. Not mentioned. 8. What can we infer from the passage about Liz Berman? A. She is in charge of the production of soda drinks all over the country. B. She is very angry that the city government limits what to eat and drink. C. She takes the limited ban on super-sized soda drinks as an unfair one. D. She is smart enough to know what she eats or drinks. 9. The underlined word exempted means _ in the 7th paragraph. A. relieved B. unfair C. upset D. limited 10. When will the limited ban be carried out according to the passage? A. This September. B. This November. C. The coming January. D. The coming March.CThe old saying Youre only as old as you feel has new life, backed up by a new study. Researchers found older people with positive views on aging were 44% more likely to recover fully after severe disability than those with negative views on aging. People with positive attitudes about aging also had a slower decline in their ability to do daily tasks such as dressing and bathing. Until now, experts say, most of the research on attitudes about aging and health has looked at the health risks and losses linked to a negative views. But this study suggests there may be actual health benefits to having a more positive view about aging. In the study, researchers periodically surveyed 598 people aged 70 or older about their views on aging over a period of about 11 years. None were disabled when the study started, but later on, all of them had at least one month when they needed help with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, or walking. The older people with positive views on aging were more likely to progress from severe disability to mild disability or mild disability to no disability. And they also had a slower rate of decline in their ability to perform daily activities as they got older. Of course, many factors affect whether or to what extent a person recovers from disability. This study does not prove that a positive attitude about aging made a difference. Positive views on aging may help people recover from disability and promote independent living in a variety of ways. A persons attitudes about aging say a lot about how much they believe their health is under their own control. People with positive age attitudes may be more likely to live a healthy lifestyle, keep up on their doctor appointments, and take their medicines as ordered. Researchers say the next step is to look at how people can upgrade their attitudes about aging. 11. From the passage, we can know . A. many people are afraid of aging in fact B. positive views on aging are more likely to help people recover C. we can live as long as we want if with positive views D. positive views can stop us from declining the ability of dressing 12. Whats the difference between the new study and most of the former studies? A. The ways of studying. B. The contents of studying. C. The hosts of studying. D. The attitudes of the researchers. 13. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. positive attitudes determine whether a person recovers B. positive attitudes assure that people must recover from disability C. negative attitudes destroy peoples health D. positive attitudes can bring actual health benefits to people 14. The people with positive age attitudes may . A. live an easy lifeB. visit the doctors occasionally C. take medicines as toldD. do exercises regularly 15. What will the researchers do next? A. Emphasize some of the positive views. B. Focus on the developmental loss with aging. C. Help people take their medicines as ordered. D. Believe their health is under their own control.第二节、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Here are some ways to help you have a happier and more successful life.16._Instead of saying, “Why is this happening to me?” you say, “What can I learn from this?” Trust that anything difficult in life is temporary. Then life will get better. 17._ Without lifes challenges, we would never know what we are truly made of. Therefore, we become stronger and more confident in the process.18._It actually works! Dont say it doesnt work until youve tried it. We all have a blueprint for our lives and making plans will help us realize it.Take care of people around you honestly. 19._ If you truly care about your friends, family or someone else, theyll stick with you through high and low because they know you care about them.Refuse to compare your progress with others. It will only serve to destroy your confidence. Everyone is at different stages in their lives. If you understand that youre right where youre supposed to be, then it wont matter what others are doing. You are unique with special qualities, talents, skills and so on. 20._APay attention to your imagination.BThe power of making plans cannot be ignored.CTry to learn from the difficult situations you meet.DEverything youve experienced has been in preparation.EThere is no one like you, so how can you compare yourself to others?FIt is through the toughest times we learn what were capable of doing.GPeople can see right through you and can feel whether youre honest or not.二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Life is full of beautiful moments. All you have to do is 21 your eyes and your heart to see them. I saw 22 just the other day. The local 23 had just let out,and I found myself behind a school bus as I was driving home.The bus 24 by a house sitting on top of a hill. A little girl, no more than 7 years old, 25 the bus and started running quickly to the 26 The smile on her face was quite sweet. I 27 up the hill to see where she was going. I saw her dad waiting for her. As she got 28 ,her dad smiled and knelt down to 29 her. He wrapped his powerful 30 around her and gave her a huge hug,the moment she got to him.My eyes 31 a bit as I watched this scene. I 32 all the times my own children had run into my arms with 33 faces and loving hearts. Every single hug from them was a treasure of 34 .Suddenly my trip down the memory lane was 35 when I heard the car behind me honk its horn (鸣喇叭)I saw the school bus quickly pulling away,and started to 36 it again. However,this time I did so with a fuller heart than ever before. I took that 37 moment and stored it safely in my soul,where I knew it would remain forever.One day,we all will leave this school of learning and love,and 38 get to go home again. 39 enjoy your day here at school then. Love and learn. But know that one day you will be going home to where the hugs are eternal (永久) and the 40 never ends.21A. clean Bprotect Copen Dshut22A. it Bthat Cone Danother23A. school Bhospital Crestaurant Dmarket24A .returned Bturned Capproached Dstopped25A. pointed at Bgot off Cwent through Dbroke into26A. bus Bman Cend Dhouse27A. looked Btook Cclimbed Dshowed28A. warmer Bolder Ccloser Dthinner29A .blame Bgreet Ctouch Dsave30A. head Bfoot Clegs Darms31A. watered Bclosed Crested Dcheered32A. remembered Bappreciated Cmissed Dpreferred33A. gentle Bpretty Cnervous D smiling34A. wealth Bjoy Cvalue Dlearning35A. destroyed Bcancelled Cinterrupted Drepeated36A. fix Bfollow Ccall Dcatch37A. quiet Bbeautiful Clost Dembarrassing38A. suddenly Bequally Cslowly Dfinally39A. So BBut CThough DIf40A. expectation Bimagination Clove Dhope三、单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1 分 ,满分10分)在空格内填入合适的单词,首写字母或汉语解释已给出。41They tried to find a table for five, but they were all t_ up.42An e_ is a person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particular field.43In World War II, Britain f_ against Germany.44I think men and women should have e_ rights.45You shouldnt be so lazy. You should be s_ with yourself.46The persons who are for his opinion are his s_.47Please s_ the good apples from the bad ones.48Columbus discovered America but he didnt e_ the new continent.(探索)49. I think too much v_ on TV is not good for children. (暴力)50. He g_ from a medical school last year and became a doctor.四、 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Over the years, I have met some interesting people. Two of 51 most interesting people were two elderly sisters, Joan and Bernice, _ 52 _ way of talking about people inspired me. It was always a 53 (pleasant) to visit these two sisters. Just being


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