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Job Interview,Job Interview 1,In this situation, you want to change jobs.,What do you do?,I am a _. I work as a _, but I graduated in Marketing.,What kind of things do you have to do?,I have to _ (pay the bills, to make phone calls, ),What is the perfect work environment like?,In my opinion, the perfect work environment is _ (calm, relaxed, stressed, friendly),What are you like?,I am _ (friendly, loyal, fast-learner,),What are your skills?,I can _ (type really fast, speak English fluently, persuade people),Job interview 2,Job interview 2,In this situation, you are looking for a job.,Why did you leave your last job?,I left my job because _ (it was not my dream, the salary was not good, it had no future) I didnt leave my job, I was laid off because _ (the company was downsizing, the company decided that my work was not necessary anymore),How long have you been working in this area?,I have been working in this area _ (for 1 year, for 10 years/ since last year, since 1995),What skills and qualifications do you need to be a good teacher?,A teacher should be _ (patient, calm, intelligent.) A teacher should have _ (degrees of important institutions, a good school background, awards, .),Can you tell me a problem you had in your career?,I have never had any problems. Once, I _. (please, be careful!) Example: Once, I had a problem with a co-worker. But, after talking to this person about our problems, we could solve the problem and become friends.,What


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