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,Garfield,2008-4-1,2,Contents of the unit,Lead in Watch and complete Having some fun,Unit two,lead in Guess,By 孙 慧,look at these pictures, can you say the names of them. And then guess which one is Garfield.,A,B,C,D,King lion Simba:,A young lion prince is born in Africa. His uncle ,Scar. murders Simas father ,King Mufasa . Prince Simba has to flee the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow his uncle and claims the kingdom as his own thus completing the “Circle of Life“.,Sherk,In the film, Shrek marries with Princess Fiona who he rescued. The Prince isnt charming. The Princess isnt sleeping. The sidekick isnt helping. The ogre is the hero. Fairy tales will never be the same again.,Donald Duck,Donald Duck is an animated cartoon and comic-book character from Walt Disney Productions. Donald is a white duck with yellow-orange legs, and feet. He usually wears a sailor shirt, cap, and a red or black tie but no trousers (except when he goes swimming). Donalds most famous trait is his easily provoked and occasionally explosive temper.,Garfield,Garfield is a comic strip created by Jim Davis, featuring the cat Garfield, the pet dog Odie, and their socially inept owner Jon Arbuckle. 加菲猫因它“爱说风凉话、贪睡午觉、牛饮咖啡、大嚼千层面、见蜘蛛就扁、见邮差就穷追猛打“等“恶习“显得卓尔不群,Watch and complete,Before watching While watching,Before watching,1、There are three characters in this movie clip, Jon ,Liz, and Garfield. Look at these two pictures and answer these questions.,Garfield with black glasses is_. 2) Liz_ sits on the chair. 3) Jon in black jacket is_.,wagging its tail,holding a dog in her arms; smiling at us,thinking,Before watching,2、 Useful words and expressions from this movie clip.,incomplete. 不完整 legal issue 法律问题 spouse 配偶 a girl vet 女兽医 has touched bottom 最坏的程度 put an end to this torture 结束这种折磨 My metal-head guy 喜爱重金属音乐的人 My dude. 兄弟,哥们 Haircut 发型,头型 at this years fund-raiser 今年的慈善宴会 dropped out 脱离,退出 House-train 教会猫猫狗狗不随地大小便 love at first sight 一见钟情 rose petals 玫瑰花瓣 No great shakes 并非很好,不太有效 be thrilled 很兴奋 This is actually an intervention 这真是一种干预,While watching,1、Watch this movie clip and answer these questions.,1) Whats the meaning of “you” when Jon says to Garfield “you are the most important thing in my life?” _ 2) What is Liz? _ 3) What does Jon intend to do when he dates with Liz? _ 4) Where is Liz going to? Why? _ 5) What has Garfield eaten? _ 6) Where is Jon going to? With whom? _,Here “you” actually refers to his girl friend “Liz” .,She is a girl vet.,He intends to propose to Liz,London. She will attend this years fund-raiser there.,He has eaten the whole turkey.,He is going to London with Garfield and the dog Odie.,While watching,2、watch this clip again and complete the following conversation,Jon: I want you to know, _in my life. Garfield: Let me sleep, please. Jon: Before I met you, my life had no meaning._. Garfield: Oh, you still are, really. Jon: I guess what Im trying to say is.will you marry me? Garfield: Eh? Marriage? Well, this is kind of sudden._. Look, I like you, but not as a spouse. Maybe as a servant, we could stay together, make it work. Jon: So what do you say. Liz? Garfield:_. Liz? Liz? Jon: Garfield. Garfield: Liz is a girl. No, worse. Shes a girl vet. Jon: Turkeys ready. Garfield: Well, I think Jon has touched bottom now. Hmm, we gotta put an end to this torture. Time for a new DJ. _,youre the most important thing,I was incomplete,There may be some


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