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Week 10 Translation of Numbers,许庆美 2010/11,Content,Homework evaluation and back translation Translation of Chinese Economic Development in 2004,Xin Xin High-Tech Park Profile,Xin Xin Hi-tech Park was officially founded in 1997. It is one of the biggest high technology industrial park in Shanghai. The park is situated in Zhangjiang, in the southeast of Shanghai, and occupies a total land area of approximately 1,450 hectares. 新新高科技园于1997年正式成立,是上海最大的高科工业园之一。该科技园位于上海东南部的张江,占地总面积约为1450公顷。,回译,新新高科技园于1997年正式成立,是上海最大的高科工业园之一。该科技园位于上海东南部的张江,占地总面积约为1450公顷。,One of the primary aims of Xin Xin Hi-Tech Park is to propel the city towards realizing the goals of the Vision 2010, so as to make Shanghai a fully industrialized city by 2010. And the park is envisioned to be the “Science City of the Future”. 新新高科技园的最主要的目标就是推动上海实现2010年远景目标,使上海在2010年前成为一个高度工业化的城市。此外,新新科技园还有望成为“未来科技城”。,回译,新新高科技园的主要的目标就是推动上海实现2010年远景目标,使上海在2010年前成为一个高度工业化的城市。此外,新新科技园还有望成为“未来科技城”。,As a fully integrated high-tech park, Xin Xin Hi-Tech Park incorporates the following functions: industrial, research and development facilities, medical and educational institutions and recreational facilities. Xin Xin Hi-Tech Park is a science park targeting technology-related industries primarily in the fields of telecommunications, semiconductors and so on. 作为一个高度综合的高科技园,新新科技园汇聚了以下功能:工业生产、研发设施、医疗教育机构以及娱乐设施。新新高科技园是以电讯、半导体等高科技产业为主导的科技园/新新科技园主要面向高科技产业,以通讯、半导体等行业为主。,回译,作为一个高度综合的高科技园,新新科技园汇聚了以下功能:工业生产、研发设施、医疗教育机构以及娱乐设施。新新高科技园是以电讯、半导体等高科技产业为主导的科技园。,The administrative Center is located within the Office Zone of Xin Xin Hi-tech Park. It provides a wide range of services to tenants of the park such as Parks maintenance services at all times. The facilities provided by the center include free parking lots, cafeteria, and 24-hour security. 行政中位于科技园的办公区,为承租人提供广泛的服务,如园区即时维护服务。行政中心提供的设施有免费停车场、自助餐厅及24小时安全保障。,回译,行政中位于科技园的办公区,为承租人提供广泛的服务,如园区即时维护服务。行政中心提供的设施有免费停车场、自助餐厅及24小时安全保障。,数字表达练习,以下是中国2004年国民经济发展报告英文版,请翻译成中文,并且记住数字的英文表达方式和常见的中国国情词汇。,Stable and Rapid Development of the National Economy in 2004,Preliminary estimation indicated that the gross domestic product (GDP) of China in 2004 was 13,651.5 billion yuan, up by 9.5 percent over the previous year without showing big ups and downs.,回译,初步预估显示中国2004国内生产总值达到13兆6515亿元,比去年增长了9.5%,没有明显的大起大落现象。,Of this total, the value-added of the primary industry was 2,074.4 billion yuan, up by 6.3 percent; the value-added of the secondary industry was 7,238.7 billion yuan, up by 11.1 percent; and the value-added of the tertiary industry was 4,338.4 billion yuan, up by 8.3 percent.,回译,其中,第一产业增加值为2兆744亿元,增长了6.3个百分点;第二产业的增加值为7兆2387亿元,增长了11.1%,第三产业的增加值为4兆3384亿元,增长了8.3%。,第一产业是指农、林、牧、渔业。 第二产业是指采矿业,制造业,电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业,建筑业。 第三产业是指除第一、二产业以外的其他行业。第三产业包括:交通运输、仓储和邮政业,信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,批发和零售业,住宿和餐饮业,金融业,房地产业,租赁和商务服务业,科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业,居民服务和其他服务业,教育,卫生、社会保障和社会福利业,文化、体育和娱乐业,公共管理和社会组织,国际组织。,I. A favorable turn for agriculture production with good harvest of grain,The total output of grain in 2004 was 469.5 million tons, an increase of 38.8 million tons or 9.0 percent over the previous year, reversing the consecutive declining trend since 1999. The average yield of grain crops was 308 kilograms per mu (or 4,620 kilograms per hectare), up 6.6 percent. The total grain production and the average yield of grain crops both broke the historical record.,回译,2004年粮食总产量达4亿6950万吨,比去年增加了3880万吨,增加了9%,扭转了自1999年以来持续下滑的趋势。平均粮食亩产量为308公斤,也就是每公顷4620公斤,增长了6.6%。 粮食总产量和亩产量均打破历史记录。,The total cotton production was 6.32 million tons, up 30 percent; the production of oil bearing crops was 30.57 million tons, up 8.8 percent; the production of sugar crops was 95.28 million tons, down by 1.2 percent; the production of meat totaled 72.60 million tons, up 4.7 percent; and the output of aquatic products was 48.55 million tons, up 3.2 percent.,回译,棉花总产量为632万吨,增长了30%,粮油作物产量为305.7万吨,增长了8.8%,糖类作物产量为9528万吨,下降1.2%,肉类总产量达7260万吨,增长4.7%,水产品产量为4855万吨,增长3.2%。,Stable and rapid growth of industrial production with continued improvement in enterprise efficiency,In 2004, the total value-added of the industrial sector was 6,281.5 billion yuan, up by 11.5 percent over the previous year. The value-added of industrial enterprises above designated size (规模工业企业)was up by 16.7 percent, slightly lower than that of the previous year.,回译,2004年工业增加值总量达到6兆2815亿元,比去年增长了11.5%。规模工业企业的增加值增长了16.7%,略低于去年。,Among the industrial enterprises above designated size, the value-added of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises rose by 14.2 percent. The growth of heavy industry was 18.2 percent while that of the light industry was 14.7 percent.,回译,规模工业企业中,国有企业和国有控股企业的增加值增长了14.2%。 重工业产业增长了18.2%,轻工业增长了14.7%,The sales ratio (销售率)of industrial enterprises above designated size was 98.1 percent. Industrial enterprises in total made a profit of 1,134.2 billion yuan after compensating for losses by some enterprises, up by 38.1 percent.,回译,规模工业企业的销售率为98.1%。 工业企业的总利润额,除去部分企业亏损补贴,达1兆1342亿元,增长了38.1%。,Slight decline in the growth rate of investment in fixed assets,The investment in fixed assets of the country in 2004 was 7,007.3 billion yuan, up by 25.8 percent over the previous year, a decline of 1.9 percentage points as compared with the growth of previous year.,回译,中国2004年固定资产投资额为70073亿元,比去年增长了25.8%,比去年增长率降低了1.9%。,Rapid increase in the income of urban and rural households,The per capita disposable income of urban households in 2004 was 9,422 yuan, a real growth of 7.7 percent, while the per capita net income of rural households was 2,936 yuan, a real increase of 6.8 percent, both representing the highest growth since 1997. By the end of the year, the savings deposit of urban and rural households totaled 11,955.5 billion yuan, an increase of 1,592.9 billion as com


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