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Paging Dr.Carson,By Ben Carson,Reading Selection B,Members:徐志财 钟 超 李永生 洪 龙,1、Page peid,Reading Selection B,to call aloud for sb. Who is wanted for some reasons,n. 页;记录;大事件,时期;男侍者 vt. 给标页码 vi. 翻书页,浏览 v.广播呼叫某人,The doctor asked to be paged if the patients condition grew worse suddenly. 如果病人的病情突然恶化,医生让马上用寻呼机叫他。 He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding. 航班登机时,广播里反复呼叫他。,英英释义,Reading Selection B,2、Domestic dmestik,adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的 n. 国货;佣人,a household servant,domsstic flight 国内航班;国内班机;国内航线; domestic sewage 环境 生活污水;生活排水,She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job. 她人很好也顾家,把家庭看得比兼职工作更为重要。 It was a scene of such domestic bliss. 这是一幅家庭如此幸福的画面。 Do you want domestic basketballs or imported ones? 你想买国产的还是进口的篮球?,英英释义,Reading Selection B,3、Trigger,vt. 引发,引起;触发 vi. 松开扳柄 n. 扳机;电子 触发器;制滑机,an act that sets in motion some course of events,Pull the trigger 开枪 Trigger off 引起;激起,The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house.,那些小偷一定是故意触发了报警器,然后藏在屋子里。,The hunter pulled the trigger and stopped the deer cold. 猎人一扣板机,鹿应声倒地。,英英释义,Reading Selection B,4、Reptile reptail,adj. 爬虫类的;卑鄙的 n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人,a type of creature whose blood changes temperature according to the temperature around it , which is covered in rough skin , and typically goes along the ground or near it,This small reptile, which measures just 10 centimeters long, can swim through the sand dunes at up to 15 centimeters per second. 这种身长只有10厘米小型爬行动物,可以在沙子中以最快每秒15厘米的速度游动。 The streams and rivers of this country used to be home to a sacred reptile, which has since gone extinct. 以前,该国的小溪和河流中生活着一种受人尊重的爬行动物,现在已经灭绝了。,英英释义,5、Hushed,Reading Selection B,adj.(地方)异常安静的,寂静的;(声音、谈话)小声的,低声的,I could hear the hushed voices, but this time I forced myself not to listen and I strained my eyes shut. 我能听到寂静的声音,但这次我强迫自己不听我的,我紧张的闭上了眼睛。 In that hushed moment I recognized the makings of a prize-winning news photograph. 在那寂静的一瞬间,我意识到这将是一张能让我获奖的新闻照片。,Reading Selection B,6、Dawm on,逐渐(被人)知晓;渐渐为所明白或理解,to bencome gradually known by sb.,It gradually dawned on me that I still had talent and ought to run again. 我渐渐明白了自己还有才能,应该再次参加竞选。 Only gradually did it dawn on us that no supplies ever came down the road. 后来我们才恍然大悟,原来从来没有补给物资顺这条路运送下来过。,Dawm,n. 黎明;开端 vt. 破晓;出现;被领悟,英英释义,英英释义,the first light of day,Reading Selection B,7、Snap off,(突然)关掉(电源) (使)突然折断,喀嚓一声折断:,to turn off,英英释义,Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off . 他踩著的树枝突然啪的一声折断了。 About five oclock it was blue enough o


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