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语法填空,Do you often let other peoples nonsense change your mood? If so, try _31_ (get) back your focus on whats important _32_ (quick). Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back of _33_ New York City taxi cab. We took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane _34_, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver braked hard and missed the other cars back end _35_ just inches! The driver of the other car started yelling bad words at us. However, my taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. So, I said, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” And this is, when my taxi driver told me, _36_ I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck.” Many people are _37_ garbage trucks. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump _38_. When someone wants to dump on you, you just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You would be happy if you _39_ (do). Love the people who treat you right. Forget about the _40_ who dont.,31. to get 32. quickly 33. a 34. when 35. by 36. what 37.like 38. it 39. did 40. ones,There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport. She was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she was not aware they were going on _31_ different route. Suddenly, a man went inside the cab and took her handbag _32_ she placed her visa, passport, and all her money _33_ the trip. She kept on thinking how _34_ (luck) she was to be in that situation. That very same night, she heard a piece of _35_ (shock) news. Flight 230 crashed! It was the plane where she was supposed to board into. _36_she had not lost her precious belongings, she could have lost something far _37_ important her life! Sometimes bad things really happen. We fail our exams, or get rejected by others. There are times when nothing seems to go our way. So what do we do about it? We must take all these frustrations out of our chest and start all over again with the consistent faith that we _38_ (get) what we deserved. If you failed the exams, maybe youd be more successful and much happier in _39_ field. If you were rejected by your friend, there are plenty of others out there _40_ are much more deserving of your love and affection. Dont waste your time and energy on things that cant be changed.,31. a 32. where 33. for 34. unlucky 35. shocking 36. If 37. more 38. will get 39. another 40. who,Analysis,失分原因:语法基础知识不扎实和应 用能力差,1. 词汇关过得不好(拼写,词性) 2. 构词法 3. 句子结构混乱 4. 思维定势 5. 上下文的关系搞不清楚,语法填空题的考查方式,主要有两类:1. 自由填空类 2. 提示性填空类,1.自由填空类。考查的语言项目主要有: 行文逻辑:根据上下文的逻辑关系。 冠词:(特指或泛指) 代词: my/your /his,this/that,both/all 连/副词:while/though/becaue等。 介词:at night/be good at/wait for. 关系代词(who/which) 情态动词:时态(can/may/must),例:To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a 1 actor: you must be able to hold the attention and the interest of 2 audience; you must be a clear speaker, 3 a good, strong, pleasing voice4 is fully under your control; and you must be able to act5 you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.,good,your,with,which,what,2. 提示性填空类。考查的语言项目主要有: 动词:时态,语态主动语态和被动语态 非谓语动词:不定式,分词和动名词 形容词和副词:原级,比较级和最高级 名词:单、复数,所有格 构词法:词类转化,语法填空解题步骤,一. 读懂首句,判断体裁,确定时态 首句会交代事件的环境,时间和背景 等,理解首句有利于学生对短文的整 体把握和进一步的理解。 二. 动脑思考,分析推理 解题时要时时联系上下文,从语篇中 去判断该填哪个单词。词句篇结合. 三. 通读全文,验证所填的词 检查内容是否连贯,注意单词拼 写是否正确等细节问题。,语法填空题的解题思路: 1. 根据语法知识进行填充 2. 根据逻辑关系进行填充 3. 根据语篇标志进行填充 语篇是指比单个句子长的语言单位(句群、段 落、篇章等)。 (“语篇标志词”)如: 表示结构层次:first, second, third, finally等; 表示逻辑关系的有: thus,therefore,so等; 表示转折关系或变换话题的有: however, but, by the way等,4. 根据固定词组进行填充(第6题) 熟练掌握一些常见的词组,如: as a matter of, be proud of, by the way, come from, congratulate.on., devote.to., earn ones living, keep ones word, make up ones mind 等,对解题很有帮助。 5. 根据句型搭配进行填充(第4题) 就是根据一些常用的句型搭配,如: so/such.that., it is.(for sb.) to do sth, there is no doubt that., there is no sense in doing sth.等来解题。,As I think back I realize how hard it is to view the world _31_ the eyes of my childhood. _32_ childs mind is still filled with the idea that anything and everything is possible. They havent begun building the mental walls yet. Watch a child _33_(learn) to walk and its amazing. No matter how many times they fall down, they hop back up _34_ they instinctively know that eventually theyll be able to walk. They dont have to worry what _35_ think. They have no need to put up a front(讲面子). They are who they are. But somewhere along the line they learn to be _36_ (practice). Their creativity is blocked over time, as the world _37_(teach)them to fit in. Eventually they dont bounce back as fast when they fail. Learning is now something you have to do _38_ is very boring and unpleasant. You and I _39_ tear down those walls that are closing in and start fresh. Its time to bring back that sense of joy and wonder. When youre setting your goals for the New Year, think like a child. Set your goals as if _40_ is possible.,31. through 32. A 33. learning 34. because 35


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