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毕 业 论 文 (设 计)题 目 英语词汇学习策略 英文题目 Strategies of English Vocabulary Learning 院 系 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 姓 名 年 级 指导教师 年 月 AbstractContent: Vocabulary is one of the most basic elements of a language. In order to find the efficient ways of learning vocabulary, vocabulary learning strategies have been studied for decades of years. Now it is a hot issue in the study of language learning strategies. Lots of research has been done both abroad and in China. The recent years has witnessed the development in both breadth and depth of this area in China, which has greatly enriched the understanding of vocabulary learning process of the Chinese students. But the studies at home mainly select non-English college students as their subjects. The present research attempts to study the English vocabulary learning strategies used by English majors. The study is based on the classification of English vocabulary learning strategies from OMalley and Chamot, which contains metacognitive, cognitive, social and effective strategies. Through a questionnaire to 60 English majors of Jiujiang University, the study finds that English majors are now employing a good amount of strategies. Advanced learners are more prone to use various strategies and they have great flexibility in learning strategies while less advanced learners are not so flexible.The author gives advises that teachers should play their role as guide in vocabulary teaching and help excavate students interest in vocabulary learning. Learners should not just copy others strategies but find their own effective strategies.Key words: learning strategies; vocabulary learning strategies; effectiveness摘要内容摘要:词汇学习是语言学习中的重要环节,为找到有效的学习词汇方法,词汇学习策略的研究已经有几十年。作为现代语言学习策略中的热点问题,国内外已经进行了很多研究。最近几年来,国内对这一领域的研究从广度和深度都有了很大发展,这大大丰富了对于中国学生英语词汇学习过程的了解。 但是国内多数研究都是针对非英语专业学习者,本研究是针对英语专业学习者。建立在欧麦力和萨默特对于词汇学习策略的分类,包括元认知策略、认知策略、社会情感策略基础上,通过对九江学院 60名英语专业学生的问卷调查,作者发现英语专业的学生运用多种词汇学习策略。优秀的学习者更倾向于运用各种各样的策略而且他们对于策略的运用有更大的灵活性,成绩欠佳的学习者对于策略的使用则欠灵活。 作者建议教师在词汇教学中要充当学生的引导者,并帮助挖掘学生对于词汇学习的兴趣。学习者应该寻找适合自己的学习方法而不能只是照搬别人的。关键词:学习策略; 词汇学习策略; 有效性ContentsAbstract.i摘要.ii1 Introduction.11.1 Importance of Vocabulary Learning in English Language.11.2 Significance of the Study.12 Literature Review2 2.1 Research into Learning Strategies.2 2.2 Classification of Learning Strategies4 2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Research Abroad and in China.6 3 The study.11 3.1 The Subjects Utilized in the Study.11 3.2 The Methodology Utilized in the Study.11 3.3 Analysis and Conclusion12 3.3.1 The Basic Condition of VLS in English Learning of English Majors143.3.2 The Differences of VLS between Advanced Learners and Less Advanced Learners14 3.3.3 Conclusion.15 4 Effective choices of VLS.15 4.1 Factors Affecting VLS Choices.15 4.2 Ways of Effective Choices of VLS.17 5 Conclusion18 Bibliography.19 Appendix.21 Acknowledgements231 Introduction1.1 Importance of Vocabulary Learning in English LanguageVocabulary learning is a significant aspect of second language acquisition. Learners reading, listening, writing and translating abilities are greatly influenced by the master of vocabulary. As Wilkins(Wilkins, 1972:111)points,” While without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”This sentence indicates the importance of vocabulary in language learning. The importance of vocabulary to language is like the stones to building. Many learners who have mastered good knowledge of grammar and phonology but still can not speak naturally and hear clearly. Their short of vocabulary accumulation is one of the major reasons. All in all, vocabulary is a basic component of second language learning. It has got its central and essential status in discussions about learning a language. Therefore, learners should put vocabulary learning in a higher position and develop large vocabularies.1.2 Significance of the StudyVocabulary plays a fundamental role in successful second language learning. So to acquire a wide range of vocabulary is of the top concern in the process of learning English. Nevertheless, due to many reasons, objective or subjective, though a large amount of time is spent on learning vocabulary, the result is not always satisfactory. Not knowing the use of learning strategies is one reason should be amounted to. Scholar Wen Qiufang(1996) points that the success of learning English largely depends on the selection and management of learning strategies. So it is of great benefit to explore the learning strategies in the process of English vocabulary learning. Since 1970s research on second language acquisition and second language learning has tended to shift from the perspective of teachers teaching to students learning. The study of learning strategies and the process of learning has been promoted since learning strategies promote autonomous learning(Mc donough,1995.from Zhang Pingping:2) Therefore, recent years, numerous researches has been done by linguists and foreign language educators in language learning strategies. In 1975, Robin summarized the strategies employed by the good language learners. Other scholars who study language learning strategies such as Naiman et al(1978), Wong-Fillmore(1976), Cohen&Aphek(1981) and in 90s such as OMally&Chamot(1990), Oxford(1990), Ellis(1994). In China, scholars such as Wu Yian &Liu Runqing(1993), Wen Qiufang(1996), Jiang Xin(2000), Li Jiongying(2002). (from Zhang Pingping:2) However, special studies of vocabulary learning strategies are much fewer than studies on language learning strategies in general. There is a lack of overall picture about vocabulary learning strategies. This study is worth undertaking for its theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, this thesis has introduced an overview of the background knowledge about vocabulary leaning strategy which proposed by different researchers. Practically, students will be much clearer about the state of their using of vocabulary learning strategy. So they can make some adjustment according to the results of the thesis. For teachers, they can also make some change to their teaching methods so as that they coincide with students learning strategies. 2 Literature Review2.1 Research into Learning Strategies2.1.1 Definitions of Learning StrategiesThe concept of learning strategy is complex. Some related terms are “approaches” ”techniques” ”tactics”. Different researchers give different definitions of language learning strategies. Here the form made by Ellis(1994) is quoted.Table2.1.1.1 Definitions on learning strategies(Ellis 1994:531)SourceDefinitionStern,1983In our view strategy is best reserved for general tendencies or overral Characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, Leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behavior. Weinstein and Mayer,1986Learning strategies are the behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning that are intended to influencethe learners encoding process. Chamot,1987Learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and content area information.Rubin,1987Learning strategies are strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.Oxford,1989Learning strategies are behaviors or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable. Besides these five definitions, Cohen(1987,1990. from Zhang Pingping:7)says, ”I define learning strategies as learning processes which are consciously selected by the learners either to improve the learning of a second language, the use of it, or both.”An often-quoted definition is given by Richards, Platt&Platt(2000. from Zhang Pingping:7),”learning strategies are intentional behaviors and thought that learners make use of during learning in order to better help them understand, learn or remember new information.” 2.1.2 Comments on the DefinitionsThe above-cited definition are somewhat controversy to each other on the nature of learning strategies.While Cohen, Chamot and Oxford define language learning strategies as behavior, Weinstern and Mayer, Richards and Platt&platt view them as both behavior and mental. Also, as Ellis.R(Ellis,1994:533) states, ”A second problem concerns the precise nature of the behaviors that are to count as learning strategies.” Whether there is difference between “approaches” and “techniques” is unclear. The third problem involves whether LLS (Language Learning Strategies) are to be considered as conscious or as subconscious and the forth one concerns the effect on interlanguage development. There are also different opinions on the motivation of the use of learning strategies. Ellis lists the main characteristics of learning strategies to best describe its definition. Chinese scholar Wen Qiufang(Wen Qiufang,1996:17) holds her definition, “Learning strategy is the action taken by the learners to solve the learning problem effectively.”The author stands by Ellis and organizes his statement that learning strategies are general approaches, concrete techniques, specific behaviors or thoughts learners consciously use to directly or indirectly facilitate their language learning. 2.2 Classification of Learning StrategiesAs there are various ways of defining LLS(language learning strategies), there are different ways to categorize learning strategies. Major views are introduced as follows.2.2.1 Oxfords ClassificationOxford (1990) divides learning strategies into two main categories: Direct and Indirect strategies, in terms of the relationship between the strategies and the language learning material. The Direct strategies referred to “strategies that directly involve the target language” (Oxford,1990. from Ellis, 1994:539)in the sense that they “require mental processing of the language”, which included memory, cognitive and compensation strategies. The Indirect strategies “provide indirect support for language learning through focusing, planning, evaluating, seeking opportunities, controlling anxiety, increasing cooperation and empathy and other means”(Oxford,1990.from Ellis,1994:539), which included metacognitive, affective and social strategies. In Oxfords system, memory strategies are those used for storage of information. Cognitive strategies are the mental strategies learners use to make sense of their learning. Compensation strategies help learners use to overcome knowledge gaps to continue the communication. Metacognitive strategies help learners to regulate their learning. Affective strategies are concerned with the learners emotional requirements such as confidence. Social strategies lead to increased interaction with the target languague.(Zhang Pingping:10)2.2.2 Cohens ClassificationCohen (1998) classifies learning strategies into language learning strategies and language use strategies. Language learning strategies include “identifying the material for learning, distinguishing it from other material, grouping it for easier learning, repeatedly engaging oneself in contact with the material, and remembering it with efforts.”(cohen,1998:73-74.from Zhang Pingping:11) Language use strategies aim to use a language which includes retrieval strategies (to call up language material from storage), rehearsal strategies (to rehearse target language structures), cover strategies (a special type of compensatory or coping strategy) and communication strategies (to convey message in interaction.) (Zhang Pingping:11)2.2.3 OMalley and Chamots ClassificationIn OMalley and Chamots(1990. Ellis,1994:538) framework, three types of strategies in accordance with the information-processing model are distinguished: metacognitive, cognitive, and social/affective strategies. Metacognitive strategies are connected with the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring of comprehension or production while it is taking place, and self-evaluation after the learning activities have been completed. It was higher order executive skills. Examples from OMalley and Chamots classification are: planning, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, self-monitoring, self-evaluation etc.Cognitive strategies are directly linked to the performance of particular learning tasks. Examples from OMalley and Chamots classification are: repetition, resourcing, grouping, note-taking, deduction, recombination, elaboration, transfer, inferencing, auditory representation etc. (Ellis, 1994:537)Social/affective strategies involve either interaction with another person or ideational control over affect in order to complete a task. Examples from OMalley. and Chamots classification are: questioning for clarification, cooperation. (Ellis,1994:538)2.2.4 Comments on the ClassificationOxford attempts to build up her classification to include almost every strategies mentioned previously in the study. In her classification, the two broad direct and indirect categories are further divided into 6 subcategories and there are other subcategories under the 6 subcategories. According to OMalley and Chamot(1990), there is overlap between the subcategories of Oxfords classification system, such as compensation strategy and social strategy.(from Zhang Pingping:14) Cohens system is simple and doesnt cover the metacognitive strategies which researches have proved important in the success of language learners. The improvement of OMalley&Chamots classification over Oxfords is that the problem of overlap between the subcategories is solved. Also, OMalley&Chamot views that there exists hierarchical relations between the categories of strategies. Metacognitive strategies control the use of the other two and play a more important role. We cant say which classification is perfect but which is more reasonable. The author holds that the classification by OMalley&Chamot is more comprehensive and the study is based on the framework of OMalley&Chamots classification.2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Research Abroad and in China As one of the aspects of language learning strategies, English vocabulary learning strategies do attract many researchers attention.Based on the definition of learning strategies, VLS(Vocabulary Learning Strategies) refer to both general approaches and specific actions or techniques (either mental or behavioral) used by a learner to make the vocabulary learning become easier, faster and better. A number of studies on specific VLS have been carried out in the west and in China.The vocabulary learning strategy which attracts the most attention is the method of keyword. The strategy involves two stages. that is, first, learners associated a well-known native language word that sounds like the foreign word. Next, involves producing an imaginary link between the target word and the keywords. Avila and Sadoski (1996. from Li Xiaoping:14) made a study among Hispanic fifth-grade students by using Spanish as keywords to acquire English vocabulary. The results proved the effectiveness of the keyword method and indicated that the use of imagery is superior to inter-verbal translation between languages and rote repetition strategies for learning vocabulary items.Dictionary use constitutes an essential aspect of vocabulary acquisition. Dictionary strategies are simply and common used among the students. In Knight s(1994. from Zhang Pingping:26) study he found that the use of a dictionary positively affected incidental vocabulary learning. Those students who used a dictionary score significantly better on a vocabulary test than students who didnt use a dictionary. Bishop (1998. from Zhang Pingping:26) conducted two researches with students from an Open University. He found that dictionaries tended to be used mostly for checking and for looking up meanings. Bishop, therefore, pointed out seriously that there is a need for more specific training of dictionary use in order to help students use dictionary more effectively.Incidental learning theory proposed by Krashen (1989. from Zhang Pingping:26) has received a lot of attention from researchers. The theory claims that learners can derive the meaning of unknown words incidentally while r


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