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VTune Performance Analyzer 6.0,目标,能够使用VTune分析 软件的性能瓶颈,AGENDA,Introduction Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune on Linux,VTune Performance Analyzer,帮助你找出性能方面问题 Bottlenecks in algorithms Bottlenecks due to data layout Application architecture bottlenecks System-Level and hardware bottlenecks,AGENDA,Introduction Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune on Linux,什么是 Hotspot?,Where in an application/system where there is a significant amount of activity(有大量活动发生的地方) Where = address in memory = OS process = OS thread = executable file or Module = user function (requires symbols) = line of source code (requires symbols with line numbers) or processor (assembly) instruction.(定位到指令) Significant = if it doesnt happen often it probably doesnt have much impact on the systems performance. Activity = time spent or other internal processor event.,什么是Hotspot?,hotspot是你的代码花费很长时间执行的区域。 通过定位hotspot,VTune性能分析工具可以帮助你分析应用程序的性能。 但是简单的知道hotspot的位置是不够的,你必须知道什么导致hotspot的产生,怎样改进 通过对热区的进一步分析,你可以跟踪关键的函数调用,监控特殊的处理器事件,如cache miss,Hotspot与Bottleneck的区别,Bottleneck 是系统中性能受到约束的位置 VTune Performance Analyzer帮助你找到并删除 Bottlenecks. 找到软件Hotspots 是一个分析方法,帮助你定位 Bottlenecks.,性能优化方法,三种数据收集器,sampling call graph counter monitor,Two Ways to Track Location,Problem: 我需要知道你在哪花费了多长时间 Statistical Solution: 我每30分钟呼叫你 Instrumentation Solution: 每个地方有一个特殊的电话点,你每到一个地点向我报告,The Statistical Solution: I Call You!,ADVANTAGES: 低开销: 没有太多的中断 没有建站点的开销 无论你在那里都能精确定位 DISADVANTAGES: 如果你的双手拿满东西,我必须等待 你可能第一次没有听到铃声,所以我不能精确确定我呼叫你时,你在那里,由于你不经常去有一些地方,我可能根本不知道你去过,The Instrumentation Solution: You call me when you get there!,ADVANTAGES: 你到达新的地方我能立刻知道 我知道你在一个地方呆了多长时间 我知道你到达同一个地方多少次 DISADVANTAGES: 不知道你在街道内做了什么 粒度:站点 浪费了大量时间打电话 建立站点扩大了街道空间,识别Hotspots,Sampling Data Collector The Statistical Solution 描述执行的一个侧面(柱状图) 低开销 Call Graph Data Collector The Instrumentation Solution 函数的时间信息 函数调用者和被调用者的关系 比sampling的开销高,三种性能监控方式的比较,VTune Projects,什么是 Project ? Project 由一个或多个Activities组成 什么是Activity ? 包含你应用程序的信息和希望运行的数据收集器信息,Projects are organized like this:,AGENDA,Introduction / Whats New in 6.0 Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune on Linux,Sampling Technology,打断处理器的执行,获得执行上下文 中断可以是周期性的, 如每秒1,000次采样 采样的触发 Event Based Sampling (EBS). 采样事件:处理器相关事件,如 L2 Cache Misses, Branch Mispredictions, Floating-point instructions retired, etc.,Lab 1: gzip Sampling Analysis,Introduces EBS and Sampling UI gzip is an open source file compression program,Select New Project,Select Sampling Wizard and then OK,Select Win32*/Win64*/Linux* Profiling radio button and then OK,Remember each Activity has its own Application/Module Profile,Browse to the application: gzip.exe The command line arguments are: -f testfile.dat Check Modify default configuration Click on Finish,Modify the Sampling Activity,Select the Sampling check box. Click on Configure,Uncheck Calibrate Sample After Value checkbox,Why do this?,Click OK to run the activity,根据采样次数找到hotspot,AGENDA,Introduction / Whats New in 6.0 Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune on Linux,根据总时间找到关键路径,AGENDA,Introduction / Whats New in 6.0 Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune on Linu,根据占处理器时间找hotspot,修改代码进行优化,AGENDA,Introduction / Whats New in 6.0 Terminology Sampling Call Graph Counter Monitor VTune


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