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CRICOS No. 00213J,Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia 澳大利亚早期儿童教育与保育 Associate Professor Sue Walker School of Early Childhood, QUT 教授 昆士兰大学幼教系,Thanks to Pam Koger (QUT) for assistance with presentation 感谢帕姆克罗格(昆士兰科技大学)为陈述演示提供的帮助,昆士兰科技大学,Gardens Point campus,Kelvin Grove campus,Brisbane central business district,花园点校区,布里斯班中央商务区,凯尔文格罗夫校区,Early childhood teacher education has been operating for more than 100 years at the Kelvin Grove Campus. 凯尔文格罗夫校区的幼儿教师教育历史已逾百年,Byrne (1976),Byrne (1976),The School of Early Childhood at QUT has links with researchers and practitioners in many countries. 昆士兰大学幼教系与多个国家的研究和实践人员 建立了联系,We live in a global village 我们生活在一个地球村里,Australia 澳大利亚,Estimated resident population of Australia is 22,596,500 people (March, 2012) 澳大利亚居住人口约为 22,596,500人(2012年3月) Population of Queensland is estimated at 4,537,000 (March, 2012) 昆士兰州人口约为 4,537,000人(2012年3月) Population of children birth -5 years in Australia is approximately 1,450,000 (Australian Demographic Statistics, December, 2011) 澳大利亚0-5岁儿童数量约为1,450,000(澳大利亚人口统计局,2011年12数据),The State of the Worlds Children (UNICEF, 2012) 世界儿童现状,We operate in a global context. 我们的工作涉全球。 Children and families are on the move. 儿童和家庭在迁移 Children and families use globalised information systems. 儿童和家庭运用全球化的信息系统 Our approach needs to be global AND local. 我们的工作方式不仅需要着眼全球,也需要立足本土,ECEC has been influenced by: 早期儿童保教受到以下方面的影响,Developmental science 发展科学 Neuroscience 神经科学 Educational and social science 教育与社会科学 Human rights 人权 Economic, cost-benefit research 经济成本效益研究,Neuroscience shows: 神经科学表明: The childs brain is characterized by plasticity and is changed by experience. 儿童的大脑具有可塑性的特点,并随着经历发生变化 Sensory motor and social experience contributes to neural foundations. 感观运动和社会经历有益于神经基础 Early relationships influence social and emotional wellbeing. 幼儿早期的关系影响其社会幸福感和健康的情感 (Halfon, Shulman Gallagher 2005) (哈尔丰、舒尔曼与霍尔斯坦,2000;加拉格尔 2005),HM Government (2006). Reaching out: An action plan on social exclusion. Retrieved November 2, 2006 from : .uk/publications This figure compares the brain of a normal 3-year-old child (the image on the left) with the brain of a 3-year-old who has suffered severe environmental sensory-deprivation neglect (the image on the right). The child who has suffered neglect has a significantly smaller brain and has enlarged ventricles and cortical atrophy.47,Differences in brain development following sensory neglect,英国政府(2006) 伸出手:针对社会排斥的行动计划 . 2006年11月2日: .uk/publications 这张图片将正常的3岁儿童的大脑(左图)和患上严重环境感觉剥夺忽略症的三岁儿童的大脑(右图)进行了比较。右图患感觉忽略症的幼儿的大脑明显较小,脑室扩大,脑皮层萎缩,患上感觉性忽略症后,幼儿大脑发育的差异,三岁幼儿,正常,极度忽略,Investing in quality ECEC has long term benefits 对早期儿童保教的投入会带来长远的益处 Starting Strong II (2006) 赢在起跑线上二(2006),学龄前教育,学校教育,机会成本,职业培训,学龄前,学校,离校后,人力资本的投资回报率,表1.9人力资本的投资回报率,最初设定的投资在各年龄层都是同等的,ECEC is a national and international priority. 早期儿童教育保育是各国以及国际的重点工作,赢在起跑线 二,早期儿童教育保育,经济合作与 发展组织,“The early years last a lifetime.” (Hertzman, 2004, p.4).,OECD Review of ECEC in 20 countries (1998 2004),经济合作与发展组织对20个国家的早期儿童保教情况调查报告(1998 - 2004),10 Policy Recommendations (Bennett & Tayler) 十项政策建议 (贝内特 与 泰勒),social context 社会环境 well-being, early development and learning 幸福、早期发展和学习 governance structures 治理结构,4. guidelines and curricular orientations 指导方针和课程取向 5. quality pedagogical goals 高质量的教学目标,.,6. reduce child poverty 减少儿童贫困 7. family and community involvement 家庭和社区参与 8. Improve working conditions 改善工作条件,9. quality 质量 10. learning, participation, democracy 学习,参与和民主,ECEC is a public good 早期儿童教育与保育 是一项公共财产,Australia has its first-ever curriculum framework for children, birth to five years 澳大利亚第一个适用于0-5岁幼儿的课程框架,归属,存在与形成,澳大利亚幼儿学习框架,belonging, being, becoming 归属,存在,形成,childrens everyday lives 幼儿的日常生活 here and now “此时此地” interdependence 相互依靠 relationships 建立关系 change in childrens lives 改变幼儿的生活,For families,Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of their relationships with their family, community, culture and place. Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a place for play and fun. Becoming is the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the adult they will become.,对幼儿家庭来说,归属是充实生活的基础。幼儿因他们与家庭、社会、文化和地方的关系而产生归属感。 存在是指生活在“此时此地”。童年是充满游戏和乐趣的阶段。 形成是指幼儿的学习和发展。儿童从幼年就开始形成本体感,从而决定他们成为什么样的人。,Five learning outcomes: 五大学习目标, a strong sense of their identity 有强烈的本体感 connection with their world 与世相关 a strong sense of wellbeing 有强烈的幸福感 confidence and involvement in their learning 自信和主动的学习者 effective communication skills 成功的交际技巧,Translated for families into: 为不同文化背景的家庭翻译为以下语言:,Arabic 阿拉伯语 Assyrian 亚述语 Bosnian 波斯尼亚语 Burmese 缅甸语 Chinese 汉语 Croatian 克罗地亚语 Dari 达里语 Dinka丁卡语 Hindi 印地语 Khmer高棉语,Korean 韩语 Macedonian 马其顿语 Persian 波斯语 Serbian 塞尔维亚语 Somali 索马里语 Spanish 西班牙语 Tagalog 塔加拉族语 Thai 泰语 Turkish 土耳其语 Vietnamese 越南语,Play is learning 游戏就是一种学习,Play is very important for children. Through play babies and young children explore and learn to understand the world around them they become to communicate, discover, imagine and create.游戏对儿童来说非常重要。通过游戏,婴幼儿探索和了解周围的世界。他们开始进行沟通,发现,想象和创造。 “I want my child to have lots of opportunities for creative play.” “我希望我的孩子有很多创造性游戏的机会。”,Relationships are key,Children learn best when they have secure relationships with adults. When children at a very early age develop trusting relationships they feel more confident and able to explore and learn. In early childhood settings, when children feel emotionally secure, they learn through play the skills and understandings they need to interact positively with others and to gradually take on more responsibility. “The learning outcomes are positive and help me to understand how my child is progressing.”,关系是关键,孩子与大人的关系稳定,他们学得就好。当幼儿在很小的时候就建立信任的关系,他们就更有信心和能力去探索和学习。在童年早期的环境中,当幼儿觉得有安全感时,他们通过游戏学习技能并发展认识,从而积极地与他人互动,并逐渐承担更多的责任。 “学习目标是好的,帮助我了解我的孩子是如何进步的。”,The framework helps me to understand how skilled the staff are at my centre and what a support they are to me and my family. 该框架帮助我了解教育中心工作人员的技能水平,以及他们对我和我的家庭起到了什么样的支持作用。,Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Agency (ACECQA) is: 澳大利亚儿童教育保育质量机构 (ACECQA) 是,A national body ensuring high quality early childhood education and care across Australia.一个确保澳大利亚高品质的早期儿童教育保育的国家机构。 A national entity overseeing important changes to early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia. 一个监督澳大利亚早期儿童教育保育和学龄儿童保育的国家机构。,Functions of the Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Agency (ACECQA) Include: 澳大利亚儿童教育保育质量机构 (ACECQA) 的功能包括:,To undertake research which informs policies and practices within the Government and early childhood education and care sector 开展相关研究,对政府和幼儿教育与保育工作予以政策和实践性的指导 To establish and maintain national registers of approved providers 评估幼教机构质量及进行登记服务,Functions of the Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Agency (ACECQA) Include: 澳大利亚儿童教育保育质量机构 (ACECQA)的功能包括:,To publish, monitor and review ratings of approved education and care services 发布、监控以及审查获批幼儿教育与保育机构的评级 To publish guidelines and resources to support services, parents and the community in understanding quality in relation to education and care services 发布纲要和资源,支持幼教机构、儿童父母以及社区更好理解什么是优质的早教机构,Five levels: 五个等级:,Excellent 优异 Exceeding National Quality Standard 高质量,超过国家质量标准 Meeting National Quality Standard 达到国家质量标准 Working towards National Quality Standard 达到经营要求,朝国家质量标准努力 Significant improvement required. 需花大气力整改,/ /./index.htm /./index.htm /./art/index.html /helpinghands/yorkstreet/index.ssf/. /activities .au/competitions/win-a-c. ww


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