2019高考英语一轮复习选修7 6 Module6知能演练(附答案)+高中作文:心有阳光魂自香_第1页
2019高考英语一轮复习选修7 6 Module6知能演练(附答案)+高中作文:心有阳光魂自香_第2页
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2019高考英语一轮复习选修7 6 Module6知能演练(附答案)+高中作文:心有阳光魂自香_第4页
2019高考英语一轮复习选修7 6 Module6知能演练(附答案)+高中作文:心有阳光魂自香_第5页
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2019高考英语一轮复习选修76Module6知能演练(附答案)+高中作文:心有阳光魂自香语言应用限时练 完形填空(2018x明高三教学质量检测)I lost my flat by accident, and then I discovered my car needed a new engine. That meant I would have to spend 1,000 to get the car back on the _1_. I suddenly found that I needed, first, somewhere to _2_and second, something to travel around_3_I was trying to decide what to do when I _4_the advertisement on a board: Converted(改装过的) ambulance _5_, 1,600. So I rang the number in the ad and _6_to go and see it. It was love at first sight! I made a _7_straight away. Two days later I was the _8_owner of a converted camper van(野营车)At first I was _9_. I wasnt sure whether I could handle it. _10_, gradually Ive had feelings that I havent _11_before. Living in my van is just the _12_of waking up in the morning, and, for the first few seconds, not knowing _13_you are. Then you look out of the window; some strange trees _14_you, and some beautiful scenery makes your heart beat _15_. Living in a flat in the city I missed all that.Now I begin to _16_what the travelers have been telling us. Living in a van is cheap. No rent. Whats more, theres the sense of _17_my new lifestyle has given me. I love being able to go where I want and when I want. Its _18_to feel that the whole world is your home. It is no _19_that so many people are _20_their houses and going on the road.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。“我”的车发动机坏了,修理费很昂贵。偶然间“我”看中了一辆由救护车改装的野营车,立即买下了它。在这辆车里,“我”既可以居住,又可以旅游,觉得世界就是家,这种感觉真好。1A.sideBroadCspot DplatformB解析:根据该句中的“get the car back on the_ ”可以判断,此处是说,让“我”的汽车重返上路(road)则要花费“我”1 000英镑。A项意为“旁边”,C项意为“斑点,污渍”,D项意为“平台”,都与语境不符。2A.drive BrelaxCwork DliveD解析:根据该句中的“somewhere”及上文中的“I lost my flat”可以判断,“我”突然意识到“我”首先需要有个地方居住(live),故D项正确。A项意为“驾驶”,B项意为“放松”,C项意为“工作”,都与语境不符。3A.for BthroughCin DatC解析:根据该句中的“something to travel around _”并结合常识可知,“我”还需要有一个坐在里面(in)驾驶着四处旅游的东西。故C项正确。4A.took charge of Bmade use ofCgot hold of Dcaught sight ofD解析:根据该句中的“when I _the advertisement on a board”可知,此处是说当“我”看到(caught sight of)公告牌上的广告时。A项意为“负责,控制”,B项意为“利用”,C项意为“抓住,找到”,都与语境不符。5A.for sale Bon showCin need Dunder repairA解析:根据空后的“ 1,600”并结合空前的“advertisement”可知,这辆改装过的救护车是用来出售(for sale)的,故A项正确。B项意为“在展出”,C项意为“需要”,D项意为“在修理中”,都与语境不符。6A.failed BarrangedCapplied DhesitatedB解析:根据该句中的“to go and see it”及后一句“It was love at first sight!”可知,“我”打进电话,并安排(arranged)时间去看看。A项意为“失败”,C项意为“申请”,D项意为“犹豫”,都与语境不符。7A.difference BsuggestionCdecision DcommentC解析:根据前一句“It was love at first sight!”可知,“我”一下子就爱上它了,据此可知,“我”立即作出了决定,make a decision为固定搭配,意为“作出决定”。A项意为“差别”,B项意为“建议”,D项意为“评论”,都与语境不符。8A.proud BpainfulCcareless DbraveA解析:根据该句中的“owner of a converted camper van(野营车)”并结合前一句所表达的“我”立即作出决定可知,两天后“我”成了骄傲的(proud)野营车车主。B项意为“痛苦的”;C项意为“粗心的”; D项意为“勇敢的”,都与语境不符。9A.unwilling BconfidentCsatisfied DnervousD解析:根据后一句“I wasnt sure whether I could handle it.”可知,“我”不知道是否可以控制这辆车,据此可以判断,刚驾驶时,“我”有点紧张(nervous),故D项正确。A项意为“不愿意的”;B项意为“自信的”;C项意为“满意的”,都与语境不符。10A.Therefore BOtherwiseCHowever DBesidesC解析:前一句说不确定是否可以控制这辆车,空后说逐渐能够掌握驾驶技能,并享受驾驶这辆车,据此可以判断,空处前后为转折关系,故C项正确。11A.suffered BexperiencedChurt DcontrolledB解析:根据语境可知,该处表示“逐渐地,我有了未曾体验(experienced)过的感觉”,故B项正确。A项意为“遭受”,C项意为“弄伤”,D项意为“控制”,都与语境不符。12A.fear BtirednessCexcitement DbeliefC解析:根据前一句可知,“我”体验到了以前未曾体验过的感觉,据此可以判断,早晨在车子里醒来是让人兴奋(excitement)的,故C项正确。A项意为“恐惧”,B项意为“疲倦”,D项意为“信念”,都与语境不符。13A.what BwhereChow DwhoB解析:根据该句中的“waking up in the morning, and,for the first few seconds, not knowing _you are”并结合常识可以判断,早晨在车里醒来“我”很兴奋,在开始的几秒里,不知道自己在哪里(where)。14A.greet BblockCprotect DguideA解析:根据该句中的“some strange trees_you,and some beautiful scenery makes your heart beat_”可以判断,此处是说在清晨,“我”驾驶着爱车,窗外的树在和你打招呼(greet),窗外的美景让你的心激动地(wildly)跳动。B项意为“阻塞”,C项意为“保护”,D项意为“指导”,都与语境不符。15A.softly BstronglyCnormally DwildlyD解析:参见上题解析。A项意为“轻柔地”,B项意为“强烈地”,C项意为“正常地”,都与语境不符。16A.doubt BrefuseCappreciate DignoreC解析:根据本段内容可知,本段主要讲述在野营车里居住的种种优点,据此可以判断,“我”现在开始理解(appreciate)旅行者一直告诉我们的关于住在野营车里的优点。A项意为“怀疑”,B项意为“拒绝”,D项意为“忽视”,都与语境不符。17A.freedom BdutyChumor DsafetyA解析:根据语境可知,此外,还有“我”的新生活方式给“我”的自由(freedom)感,故A项正确。B项意为“责任”,C项意为“幽默”,D项意为“安全”,都与语境不符。18A.terrible BdelightfulCuseful DboringB解析:根据该句中的“to feel that the whole world is your home”可知,你会感觉到全世界就是你的家,据此可以判断,这种感觉是让人高兴的(delightful),故B项正确。A项意为“可怕的”,C项意为“有用的”,D项意为“令人厌烦的”,都与语境不符。19A.chance BwayCpossibility DwonderD解析:根据该句中的“so many people are _their houses and going on the road”可知,此处是说怪不得有那么多人要离开家,行驶在路上。 It is no wonder that.为固定句型,意为“并不奇怪,不足为奇”,故D项正确。20A.leaving BdesigningCbuying DbuildingA解析:参见上题解析。故A项正确。B项意为“设计”,C项意为“购买”,D项意为“建造”,都与语境不符。 语法填空(2018福建泉州检测)Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint 1._(they) faces in patterns and colors to represent different character types and 2._(quality)In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite complex. However, in the 3._(begin),only three colors were usedred, white, and black. Now, many other colors, such 4._ yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.Red is a color for brave and loyal characters. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms Period (A.D.220280), is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous 5._ being very loyal to his emperor, Liu Bei.White highlights all 6._ is bad in human nature. It 7._(suggest) dishonesty and betrayal(背叛). One of the typical whitefaced characters is Cao Cao, a 8._(power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.Black face paint is 9._(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent. One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.All these different colors are used in Beijing Opera facial painting 10._(provide) a clear picture of each character.【解题导语】京剧的角色需要表演者画脸,而脸谱的颜色以红色、白色和黑色为主。本文介绍了京剧脸谱的主要颜色所代表的意义。1their解析:考查代词。句意为:京剧的角色要求表演者用不同图案和颜色涂抹他们的脸,以此来表现不同的人物类型和品质。空后的faces为名词,其前应用形容词性物主代词修饰。故填their。2qualities解析:考查名词单复数。句意见上一题解析。quality指人的品质、性格时,为可数名词,根据and连接的并列成分types可知,此处应用复数形式。故填qualities。3beginning解析:考查词性转换。句意为:然而,在最初的时候,只使用三种颜色红色、白色和黑色。in the beginning为固定短语,意为“开始;起初”。4as解析:考查固定短语。句意为:现在,很多其他的颜色,如黄色、紫色、蓝色和绿色也被用于脸谱绘画。such as为固定短语,用于表示列举例子,意为“例如”。5for解析:考查固定搭配。句意为:他因为非常忠于他的皇帝刘备而出名。be famous for.意为“因为出名”, 为固定搭配。故填for。6that解析:考查定语从句。句意为:白色强调人性中坏的一面。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为all,关系词只能用that。7suggests解析:考查动词的时态。句意为:白色表示不忠和背叛。整篇文章的时态为一般现在时,故此处也应用一般现在时。故填suggests。8powerful解析:考查词性转换。句意为:其中一个典型的白脸人物是曹操,他是三国时期一个权力强大、残暴的丞相。and连接两个并列的形容词,修饰名词prime minister。因此,此处应用形容词。故填powerful。9usually解析:考查词性转换。句意为:黑色脸谱通常用于勇猛暴躁的人。本句中used为动词,所以用副词修饰。故填usually。10to provide解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:所有这些不同的颜色被用在京剧脸谱绘画中是为了给每个人物勾勒出鲜明的形象。根据句意可知,设空处在句中作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填to provide。写作规范限时练 短文改错(2018x水中学联考)May I have you attention,please?I had something important to tell you.Our school will organize a visit the National Museum of China on Saturday morning,December 10.The National Museum of China,where lies to the east of Tiananmen Square,covers an area of about 70,000 square meter.We will gather at a school gate and starting out at 7:30 in the morning.Our visit starts at 8 oclock but it will last three hours.Please take up your notebooks and pens with you.In addition,during the visit,please keep quietly.Do remember 7:30,Saturday morning at the school gate.Thats all.Thank you.答案:May I have youyour attention,please?I hadhave something important to tell you.Our school will organize a visit to the National Museum of China on Saturday morning,December 10.The National Museum of China,wherewhich lies to the east of Tiananmen Square,covers an area of about 70,000 square metermeters.We will gather at athe school gate and startingstart out at 7:30 in the morning.Our visit starts at 8 oclock butand it will last three hours.Please take up your notebooks and pens with you.In addition,during the visit,please keep quietlyquiet.Do remember 7:30,Saturday morning at the school gate.Thats all.Thank you. 书面表达(2018x南部分重点中学诊断)假定你是李华,即将去美国参加一个中美文化夏令营活动。请你根据以下内容要点给你的美国朋友Mike写一封信,告知他你的美国之行。1此行的目的;2活动的内容;3你的期望。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,Im writing to tell you something about my trip to America._Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear Mike,Im writing to tell you something about my trip to America.This summer I am to attend an English summer camp for SinoU.S. cultural exchanges,which I have long been dreaming about.This program is aimed at promoting the understanding of the people and culture between the two countries.During the twoweek English summer camp,we will visit some famous American universities,experience American culture and customs,and tour places of interest in the US.Furthermore,we will also be offered a platform to practice our spoken English in an authentic language environment.I am sure that this program will help me better understand the cultural difference.Meanwhile,I can introduce my country to American students through this program,which will definitely be a great success.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li_Hua高中作文:心有阳光魂自香


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