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如何概括? 1. 可先划出短文中的重要句子,例如文中的主题句、论点、论据和结论等。 2. 经过自己理解之后,转化成自己的话,运用简洁明了的语言连贯、条理的表述出来。,如何概括转述所给短文的大意 对短文进行概括是一个获取信息、加工信息的过程,需要严谨的思维和准确的表达能力,而且要使用自己的语言来表达,不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。因此,“概括短文的内容要点”,实为客观简要地转述作者的观点、论据和结论。,_, Advertising can be a service to customers . This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised . Some advertisements are not very useful to the customers . Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs , they set out to make him want things .,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,周报第11期 The Use of Advertisements, Advertising can be a service to customers . This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised .,Advertising can be very helpful / useful if / when / on condition that it gives / offers reliable / realistic / proper information about the goods / products .,While / But / However,Some advertisements are not very useful to the customers . Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs , they set out to make him want things .,Not all advertisements are as useful as they are described . Sometimes they are only made to persuade consumers to buy particular products .,第二部分:提出观点,二:如何更好地完成第二项任务 提出自己的观点并加以论证? 思路如下: 要紧紧围绕所给主题 (The Use of Advertisements) 2.明确任务 ,千万别漏掉任何一个要点 至少包括: 1). 广告盛行的现状及原因 2).谈谈人们对广告的不同看法; 3). 你的态度是什么? 3. 可以使用实例或其它论述方法 支持你的观点,也可参照阅读材料中的内容。 4. 注重连接词的恰当运用。,_,第一部分:概括材料(略),第二部分:提出观点、分析、总结,In my own opinion , advertisements do more good than harm . We can know more about the products at home with the help of ads . However , in order to get the best products which fit us , on one hand , we should inform ourselves that not all the advertisements are reliable and then make careful choice before buying something . On the other hand , I think government should make the laws about advertisements . So that the advertisements can be made better and better .,problems : fail to finish all the tasks,_,We are flooded with in our modern world. We are exposed to in our daily life. We have been brought up to watch various kinds of advertisements, and we stick to them all our lives.,keeps us informed tell the latest information about various goods and help us to make a better choice. The 24-hour advertising lights is no worse than a beautiful scenery Not only do the ads make you better informed, but also offer you some free gifts, free cars, free trips and so on; The advertising industry also provide more working opportunities and reduce the pressures of the society.,mislead consumers cover too much space in the newspaper and take up too much time on TV. ads which comes up in the television, always upset us. company using ads just cares about its profit, regardless of its bad influence on the naive children who are ready to learn from ads without knowing its bad points,As long as we make good use of ads, we will find that the power of ads can result in a better way of life. Be responsible for checking the product before buying . Do not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements.,One possible version:,参阅周报第12期,三、怎样使用恰当的连接词,提出观点可套用短语结构:,表示自己观点: in my opinion , from my personal point of view, as far as I am concerned, from my personal angle alone,我认为 就我个人而言 就我而言 从我个人的角度讲,表示结论: in short, in brief, in a word, in general, as far as I know, on the whole, all in all, above all, in conclusion,总结、下结论可套用短语结构,Practice makes perfect,In our modern life, punctuality(守时) is one of the most important qualities that any person should possess. We should practice punctuality for the sake of others, as well as ourselves. H


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