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M11U3 The secret of success Listening and translating the following,对大有改善 取得成功 把技术带给普通大众 主要靠自学 继续上高中 辞职 退出 在最后关头 贴出广告,Make many improvements for Achieve success Bring technology to the man in the street Be mostly self-educated Move on to high school Resign from his job Pull out of At the last minute Put out advertisements,10.走红,成功 11. 第二年 12. 成套零部件 13.组装 14. 在个人电脑领域 15. 总共 16. 推广电脑 17. 作为被推向市场 18.没有免于的保护(装置) 19. 厌倦 20.减慢 21.折叠 22.装进包里,10.Take off 11.The following year 12. Sets of parts 13.Put together 14. In the field of personal computers 15. In all 16. puters 17.Be marketed as 18. Give no protection from 19.Tire of 20. Slow down 21. Fold up 22. Fit into a bag,Translation 1.Sinlair was mostly self-educated, preferring to spend time studying by himself rather than at school with classmates. 2. When his company finally began production and put out advertisements for his radio, demand was high and the business simply took off,3. His next computer, the ZX81, was an even bigger hit, and his companys receipts grew by 600% over the previous year. e.g: 这个公司今年的销售量比去年增长了15%。 4. Most of the people who work in the field of computer technology in Britain today grew up using the ZX Spectrum.,This year the sales of the company have grown by 15% over last year.,5. Although it was marketed as a computer (that could be used to make computer programs), its main advantage was that it was good for playing computer games on. 6. However, it was very slow, small to the ground, making it look more like a childrens toy rather than a proper vehicle for an adult. e.g:80多个国家踢这种球,这使得它在全世界都很普及,This kind of ball is played over 80 countries, making it popular around the world,7. By the end of the 1980s Sinclair had tired of his various businesses, and was throwing himself into British Mensa, a club for clever people. 8.By the time he was ten years old, his teachers at his primary school said that he was already so good at geometry and algebra that they could not teach him anything more.,By/ by the time/ by the end of + 过去的具体时间或者+一般过去时从句, 主句通常用 had done e.g:到上周末为止,我们已经学完了M1-10。 他到家的时候,我们已经吃过晚饭了。,By the end of last week , we had finished learning M1-10。 By the time he arrived home, we had finished supper.,By/ by the time/ by the end of + 将来的时间或者一般现在时从句,主句通常用will/ shall have done. e.g: 到我毕业的时候,我将已经在这里生活了6年。 到这个月底,我们将已经学完了所有的新课。,By the time I graduate, I will have lived here for 6 years. By the end of this month, we will have finished all the new lessons.,9. and Mensas membership figures boomed under his direction 10. His managing skills and strength of personality made the society a very well-known organization.,Under the direction/ leadership/ guidance of Under the authority of Under the umbrella/ protection of,其他: 课本p68-69 非常学案p 33-34 ,2,3,4,5,7, p 35 句子2,Word power: tranlation 1.Be ranked No.59 2.Make a point of 3.Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. 4. The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. 5. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.,排名第59 重视,6. Success is dependent on effort. 7. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. 8. Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.,Euphemism :Translation 1.Pass away 2. On ones last legs 3. Senior citizens 4. Physically challenged 5.Visually challenged 6.Not all there 7. Sanitary workers 8. The man in the street 9. Between jobs 10. Wash ones hands,1.去世 2.报废,去世 3.老年人 4.身体残疾的 5.视力有残疾的 6.抓狂 7.清洁工 8. 普通人 9.失业 10.去卫生间,11. Body count 12. Correctional facility 13. Be economical with the truth 14. A confidential source 15. Golden years 16. Downsizing 17.Job seekers 18. Capital punishment 19. Color the truth 20. Negative profits,11.死亡人数 12. 监狱 13.隐瞒部分真相 14.线人,提供情报者 15.晚年 16.削减 17.失业人员 18.死刑 19.说谎 20.损失,21. Taxpayer 22. per-owned 23. Person of interest 24. Job flexibility 25. hearing-impaired 26.Full figure 27. People of colour 28. Special needs in schooling 29. My late uncle 30. Friendly fire,21.公民 22.二手的 23.嫌疑人 24. 工作不稳定 25.聋的 26. 胖的 27.有色人种 28.学习成绩不好 29.去世的 30.被自己人误杀,P 43.(read twice) Have faith in Every fibre of your being Have a thirst for success Feel confident about For the taking Where others see failure, they see possibility. While everyones path to success is different, many successful people have the same drive and the same qualities. My recipe for success,Module 11 Unit 3 Project,My father, my hero,1.结婚 2.给予特殊的款待 3.为了存钱 4.成立一个委员会 5.senior citizens 6.pass away 7.shrink from sth 8.善于解决问题 9.不值得这样 10.有影响,起作用,1.get married 2.give a special treat 3.save money for 4. set up a committee 5.年长的人 6. 过世 7. 回避(困难) 8. be great at problem-solving 9. It is not worth it. 10. make a difference,consider sb./sth. (as /to be ) 把.当成,同义词组 see /view /regard / treat /count on / think of / look on / refer to (sth./sb.)as,doing something Consider(考虑) wh- to do to be 2.consider (认为)sb. to have done as adj. 3.considerate/consiterable 4.considering=given=seeing that鉴于、考虑到 5.take sth. into consideration,Rather, what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family. rather adv. 更确切地讲(常与or连用) ; 相当,颇 or rather We all went in Marys car, or rather her fathers car.,归纳拓展,rather than Tom was mostly self-educated, preferring to spend time studying by himself rather than at school with classmates. would rather. than Id rather die than apologize to Helen.,1. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, dont reject it immediately. _, imagine that it is true. A.Thus B. Besides C. Rather D.Otherwise,2. He likes doing some reading at home to go cinema. A. than to go B. than going C. more than going D. rather than to go,pick up 根据语境猜词意 Jack turned over the wallet he had picked up in the street to the police. The train stopped several times to pick up passengers. Her health soon picked up after a few days rest.,The teacher told the students to pick up everything on the floor and get the room tidy before they went out. I managed to pick up an American news broadcast. The train was gradually picking up speed. She picked up the story where she had left it yesterday My friends knew where to pick up a good second-hand bike.,deliver v. delivery n.,送货,送信;发表;接生; 解救,使摆脱,When you are there, could you deliver the message and parcel to her? 2. As a child, he made pocket money by delivering milk and newspapers . 3. He delivered an important speech at the meeting. 4. Education delivered him from ignorance. 5. We ask for immediate delivery.,address a meeting/ conference/ audience,He has promised to finish the job by June and Im sure he will deliver. They delivered their prisoners over to the invading army.,履行诺言,兑现,交付,移交,shrink vi&vt. 退缩, 缩水;使缩小,畏怯 shrinkage -shrinkingly shrink from (doing) sth.,1. 只要做得对,我们就无所畏惧。 2. 她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。,完成句子,We did not what was right.,She bought a slightly larger size,shrink from doing,in case of shrinkage,课本注释:P69-70 非常学案:P36- 1,2;P37- 4; P385;P409;P431; P44-4; P455; P461,2,1. What blesses my father most is being able to put food on the table and a roof over our head. What blesses her is that her children have all achieved a lot in their careers.,主语从句,v-ing 作表语,表语从句,非常学案P46,2. My grandfather died, leaving no money but a big family behind.,结果状语,类似的词: causing,making eg. He failed the exam, making his mother as mad as a wet hen. The typhoon stroke Nanning, in Guangxi, causing great damage.,归纳拓展,leave+o+ 宾补adj/adv./prep./to do / doing/ undone,In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind. She outlined the case to him, being careful not to leave anything _ Leave the boy _, he can make up his own mind.,behind,alone,3. If he had not worked, there would have been no one to support the family.,虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,1). What if you _ to send an essay with your application? Would you have been rejected? A.forget B. would forget C. had forgotten D.should forget,2). If he had spent more time practcing speaking English before, he _ able to speak it much better now. A. would be B. would have been C. may be D. could have been,4. No matter what job he has to do, he does it well,and I thi


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