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We should have a selective learning English 我们应该有选择性的学习英语,20111111360129 朱瑶,My topic,Why should we learn English? 我们为什么要学习英语?,Reform and opening up, in order to conform with the world, in order to make the Chinese economy into the world, so we should learn English, to communicate with the outside world. 改革开放,为了与世界接轨,为了使中国经济融入世界,所以我们才会学习英语,以利于与外界沟通和交流。,so,we should learn English at that time,should we also learn English Now? 现在,我们还有必要学习英语吗?,please answer me:should we learn Enlish now?,My point of view,Time passed, the right will not always be the right. 时过境迁,正确的不会永远都是正确的。 Most people think of what is true, will have it for the wrong side. 大多数人认为正确的东西,也会有它错误的一面。 We should have a selective learning English 我们应该有选择性的学习英语。,这是最后一课里的韩麦尔先生 This is “the last lesson“, Monsieur Hamel,7/14/2019,“ The last lesson“ is a moving story. It is talking about Alsaces last lesson in French. Alsace people love their own language, a lot of people come from different occupation went to the last lesson in French made by Monsieur Hamel. They struggled against foreign language . 最后一课是一个感人的故事。讲的是亡了国的阿尔萨斯人的最后一堂法语课。阿尔萨斯人热爱自己的语言,各个职业的很多人都去听了韩麦尔先生讲的最后一节法语课。他们竭力抵御着外语对自己国家语言的侵略。,Liu Wendian has broad and profound knowledge, his thought is fully deserve academic masters. He had studied in Japan, can speak Japanese fluently. However, in order to stimulate students patriotism and the love for the motherland language, he never say a word of Japanese. 刘文典学贯中西,思想学问博大精深,是当之无愧的学术大师。他曾留学日本,能讲一口流利的日语。但是,为了激发学生的爱国热情、对祖国语言的热爱,他从此不再说半句日语。,This is a picture that Japanese give the enslavement education to Chinese children during their invasion of China .They are teaching the children Japanese. A nation under aggression, not only from the land, but also from culture. But now, our country it is being aggressive. Should we resist to this aggression as we resisted Japanese before? 这是日本侵略中国时,对中国孩子进行奴化教育的图片。他们在教孩子们日语。一个国家受到的侵略,不仅仅是从国土,还有文化。但是,现在,我们的国家不觉中正在受到侵略,我们是不是应该想当初抗日一样去抵抗这种侵略呢?,Now, please consider, from when you began to school, how much time do you spend in English learning, occupying how much of all of your study time. As a non - English major science student, the time should be less. Calculate like this, how much time will the whole Chinese take in English study? If this time is used to explore science, may China have got Nobel? Will Chinese science progress a lot? 现在,请大家想一下,从你们上学以来,你们花费在英语学上的时间是多少,占你所有学习时间的比例是多少。一个非英语专业的理科生,所用的时间应该是较少的吧?这样算来,整个中国每年将花费多少时间学习英语?如果,这些时间都用来探索科学,中国有没有可能得打诺贝尔呢?中国的科学是不是会进步一大截呢?,If every Chinese is not learning English,What will China become?,If each Chinese enterprise to use Chinese to sign contracts with foreigners, Chinese enterprises will collapse? The answer is no. And, the Chinese international status will be improved. Because, all businessmen do not want to lose this Chinese big market; and, left the Chinese products, many foreigners will not be able to pay a higher price for the goods, so as to live in poverty. 如果,中国的每个企业都坚持用汉语和外国人签合同,中国企业会垮吗?答案是否定的。并且,汉语的国际地位将会提升。因为,所有的商人都不想失去中国这个大市场;而且,离开了中国产品,很多的外国人将无法支付高价商品,从而过着贫困的生活。,From the chart, we can see that the overseas Chinese all over the world. For every five people, there is a Chinese. Therefore, if every Chinese people doesnt speak foreign language. Will another 4/5 refuse to contact with us ? Thus, they will learn Chinese to communicate with the most populous country and profit from the largest market .,从图上,我们可以看出,华侨华人遍布世界各地。每五个人里,就有一个华人。所以,如果每个华人都拒绝讲外语。世界上的其他人不会与着五分之一的人不再交往吧?因而,他们将会学习汉语,从而与中国人沟通,从中国这个世界上最大的市场盈利。,In my opinion As long as a few people is good at English, can meet the needs of the development of our country. 只要少部分的人会英语,就能满足我们国家的发展需求。 All the students to learn English is not necessary, it will waste a lot of time. 所有的学生都要学英语是没必要的,那只会浪费大量的时间。 Chinese can completely replace of English. 汉语完全可以取代英语。,Should English be the elective instead of the compulsory ? 英语是不是应该从必修课变为选修课呢?,The most beautiful language in the world - our mother tongue -Chinese,世界上最优美的语言是 -我们的母语 -汉语,Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world, it has a long history, rich vocabulary, Beautiful words and splendid culture. Any other language can not comparable with it.,汉语是世界上最优美的语言,它拥有五千年的历史、丰富的词汇、美丽的辞藻和灿烂的文化。是其他任何语言所不能媲美的。,汉语English?,霸王别姬 Goodbye, my little wife 袭人(红楼梦人名) Attack man 寒冰神掌笑傲江湖 SARS is coming 注:汉语是有诗意的,一字千金,每个字都有它特定的含义,是不可取代的。从以上英译本的汉语著作里,我们就能看出,英语是不可能完全翻译汉语的意思和诗意。并且,这样的例子,枚不胜举。,汉语是世界上最优美的语言。能很好的驾驭汉语,你就如驯服了一匹千里良驹,你无论是想徜徉于文海,抑或驰骋于言语,都将随心所欲。,Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world. If you can manage well in Chinese, you will like to tame a horse, you either want to wander in the text, or gallops in the speech, you will do what you want.,Reason 原因,Because we lost our traditional culture . 是我们传统文化的丢失。 Because we despise the moral education是因为我们藐视书上古人的道德教育 I see, an old people are crying, an ancient culture are in the blood. Each shed a drop


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