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第五章 谈判中的冲突与力量,主要内容,冲突与冲突的作用 冲突的解决 力量与力量的来源,主要内容,冲突与冲突的作用 冲突的解决 力量与力量的来源,导入案例:失窃的靴子,故事始于一双失窃的靴子。 矿工们习惯于将工作服放在篮子里,并悬挂在浴室的天花板下。 某个晚上,一个矿工发现他的靴子丢了,这导致他无法下井工作。 于是他非常生气地找到了值班经理,跟他抱怨道:“老天,有人偷了我的靴子。这太不公平了,是因为公司没有保护好我的财务,却因此需要我花自己的钱去额外买双靴子!”,导入案例:失窃的靴子,“确实是倒霉!”值班经理回答:“但是,公司没有为员工保管私人财务的义务,这个你应该早就从矿山工作规定里读到的。”这个倒霉的矿工更加恼火了,他对自己说:“我要给他们点颜色看看!如果我今天无法下井,那么没有任何其他人会去工作的。” 他于是说服了几个关系很好的工友,跟他一起停工。其他人,为了表示团结和支持,都跟着停工了。 由此,罢工开始了!,导入案例:失窃的靴子,可是后来才发现,那双失窃的靴子,其实是矿山的安全员拿走的,目的是要警告矿工必须按照要求保管好自己的财物。 安全员认为值班经理也会跟他一样警告矿工的松散行为。 他抱怨说:“如果值班经理跟那个火大的矿工说,我会给你买双新靴子,或者矿工直接管值班经理申请点贷款什么的,那就不可能会有罢工。”,导入案例:失窃的靴子,安全员坚信,他处理冲突的方法比值班经理和矿工都好。确实如此吗? 如果你是那个倒霉的矿工,你会如何处理这个冲突? 如果你是值班经理,你又会如何处理?,冲突与冲突的作用,一、冲突的定义 fight, battle or struggle sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests, ideas, etc. A dispute begins when one person (or organization) makes a claim or demand on another who rejects it.,冲突与冲突的作用,二、冲突的级别 内心冲突 人际冲突 组织内部冲突 组织间冲突,冲突与冲突的作用,内心冲突 (Intrapersonal or Intrapsychic Conflict) At this level, conflict occurs within an individual. Sources of conflict include ideas, thoughts, emotions, values, predispositions, or drives that are in conflict with each other. cognitive psychologists, personality theorists, clinical psychologists, and psychiatrists,冲突与冲突的作用,人际冲突 (Interpersonal Conflict) At this level, conflict occurs between individuals. Conflict that occurs between husbands and wives, bosses and subordinates, siblings, or roommates is all interpersonal conflict. Much of conflicts at this level can also be applied to the other levels specified below.,冲突与冲突的作用,组织内部冲突 (Intragroup Conflict) At this level, conflict occurs within a small group among team and committee members and within families, classes, fraternities and sororities, and work groups. Analyzing conflicts at this level to resolve disputes and achieve group goals effectively.,冲突与冲突的作用,组织间冲突 (Intergroup Conflict) At this level, conflict occurs between groups, union and management, warring nations, or communities challenging governmental authorities. Conflict can occur within groups and between groups simultaneously, and negotiations at this level are also the most complex.,冲突与冲突的作用,三、冲突的作用 ConsiderIs conflict bad or good?,Side Effect of Competition (竞争的副作用),If I couldnt win, nor could U!,冲突与冲突的作用,Misperception and Bias (误解和偏见),Friend or enemy?,冲突与冲突的作用,Emotionality (情绪化),Cant communicate with me? Lets talk closer!,冲突与冲突的作用,Blurred Issues (混淆问题),What R U doing?,Shes not my girlfriend!,My boyfriend is much more handsome than U!,冲突与冲突的作用,Rigid Commitment (固执的坚持),Who will be the next one to hold the ball?,冲突与冲突的作用,Dysfunctions of Conflict Functions of Conflict,冲突与冲突的作用,Dysfunctions of Conflict Side Effect of Competition Misperception and Bias Emotionality Decreased Communication Blurred Issues Rigid Commitment Magnified Differences and Minimized Similarities Functions of Conflict,冲突与冲突的作用,Dysfunctions of Conflict Functions of Conflict Solving underlying problem Promoting awareness of self and others Enhancing personal development Strengthening relationships and heightening morale Promising organizational change and adaptation,冲突与冲突的作用,Conflict is not simply destructive or productive. It is both. The objective of studying conflict is not to eliminate it but manage it, so the destructive elements are controlled while more productive aspects are enjoyed. Negotiation is a strategy for productively managing conflict.,冲突与冲突的作用,主要内容,冲突与冲突的作用 冲突的解决 力量与力量的来源,一、解决冲突的三种依据 When he pressed his claim that the company should do something about his stolen boots, the miner focused on rights“Why should I lose a shifts pay and the price of a pair of boots because the company cant protect the property?” When the shift boss responded by referring to mine regulations, he followed the miners lead and continued to focus on who was right.,冲突的解决,一、解决冲突的三种依据 The miner, frustrated in his attempt to win what he saw as justice, provoked a walkoutchanging the focus to power. “Ill show them!” In other words, he would show the company how much power he and his fellow coal miners hadhow dependent the company was on them for the production of coal.,冲突的解决,一、解决冲突的三种依据 The mine superintendent thought the focus should have been on interests. The miner had an interest in boots and a shifts pay, and the company had an interest in the miner working his assigned shift.,冲突的解决,一、解决冲突的三种依据 利 益 reconciling interests 正确性relevant standards or rights toward a fair outcome 权 力a certain balance of power exists between the parties Interests-based, Rights-based, and Power-based,冲突的解决,二、3种依据之间的关系,冲突的解决,FIGURE 1 Interrelationships among Interests, Rights, and Power,Interests,Rights,Power,三、哪种依据最好? 交易成本 (Transaction Costs) 对结果的满意度 (Satisfaction with Outcomes ) 关系变化 (Effect on the Relationship) 冲突的反复性 (Recurrence) 思考:矿工、值班经理和安全员,谁的思路更优?,冲突的解决,FIGURE 2 Moving from a Distressed to an Effective Dispute Resolution System Power,Interests,Rights,Power,Interests,Rights,Power,Distressed System,Effective System,冲突的解决,主要内容,冲突与冲突的作用 冲突的解决 力量与力量的来源,力量与力量的来源,一、力量的优势 谈判中,“力量”经常作为“力量杠杆”的同义词来使用。 谈判者通过寻求力量杠杆,增加自信; 谈判者通过寻求力量杠杆来增大对对手的控制力; 谈判者会根据寻求到的力量杠杆,调整谈判策略。,力量与力量的来源,二、力量的定义 广义上来说,当人们具有“心想事成的能力”或者“使事情以预想方式进展”时,就拥有了力量优势。 We define power, somewhat narrowly, as the ability to force someone to do something he would not otherwise do.,力量与力量的来源,三、力量的来源 信息与专长 对资源的控制 组织中的位置,力量与力量的来源,信息与专长(Information and Expertise) 信息,指能够改变对方看待问题的观点或立场的数据; 专长,指在具体问题或事件上的知识积累或对信息的掌握程度。,力量与力量的来源,对资源的控制(Control of Resource) 控制资源的人,可以用资源的分配方式,影响甚至控制谈判对手。 资源包括:金钱、物资、时间、技术、服务、人际关系等。,力量与力量的来源,组织中的位置(Positional Power) 等级结构组织中的法定权力 网络结构组织中的非法定权力,力量与力量的来源,四、提升信息的力量 思考:信息的力量(影响力)跟哪些因素有关? 信息因素 信息源因素 接受者因素 关系因素,初始态度,最终态度,信息因素 信息内容 信息结构 说服方式,信息源因素 可信性 吸引力,接受者因素 对对方的关注 抵制他人的影响,关系因素 互利性 紧密性,提升信息的力量,力量与力量的来源,信息因素 信息内容 信息结构 说服方式,力量与力量的来源,信息因素 信息内容 强调对方接受建议后能获得的好处; 从小处着手,先取得对方的赞同; 着力于先达成原则性协议。 信息结构 说服方式,力量与力量的来源,信息因素 信息内容 信息结构 信息组成细节拆分与组合; 信息顺序先易后难; 双向信息组合双方信息。 说服方式,案例:先易后难,社会心理学家做过一个实验,要把一块大广告牌插到邻近路旁的私人草坪中。 如


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