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Everyone will go through such a process,One day we will get old,Getting old means death more and more close,When that day comes I might fear.,当那一天到来时我也许会害怕,如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服我的儿子或女儿是否能对我有耐性一点?,If I get dirty when eating if I can not dress does my son or daughter have patience to me ?,如果我还是无能为力, 他们会为此变得严肃起来吗?,When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation,Does my son or daughters will let me have the necessary time to remember?,And if I cannot do it, do they become nervous?,如果交谈中我忽然失忆不知所云,我的儿女会給我一点时间回想吗?,When my tired legs do not allow me walk does someone will give me her hand? 当我的腿不能行走的时候,是否会有人伸手扶我一把呢?,At that time whether the children are too busy and there is no time to be with me. 那个时候是否我的孩子也会因为太忙而没有时间陪我,If were worried about facing various problems when we get old, elderly people around us may be have the same feeling or they are experiencing them.,如果你担心你老了以后会面临的各种问题吗,那么现在你身边的老人也同样担心或经历着这些,,Maybe he is your grandfather,your grandmother or your parents. 也许这个人是你的爷爷、奶奶或者你的父母,But do you still remember that.,when we were kids,parents spent hours teaching us how to eat and dress .,当我们还是小孩的时候,父母花了多少时间较会我们如何吃饭穿衣,When we were kids, parents had to read to us thousand and one times the same story until we get to sleep,我们小時候,父母必须一遍又一遍的读着同样 的故事,直到我们靜靜睡着, give them your hand the same way they did when we gave our first steps. 扶他们一把. 如同他们曾扶着我们踏出我们人生的第一步.,When we was young our parents spent time with us, as they are old, we would makes them more happy if we spend more time with them,Parents now is ourselves future,Children must


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