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幼学琼林 Childrens Readings,(明)程登吉 编著 Compiled by Cheng Dengji (Ming Dynasty) (清)邹圣脉 增补 Supplemented by Zou Shengmai (Qing Dynasty) 李照国 译注 Translated and annotated by Li Zhaoguo,卷一 Volume I 天文 Astronomy,混沌初开,乾坤始奠。 混沌:天地未形成之前的元气状态。乾坤:天地。奠:形成。 Separation of the chaos ,laying the foundation for the heavens and the earth. 气之较清上浮者为天,气之重浊下凝者为地。 气:元气。凝:结。黄帝内经素问阴阳应象大论第五:“故清阳为天,浊阴为地。地气上为云,天气下为雨。雨出地气,云出天气。” The lucid air ascended to form the heavens and the turbid air descended to constitute the earth.,日月五星,谓之七政;天地与人,谓之三才。,五星:指金、木、水、火、土五星。三才:周易系辞下称天道、地道、人道为三才,后用以泛指天、地、人。文心雕龙原道:“仰观吐曜,俯察含章;高卑定位,故两仪既生矣。惟人参之,性灵所钟,是谓三才。”古人认为,天能覆物,地能载物,而人是万物之灵。文心雕龙原道认为,人“为五行之秀,实天地之心。” The moon, the sun and the five stars are known as the seven most important celestial bodies; the heavens, the earth and man are regarded as the greatest powers in the universe.,日为众阳之宗,月乃太阴之象。 虹名螮蝀,乃天地之淫气;月里蟾蜍,是月魄之精光。,宗:宗主,主宰。象:仪象。 The sun is the source of all Yang while the moon is the manifestation of supreme Yin. 螮蝀:音地东。蟾蜍:传说后羿请不死药于西王母,其妻嫦娥窃而食之,奔月宫,遂化为蟾蜍。 The rainbow, known as Didong, is the crystallization of the turbid Qi from the heavens and the earth; the shadow in the moon, compared to a toad, is the accumulation of the lunar essence.,风欲起而石燕飞,天将雨而商羊舞。 风名为羊角,闪电号曰雷鞭。,石燕:零陵山之石燕,遇风雨即飞,雨止复变为石头。商羊:鸟名,传说只有一只。 When wind is about to blow, the Stone Swallow will fly; when it is going to rain, the bird called Shangyang starts to dance. 羊角:庄子“有鸟名鹏,翼若垂天之云搏扶摇羊角而上者九万里”。雷鞭:淮南子“雷以电为鞭,电光照处,谓之裂缺” Whirlwind is known as Yangjiao (literally goat or sheep horn) while lightning is termed Leibian (literally Thunder Whip).,青女乃霜之神,素娥即月之号。 雷部至捷之鬼曰律令,雷部推车之女曰阿香。,素娥:即嫦娥。 Qingn (literally blue girl) is the name of frost goddess and Sue (pretty young woman wearing plain clothes) is the title of the moon goddess. 律令:搜神记“律令,周穆王时人,善走,死为雷部之鬼”。阿香:雷部推车之鬼。 In the field of thunder, the ghost that runs the fastest is Lling and the maiden that pushes the carriage is Axiang.,云师系是丰隆,雪神乃是滕六。列缺乃电之神,望舒是月之御。,歘焱火、谢仙,俱掌雷火;飞廉、箕伯,悉是风神。 歘 (chua:肆烂;xu:忽然):雷火之作,因风而起,故雷部之鬼称为焱火。飞廉:神禽,能致风,鹿身,头如雀,有角,蛇尾豹纹。箕伯:文苑载:“风伯名言道彰,一曰即箕星也” The commander of clouds is Fenglong and the god of snow is Tengliu. 列缺:闪电之神。李白梦游天姥吟留别:“云青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生烟。列缺霹雳,丘峦崩摧。洞天石扉,訇然中开。”望舒:淮南子“月御曰望舒” The god of lightening is Lieque and the governor of the moon is Wangshu.,甘霖、甘澍,俱指时雨;玄穹、彼苍,悉称上天。 雪花飞六出,先兆丰年;日上已三竿,乃云时晏。,时雨:应时之雨。尔雅“久旱而雨曰甘霖,久雨不止曰愁霖,时雨澍(shu)生万物曰甘澍。玄:黑。苍:青。 Ganlin (timely rainfall) and Ganshu (a good rain after a long drought) all describe rain that falls in time; Xuanqiong (dark sky) and Bicang (blue sky) all refer to the heavens over our head. 六出:指雪花六角形。时晏:时候不早了。 Snowflakes with six angles promises a year of good harvest; the sun three poles high means late in the morning.,蜀犬吠日,比人所见甚稀;吴牛喘月,笑人畏惧过甚。 望切者,若云霓之望;思深者,如雨露之恩。,蜀地高山雾大,见日时少,每至日出,则群犬疑而吠之。吴地水牛极畏热,见到月亮疑是太阳,所以气急而喘。 Dogs in Sichuan area barking at the sun is a figure of speech, describing an ignorant person easily to be surprised; cows in the Wu region gasping when seeing the moon is a simile, referring to a man extremely timid. 霓是彩红。云兴而雨至,霓见而雨止。所以久旱不雨时,人们渴望见到云彩,但担心霓的出现。雨露:古人认为夜气之露是上天降下的祥瑞。 Gazing at clouds and rainbow is a phrase, describing great expectation; being moistened by rain and dew is an idiom, indicating deep gratitude.,地舆 Geography,黄帝画野,始分都邑。夏禹治水,初奠山川。 Yellow Emperor divided the land into different regions; Emperor Yu tamed rivers and harnessed mountains. 宇宙之江山不改,古今之称谓各殊。 (宇:上下四方。宙:古往今来。) The universe and nature will never change their laws and the nomenclature in the past and present are certainly different. 帝都曰京师,故乡曰梓里。 (古人房前屋后种植桑树或梓树,后来就用桑梓代表家乡。) The capital of the empire is called Jingshi and the hometown of a person is known as Sangzi.,望人包容,曰海涵;谢人思泽,曰河润。 (河润:黄河水可以滋润周围广大的地区。) Haihan is a phrase used for begging pardon; Herun is a word used to express great gratitude. 无系累者,曰江湖散人;负豪气者,曰湖海之士。 (唐代陆龟蒙常乘小船,载着书、茶、灶、笔、床、钓具,往来烟波之上,号曰“江湖散人”。湖海之士:汉代陈登,狂傲有豪气,被许汜称为“湖海之士”。) Roving in a boat over rivers and lakes is a idiom, describing a person free of any duty; a man wandering about lakes and seas is another idiom, portraying a person with heroic spirit.,得物无所用,曰如获石田;为学己大成,曰诞登道岸。 (岸:指学业,真理的彼岸。) Obtaining something useless is described as getting a piece of land full of stones; great achievements made in studies is depicted as going ashore. 道不拾遗,由在上有善政;海不扬波,知中国有圣人。 (周成王时,交趾国的使者称赞周国说:“天无烈风淫雨,海不扬波三年矣。意者中国其有圣人乎?”) No one picking up what is left by the wayside is a idiom, extolling excellent government; no turbulent waves over the seas is a proverb, indicating that great sage has appeared in China.,岁时,爆竹一声除旧,桃符万户更新。 (桃符:画在桃木板上的门神,古人以桃木能驱邪,故新年风俗都换桃符。) Explosion of firecrackers is a farewell to the past year; change of door-god portrait is a way to greet the new year. 履端,是初一元旦;人日,是初七灵辰。 (履端:开端。人日:传说天地初开时,第一日为鸡日,依次为狗日,猪日,羊日,牛日,马日,七日为人日,八日为谷日。其日晴,则主所生之物盛,其日阴,则有灾难。) The beginning of the new year is first day of January, the seventh day the same month is a special day assigned for man.,朝廷,天子天下之主,诸侯一国之君。 (诸侯:周代天下分为许多小诸侯国,国君称为诸侯。诸侯有公、侯、伯、子、男等。) The emperor is the owner of the land under the heavens while the king is the governor of a state. 官天下,乃以位让贤;家天下,是以位传子。 (尧、舜时实行禅让制,由贤人继承君位,到禹时君位传给了儿子。据湘山野录载:宋真宗问李仲容“何谓官家?”李仲容答“五帝时是官天下,三王时家天下,兼有五帝三皇之德,故称为官家”) If the land under the heavens is owned by all the people, the throne is abdicated and handed to the person with great virtue; if the land under the heavens is owned by a single family, the throne is passed on from the father to the son.,卷二 祖孙父子卷二 祖孙父子,何谓五伦:君臣、父子、兄弟、朋友、夫妇;何谓九族:高、曾、祖、考、已身、子、孙、曾、玄。 (五伦:人与人之间的无种关系。考:指死去的父亲。) The five major relationships are: The nine generations from ones great-great grandfather down to ones great-great son. 始祖曰鼻祖,远孙曰耳孙。 (耳孙:离高祖很元,只是听说过,没有见过,故名之。) 始祖:The first ancestor 远孙: the remote grandson,父子创造,曰肯构肯堂;父子俱贤,曰是父是子。 (肯构肯堂:父亲要筑房子,已设计好,儿子不肯打地基,更不肯构建房子。这里反其意用之,形容父亲和儿子共创事业。) A son building the house according to his fathers design is a idiom eulogizing cooperation


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