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Period 2,(讲解),翻译句子,1.你是怎么为考试作准备的? 2.我通过制作教学抽认卡学习的. 3.他是怎么学习英语的?,How do you study for a test?,I study by making flashcards.,How does he study English?,比一比,谁的反应最快,4. 他是通过看教材而学习的. 5. 他是通过听英语磁带而学习的. 6. 我是通过向老师求教而学习的.,He studies by reading the textbook.,He studies by listening to English tapes.,I study by asking the teacher for help.,Look at the pictures, Ask answer in pairs. A: How do you study English? B: I study by ,更多资源,b,c,a,Lets make conversations!,A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. A: Have you ever practiced conversations with friends? B: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. A: B: ,3a,Reading,( )1. Many students thought the best way to learn English is to use it. ( )2. Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new words was by memorizing them. ( )3. Lilian Li never studied grammar.,T,T,F,True or False,( )4. Wei Ming has learned English for seventy-two months. ( ) 5. Wei Ming thought watching English movies and studying grammar are great ways to learn a language. ( )6. Joining the English club at school was Liu Changs best way to improve her English.,T,T,F,( )7. The students in the club could get lots of practice. ( )8. Liu Chang thought having conversations with friends was helpful.,T,F,Studying grammar,Memor-izing the words of pop songs,Reading English magazines,Watching English movies,Studying grammar,Having conversa-tions with friends,Joining the English club,3a Read the article and complete the chart.,How do you learn best? This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using English. Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “I never study grammar. Its too boring.”,specific adj. 明确的;详细而精确的,memorize(memorizing) v. 记忆;背诵,grammar n.语法;语法规则,Wei Ming feels differently. Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.,differently adv.不同地;有区别地,frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦 frustrating adj.令人沮丧的;令人失望的,quickly adv.快地;迅速地,Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have fun. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.,add v.又说;继续说,not at all 根本(不);全然(不),excited adj.激动的;兴奋的 get excited about 对感到兴奋,end up结束;告终,Write down the ways of learning English. (Lillian Li, Weiming and Liu Chang),Summary,Lillian Li,I think learning English by reading magazines is the best way. 2. Memorizing the words of pop songs helps a little. 3. Studying grammar is too boring.,Wei Ming,Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. 2. Watching English movies is not a bad way. 3. I find watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.,Liu Chang,1. Joining the English club is the best way to improve English. 2. Having conversations with friends is not helpful at all.,3b PAIRWORK Role play. Student A, pretend to be one of the people in 3a. Student B, interview Student A about learning English.,A: Im doing a survey


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