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走出困境的体育美学 胡小明,我国体育美学鼻祖,胡小明,胡小明教授珍藏版,希腊之旅 风华正茂,中文摘要,摘要:中国的体育美学研究在20世纪80年代兴起,因为当时的社会经济文化整体水平较低、体育理论的欠成熟而难以支撑其超前发展,于90年代陷入低潮。从研究群体自身的原因看,也存在着忽视美学原理的学习、与实际发展的脱离等不足。当前社会的进步给体育美学的发展提供了新的平台,需要吸收人类文明的传统精髓的滋养,具备后现代意识,以满足人口日益增长的体育审美需求,来提升中国人的生话质量,走出停滞不前的困境。 关键词:体育 美学,英文摘要,Abstract: The research on the Sport Physical aesthetics in China, arising in the eighties of 20th, are is down in nineties for the contemporary low level of economics and culture and the immature of the Sport Physical theories, which are the instable basis on support the super development of the Sport Physical Aesthetics theories. The researchers ignore the study in the aesthetics principle theories and the relationship with the experience, which in other reason causing the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics low. The Sport Physical Aesthetics needs the human traditional knowledge, basins on present social progress, and the increasing leisure and recreation Physical demands, with the later industry postmodern mind, to improve the Chinese life quality, which can take the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics out of the dilemma puzzle. Key words: Sport Physical: aesthetics,改评,1、汉语表达不清晰。 这个句子缺少主语,主语应该是“美学的发展”.即“美学的发展需要吸收” 2、第一句。 标点错误,“中国的体育美学研究在20世纪80年代兴起,”, 这里应该是句号。 汉译英时专业术语译的不对。如把体育美学译成了Sport Physical aesthetics ,sport是竞技的意思,而Physical Education才是体育的意思,下文的同此改. “The research on the Sport Physical aesthetics in China, arising in the eighties of 20th,”应改成”The research on the Physical Education aesthetics in China was aroused in 20th eighties. “。 这里说的体育美学起始于过去,应该用过去时。这句话的重点是起始点,而不是总个美学发展过程,所以改成一般过去时。in 20th eighties更简洁。,改平,、第二句。 “are is down in nineties for the contemporary low level of economics and culture and the immature of the Sport Physical theories, which are the instable basis on support the super development of the Sport Physical Aesthetics theories.”改成“” The research went down in nineties for the low level of economics and culture and for the immature of the Physical Education theories in that age, which were hard to support the super development of the Physical Education Aesthetics theories;,改平,第三句。 把“The researchers ignore the study in the aesthetics principle theories and the relationship with the experience, which in other reason causing the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics low.”改成“The researchers ignore the study of the aesthetics principle theories and get away from the practical development were one of the other reason yet.” .忽视和脱离不能用一个词“ignore”来表示。 which in other reason causing the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics low不简洁。,改平,第四句。 把“The Sport Physical Aesthetics needs the human traditional knowledge, basins on present social progress, and the increasing leisure and recreation Physical demands, with the later industry postmodern mind, to improve the Chinese life quality, which can take the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics out of the dilemma puzzle.”改成“The development of Physical Education Aesthetics needs to absorb the human traditional knowledge and basins on present social progress ,with the later industry postmodern mind, to face the increasing demands of Physical Recreation and aesthetics taste of people, to improve Chinese life quality and take the research of the Physical Education Aesthetics out of the dilemma puzzle.”,复文,Correction:Abstract: The research on the Physical Education aesthetics in China was aroused in 20th eighties. The research went down in nineties for the low level of economics and culture and for the immature of the Physical Education theories in that age, which were hard to support the super development of the Physical Education Aesthetics theories; Researchers ignore the study of the aesthetics principle theories and get away from the practical development were one of the other reason yet. The development of Physical Education Aesthetics needs to absorb the human traditional knowledge and basins on present social progress ,with the later industry postmodern mind, to face the increasing demands of Physical Recreation and


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