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Chinese traditional festivals,Chinese traditional festivals,中国传统节日,Solemn:slm 严肃的;庄重的;庄严的 lunar:lu:n农历 firecracker:far,krk爆竹,鞭炮 goalkeeper:gul,ki:p守门员/门将 worship:w:ip 崇拜;敬仰;礼拜仪式 commemorate:kmm,ret 庆祝;纪念;成 为的纪念 calendar:klind日历 chrysanthemum:krisnmm菊花 Magpie:mgpai喜鹊 grannie:grni老太太,老奶奶 Porridge:prid粥,糊,麦片粥,一、Spring Festival,It is the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festival, generally refers to New Years Eve and the first day, also known as the lunar year, commonly known as “New Year“,eat dumplings,to stay up late or all night on New Years Eve 守岁,to set/shoot off firecrackers,To obtain Gift/Lucky money,What things can we do?,二十三董糖粘 二十四扫房子 二十五冻豆腐 二十六去买肉 二十七宰公鸡 二十八把面发 二十九蒸馒头 三十晚上熬一宿 初一初二满街走,What food can we eat?,初一饺子初二面, 初三合子往家转, 初四烙饼炒鸡蛋。 初五、初六捏面团, 初七、初八炸年糕, 初九、初十白米饭, 十一、十二八宝粥, 十三、十四窜汤丸, 正月十五元霄圆。,Goalkeepr 门神,A new year pictures年画,二、Ching Ming Festival,This time around April 5 is Ching Ming Festival, It is one of the twenty-four solar terms. “清”草木回青 “明”万物萌发,Tomb-sweeping Day,The custom of the Ching Ming Festival,We will fly a kite in the field, Enjoy the beautiful spring.,清明上河图,Qingming worship”,Ching Ming is the most important festival of sacrifice, we come to worship and grave to commemorate our ancestors,三. Dragon Boat Festival,Dragon Boat Festival is Fifth day of lunar month, Han Chinese traditional festivals.,customs of the Dragon Boat Festival,Eating zongzi-rice ball wrapped in bamboo leaves Dragon boat race,Mid-Autumn Festival is August 15. At this time, we miss our relatives.,四. Mid-Autumn Festival,The custom of Mid-Autumn Festival Enjoy the moon eat moon cake,五. Chung Yang Festival,Ninth day of September in the lunar calendar, we call it the Chung Yeung Festival or climb Festival, Of course, you can call it a festival for the elderly. We respect the elderly, we will climb mountains and enjoy the chrysanthemum,else?,Dragon heads-raising Day 二月二,寒食节the cold food day,寒食节,亦称“禁烟节”、“冷节”、“百五节”。在每年四月四日,清明节的前一天。这一日,禁烟火,所以人们不会煮热饭热菜,而只吃冷食。寒食节前后绵延两千余年,曾被称为民间第一大祭日。,寒食宴,Double-Seventh Day Chinese Another Valentines Day 七夕节,That is, on Monday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鹊桥) across the Milky Way(银河). Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.,六月六翻经节 translates after festival,六


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