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Unit 20 Humour,Language Points of Warming up & Reading & Integrating Skills,Language Points of Warming up,1. intend,v. 想要, 打算,词组: intend sb. to do. intend to do./ doing. intend. for. 常用被动: be intended for.,打算做某事,打算要某人做某事,为.而设计; 专供.使用,翻译: 这本字典是为初学者编的。 eg: - Did you go to the concert last Sunday? - I had _ to, but one of my classmates called on me. A. thought B. intended C. agreed D. promised,eg: This dictionary is intended for the beginners.,补充 2. couple,n. 一对, 一双, 夫妇,词组: a couple of,两个, 一对; 几个, 数个,组词: 几天 _ 几杯酒 _ 两只狗 _,a couple of days,a couple of drinks,a couple of dogs,补充 3. have . in mind,思考, 想, 记住,拓展: keep . in mind make up ones mind to do. come to/ into mind,记住,下定决心做某事,想到, 在脑海里浮现,翻译: 1. 她把心中所想的告诉了她的老板。 2. 他们仍旧没下定决心来实施那个计划。,eg: She told her boss what she had in mind.,eg: They still havent made up their mind to carry out the plan.,补充 4. mostly/ most,辨析: mostly most,意为“主要地, 大部分”, 无比较级, 只用作adv.不能用作adj.,作adv.意为“最”, 用来修饰v.和构成adj./ adv.的最高级。用作adj.或pron.时, 有“大多数, 大部分”之意。,填空: 1. What he _ feared was being left alone. 2. The members of the group are _ young people. 3. _ of his time is spent travelling. eg: The medicine is _ sugar and water. A. most B. mostly C. hardly D. the most,most,mostly,Most,补充 5. marry,词组: marry sb. get married (to sb.) be married (to sb.),vt. 与某人结婚, 嫁, 娶,与某人结婚 (表动作),与某人结婚 (表状态),marry 还有“为.主持婚礼仪式”之意 vt.,翻译: 这位牧师为这对新人主持了婚礼。,eg: The minister married the young couple.,Language Points of Reading,1. certain,(1) adj. 确定的, 无疑的,词组: be certain to do of doing that-clause make certain + that-clause make certain of (doing) sth. for certain,确定, 对有把握,弄清楚, 弄明白,确保做某事,确定的, 无疑 = without doubt,(2) adj. 某种, 某一 即: a certain = some,辨析: certain/ sure,certain (1) 用于句型 it is certain that/ to do中, it是形式主语; (2) 作定语adj.时, 意为某一, 某些,sure (1) 用于祈使句 be sure to do中; (2) 作定语adj.时, 意为可靠的, 无疑的; (3) sure可作adv. = surely/ certainly/ of course.,填空: 1. A _ Mr. Jones called while you were out. 2. Its _ that the world is round. 3. Be _ not to forget it. 4. The student made a _ answer. 5. Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? - _.,certain,certain,sure,sure,Sure,2. make fun of,取笑, 嘲笑,拓展: fun n. 乐趣, 玩笑 funny adj. 滑稽的,Have fun (in) doing What fun! for fun,玩得开心! = Enjoy yourself.,多么有趣啊!,为了好玩, 消遣,eg: _ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day! A. What a fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How a fun eg: I feel silly in these funny clothes. Everyone in our class will _. A. play a trick with B. make fun of C. get away from D. take interest in,3. amuse,v. 使发笑, 使愉快,拓展: amused amusing amusement,adj. (人) 觉得好玩的, 快乐的,adj. (物) 好玩的, 有趣的,n. 娱乐, 消遣,词组: to ones amusement be amused with/ by/ at,使某人感到有趣的是,填空: an _ look; an _ game an _ story eg: Its hard to keep the children _ when they cant go outside and play. A. amused B. being amused C. amusing D. from being amused,amused,amusing,amusing,3. date back to,追溯到 = date from,注意: 这个词组无被动态,常用一般现在时,eg: - How long have you been friends? - Well, our friendship _ our childhood. A. dates from B. was dated from C. dated from D. starts from,4. make use of,利用 = take advantage of,词组: make good/ full use of make the best/ most of,充分利用 最好地利用,5. appreciate,v. 赏识, 感激,词组: appreciate (sbs) doing sth. I will appreciate it if,v. 赏识, 感激,it是形式宾语, 意为“如果我会不甚感激”,6. make people roar,常用结构: make + 宾语 + 宾补,(to) do/ done/ adj./ n.,该句中listening and thinking 是-ing短语作伴随状语, 表示与句子谓语v. 同步的动作。,A few minutes later everybody is quiet, listening and thinking about the comedians words.,补充 7.,这姑娘低声哼着流行歌曲,走进了院子。 eg: Singing a pop song in a low voice, the girl came into the yard.,翻译: 1.老人坐在树下,读着报纸。 2. 他在凝视着,思考着。,eg: The old man sat under a tree, reading a newspaper.,eg: He was staring, thinking.,补充 8. Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.,这是一个倒装句, 其主语是the crosstalk show,typical是形容词作表语。,本来的句子语序为: The crosstalk show, where, is typical for China.,由于show后面跟一个较长的非限制性定语从句, 整个句子结构不平衡, 所以把表语和系动词前置。,eg: Gone forever are the days when Chinese had to use foreign oil.,a flow of 一连串的;连续的,翻译:他们从雅典给我们传来了源源不断的信息。,eg: They sent us a constant flow of information from Athens.,补充 9. Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.,Language Points of Integrating Skills,1. suffer/ suffer from,辨析: suffer suffer from,vt. 指遭受一般性的损害, 痛苦,vi. 指遭受长期的习惯性的损害, 痛苦,遭受, 忍受 (无被动),翻译: 1. 他时常头痛。 2. suffer from _ (饥寒交迫之苦) 3. suffer _ (重大损失),eg: He often suffers from headaches.,cold and hunger,a great loss,2. operate,见金榜P87,3. be on good terms (with sb.),与某人关系好,拓展: come to terms with sth. come to terms with sb. in terms of keep on terms with sb.,甘心忍受某事,就而言,与某人达成协议,与某人保持友好关系,4. direction,见金榜P88,n. (1) 方向 (2) 指导 (3) 指示, 说明书,5. confuse,v. 使糊涂, 使混淆,见金榜P88,6. the last time we met I did most of the talking,the last time 副词式连词 意为 “上次的时候”,思考: 我们还学过哪些副词式连词呢?,the first time, the next time, the moment, every time, each time,eg: I thought her nice and honest _ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time,补充 7. come to do,开始做某事;逐渐做某事,翻译: 1. I have come to know him better. 2. 随着时间的推移, 我开始意识到我错了。,我开始更加了解他了。,eg: As time went on, I came to realize I was wrong.,补充 8. cut in,超车抢道; 插嘴,拓展: cut off cut down cut out cut up,切断; 使隔绝,砍倒; 消减,切掉, 删掉,切碎,翻译: 1. The driver nearly caused an accident by cutting in. 2. She kept cutting in on our conversation.,那个司机超车抢道差一点出车祸。,我们谈话时她老是插嘴。,eg: I was just talking to Mary when Jackson _. A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up eg: He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world. A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through,补充 9. pick up,(1) 拾起, 捡起 (2) 驾车去接某人, 搭载某人 (3) 学会(语言), 获得(知识, 收益) (4) 接收 (5) 好转起来 (6) 加快(速度),翻译: 1. There is a banana skin on the ground. Please go and pick it up. 2. My radio can pi


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