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New Wellness Advisor Training Program,新健康顾问培训课程,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,Sales Persons Mindset 王牌销售员心态,请停止以夜市场的水准来经营你专业的行业! Stop using “Pasar Malam” Standard to “师奶” 的经验 + 角色 传统的推销方式 Traditional selling method,销售员常犯错误,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,销售员是个什么人物 ?,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,销售 = 把产品推出市场,根据营销计划来执行以达成目标 - 用销售技巧来完成交易 - 提供卓越服务给予顾客 销售 = 专业行业 销售 = 营销学 + 市场学 + 心理学 + 口才学 + 表演术,认识销售,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,销售队伍 = 人体中的血管,支撑着企业的生命 = 企业的成与败取决于销售队伍优秀与否 = 直接参与战斗的一群 销售员的责任 = 如何使顾客接受公司产品 王牌销售员不只出售产品,更加是售卖他们的专业,形象,自己,信誉, 企业。,认识销售,Customer Service & Selling Skills 顾客服务&销售技能,优质服务的三大主柱 3 Pillars of Service Excellence,卓越的 Excellent,卓越的 Excellent,卓越的 Excellent,产品Product,程序Process,人才People,谁是你的顾客 ? Who Are Your Customers?,外部 External,内部 Internal,People outside the organisation who need your service.,在组织以外需要你的服务的人。,Your colleagues, managers, subordinates, etc.,您的同事,经理,下属等 。,服务外部及内部的顾客对我重要,因为. Serving my external & internal customers is important because,对个人的利益 Benefits to ME,顾客将会记得我,因为他们对我的服务感到满意 Customers remember me because they feel good about my service 我将会与众不同 I will stand out from the others 我为我做的一切感到欣慰和骄傲 I feel proud and good about what I do 我会因此而获得认同和奖励 I may be recognised and rewarded,对公司的利益 Benefits to Our Company,Positive word of mouth,Improved Service Standard,Competitive Organisation,Loyal Customers,良好的口碑,提高服务标准,竞争力强大的企业,忠诚的顾客,12,如果我不提供良好的服务呢? What If I Do Not Provide Good Service?,顾客会抱怨 Customers will complain 公司会减少盈利 Company will be less profitable 这对我有什么影响? How does this affect me?,服务准备 GEMS Preparation,服务由我开始. Service Begins with ME 关键时刻 Moment of Truth 第一印象 First Impression 您对产品的了解 Know Your Product,服务由我开始 Service Begins with ME,从“心”服务 Serve from Your Heart 表现出对顾客的关心 Shows that you care about your customers 为顾客提供额外的服务 Doing something extra for your customer 发自于内心 Comes from the heart,优质服务是一种选择 Good Service is a Choice,态度 Attitude,行为 Behavior,结果 Consequence,环境卫生 卖场摆设 整洁的外表(个人) 良好的感觉(个人) 良好的展现(个人),营业前的准备,Step1:,环境卫生,最少在商场开门前五分钟完成事前准备工作。 * 保持地板、墙壁、天花板清洁。 * 保持陈列架上产品整洁。 * 陈列货品及价钱牌齐全,并根据产品陈列指引,将产品及宣传品摆放整齐。 * 配备足够的宣传单。 * 保证有足够的产品库存。 * 储物柜内的物件整齐摆放、柜门关好。 * 工作桌整齐干净,配备常用文具及用品。 * 开启专柜灯光、灯箱。,Create positive first impression 制造良好的第一印象,1. Look good 整洁的外表,头发 Hair,指甲 Nail,彩妆 Make-up,个人卫生 Personal Hygiene,制服 Uniform,鞋 Shoes,配件 Accessories,名片 Name tag,Create positive first impression 制造良好的第一印象,2. Feel great 良好的感觉,积极的自我对话 Power of Positive Self Talk 提高自我价值感 Enhance Self Esteem,良好的感觉 Feel Great,我做得到 I can do it! 不要紧,这是第一次,我会从中吸取教训 Never mind, its the first time, Ill learn from it 没关系,下次我会以不同的方式来处理 Its ok, Ill do it differently next time,我没用 I am useless 我很蠢 I am stupid 我做不了这个 I cannot handle this 我不成功,不聪明 I am not as successful, smart 我不行了 I am not ok,良好的感觉 Feel Great,好好照顾自己 Look after myself 聆听自己的心声 Listen to myself 负责任/个人责任心 Take charge / self-responsibility 想象成功 Imagine success 庆祝自己的成功 Celebrate my success,Create positive first impression 制造良好的第一印象,3. Project well 良好的展现,非言语表达,语调,言语,Non-Verbal Cues (55%),Tones Of Voice (38%),Words (7%),良好的展现 Project Well,非语言沟通 Aspects of non-verbal communications,Posture Gesture Facial Expression,Eye Contact,Tone of Voice,Proximity,姿势,手势,面部表情,眼神接触,语调,距离,良好的展现 Project Well,姿势:正直和端正 Posture : straight and upright 手势:给顾客递交物品实使用双手和不交叉双手 Gesture : does not fold arms 面部表情: 亲切和真挚的笑容 Facial Expression : Warm and sincere smile,良好的展现 Project Well,眼神接触:目光呆滞 / 眼睛往别处看 Eye contact : does not look blank or look away 语调: 音量适中, 强调“要点” Tone of Voice : Audible and Emphasize “Hit words” 距离: 一臂之远, 身体稍微前倾 Proximity : Arms Length and lean forward slightly,Ways to approach customers 接近顾客的方式,1.道具/彩页吸引顾客的眼球 2.打招呼并自我介绍 3.新奇的话题/展示引起顾客对产品的好奇。,Step2:,展示服务,10 5 1 GO !,Understand customers needs 了解顾客的需求,以提问的方式 Ask open /close question to understand customers needs 观察顾客的肢体语言 Observed customers body language,Step3:,29,提供建议/选择 Offer Suggestion / Alternatives,开放式问题 : 向顾客了解更多资讯 Ask Open Question : Find out more information from the customer 封闭式问题 : 需要具体地回答是或不是之类的问题 Ask Close Question : Specific information of Yes/No answer,你有什么想法吗? What ideas do you have? 你有考虑吗? Have you consider this ? 你比较喜欢. .或者. . ? Which one would you prefer or ?,了解顾客-顾客类型,了解顾客-顾客类型,Product features and benefits 产品的特征与好处,解释产品的特征与好处,形象描绘产品带来的利益,让顾客可以产生联想,产品如何提升生活素质。,Step4:,特征及好处 Features vs. Benefits,特征 - 描述产品或服务的属性细节 Features Attributes that describe product or service in detail 产品说明包括大小,重量,颜色等 Product descriptions, including size, weight, color, etc. 产品细节与规格 Product details and specifications,好处 - 产品如何为顾客解决问题或满足需要 Benefits How the product solves a problem for the customer or fulfills a need 产品或服务将如何解决顾客的问题? How product or service solve a problem for the customer? 你的服务将如何满足顾客的需要? How will your service fulfill customers need? 你的产品或服务将如何提高顾客的生活素质? Will your service improve the customers life?,特征及好处 Features vs. Benefits,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,拒绝处理 Handling Objections,掌握拒绝处理的技巧是一个推销员迈向成功的必修课 Objections or clarifications are part and parcel of the selling process. 对于客户的拒绝,一是不要怕,二是想办法! 拒绝是成交的开始 Objection means : TELL ME MORE! 客户拒绝的真正原因是“你还没有说服我!” The real reason for objection is: “You have not convinced me yet!” They give us an opportunity to really understand the true needs of the clients;,Step5:,Handling Sales Objection 处理销售异议,Unspoken Objection隐秘性异议,These are objections that the client cannot or does not wish to express. 隐秘性异议指的是顾客无法或没有体现出来的异议 Sales person cutting down his own talk so that there is genuine communication with the client, with a free exchange of questions and replies. 销售人员应当避免滔滔不绝以便与顾客建立顺畅的双向沟通 The more the client talks, the more she will reveal her reasons for and against the offer. 顾客说话的机会越多,越容易透露拒绝的真正原因,Unspoken Objection 隐秘性异议,Concentrate the conversation on the clients present situation and her problems, not on the product itself. 专注于顾客对自身的问题或状况阐述,不能仅仅讲解产品 It requires only self-discipline and self control so that you avoid talking too much. 只有做好自身的自我控制,才能避免滔滔不绝 Ask the client what she doesnt understand, whether she has some doubts, or whether you have said something with which she does not agree. 询问顾客是否清晰有关讲解,是否存在疑虑,或者哪些内容顾客不赞同 Make it easy for the client to voice her objections. 提供简易明了的引导让顾客轻易阐述他的异议,Basic principle to handle objections 处理拒绝的一般原则 Welcome objections with a positive attitude 用积极的态度来面对拒绝 Listen and clarify 细心聆听 Understand 表示理解 Clarify the real concerns 确认客户拒绝的真正原因 Address the objections and clarify your recommendations 根据客户的异议提出处理或解决方法,Copyight 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,第一步:表示理解 Acknowledge (健康顾问:“非常感谢您所提出的见解/非常抱歉/我能谅解) Example : “ You all like to make promises!” 举例:“你们那销售人员经常都随便承诺!” (非常抱歉,不知您过去是否有过不愉快的消费经历),Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,第二步:确认及把异议转换为问题 Clarify & Turn the objection into QUESTION WHAT “ What specifically have you compared it to?” “您具体想对比的是哪些方面呢?” HOW “ How specifically did you do your comparative evaluation?” “您是如何对比其他品牌进行对比的呢?”,Copyright 2010 AMES United. All rights reserved.,第二步:确认及把异议转换为问题 Clarify & Turn the objection into QUESTION WHEN “When specifically did you obtain your pricing?” “您是具体什么时候得悉此价格?” WHY “ Why specifically do you feel that it is too expensive?” “请问具体从哪方面让您觉得贵呢?”,Prove 证实 Show feature and benefits, use 3rd party information 演示功能带来的利益,充分善用第三者故事 Check检查 (attempt to close) “How does it sound so far?” “你看如何呢?”,Step6:,Closing Techniques 成交技巧(促成),动作演示法,顾客大概决定购买,示范也讲的差不了,至于促成不可以直接问,应当采取顾客购买的行为: 1、先生小姐我拿一个新枕头给您试试看感觉。 2、先生小姐,刚好货不多您可以试好的产品放在我们店里,等逛好了直接来提就好OK了。,第三者的故事,引用第三者的故事 ,举一些可以有说服力和代表性顾客用后的实例。 1、先生小姐,我们商场上面的办公楼上的办公族都买了很多个 2、XX学校的还团购XX给那些教师们用。 3、拿相关顾客销售凭单给顾客看,先生小姐,有这么多顾客支持我们,如果不好会有这么多顾客买吗?,单刀直入法(直接促成法),采取假设顾客决定购买,用自然的态度一边询问一边在销售单上写下资料: 1、先生小姐,现金还是刷卡? 2、先生小姐,保修卡上是写您的名字吗?,限期限量法(有限度的供应),卖机会法,促销活动之期限,价格、赠品、等都是最优惠时期。 1、先生小姐,这次活动是我们周年庆只有限量的XX个?过完这个时期就没有了。 2、先生小姐,您看这次活动送出的礼品也是非常值得,只有今年周年庆才送出的,以前从没有过的。 3、连锁店,价钱统一,二者选一法,二者选一法的技巧,只要准顾客选中一个,帮顾客做决定 1、先生小姐,赠品要今天带走还是等送货时一起


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