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高校招生改革 【写作任务】 北京大学2010年将试行由中学校长实名推荐的招生改革。被推荐的学生高考成绩可获得30分的加分。2009年11月16日北大公布了39所有推荐资格的中学名单。北大这一举措在全国引起了一场激烈的争论。请根据以下要点给中国日报写一篇有关这场争论的报道,并表达你对这场争论的看法(至少两点)。,注意: 1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 3参考词汇:大胆的bold;透明的transparent Peking University will enroll students recommended by high school principals this year.The recommended students will have an extra 30 points added to their national college entrance exam scores. Peking Universitys move has set off a nationwide debate.,_ _ 【思路点拨】 1比较类写作通常含四个层次:总述;支持方观点;反对方观点;作者个人看法。 2注意时态通常用现在时,因为是表达对现实某个问题的观点。 3注意观点表达的基本句型和过渡语的使用。,【词汇热身】 1approve _赞同 2provide sb. _sth.提供某人某物 3entrance_高考制度 4object_/be opposed_反对 5be _favor of支持 【答案】 1.of 2.with 3.system 4.to;to 5.in,【一句多译】 1该举措确保高素质学生和有特殊才华的学生不仅仅因考试表现而被忽视。 _ _ 2尽管新改革不成熟,我们也应该支持。 _ _,【答案】 1.This move ensures that quality students and talented ones arent overlooked simply because of their performance in the national university entrance exam. This is a move which makes sure that quality students and talented ones arent ignored just because of their performance in the national university entrance exam. 2Though/Although they are not mature,we should support new reforms. Immature as/though they are,we should support new reforms.,【自主操练】 _ _ _ _,【自我校正】 _ _ _,【范文内化】 Peking_University_will_enroll_students_recommended_by_high_school_principals_this_year._The_recommended_students_will_have_an_extra_30_points_added_to_their_national_college_entrance_exam_scores._Peking_Universitys_move_has_set_off_a_nationwide_debate.,Some people approve_ofthe move.They think this is the bold attempt Peking_University_has_made at reforming the current university entrance system.This move provides quality students and students talented in certain subjects with an opportunity to enter firstclass universities and ensure that they arent overlooked simplybecause of their performance in the national university entrance exam.Meanwhile,it will push high schools to pay more attention to the students allround development.,However,quite a few people object to the move.Firstly,it may lead to cheating.Secondly,only 39 schools are qualified to recommend students,which is unfair to so many schools across the country.Thirdly,there_is_no_point_giving_extra_scores_to_those_recommended_students,for they are mostly top students and have no problem entering Peking University. As far as Im concerned,Im in favor of this reform.As the process of recommendation is transparent,cheat


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