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William Faulkners novels,American Writer Born: Sept. 25, 1897 Died: July 6, 1962 Awards and honors: Nobel Prize for literature, written a total of 19 novels and nearly one hundred short stories, 15 Minister of papers and the vast majority of short stories are in Yoknapatawpha County, called Yoknapatawpha descent. The context is the story of several generations of several families of this county Jefferson town and its suburbs belong to different social classes,He came from an old southern family, grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. He joined the Canadian, and later the British, Royal Air Force during the First World War, studied for a while at the University of Mississippi 支配这个家族的是福克纳的曾祖父威廉克拉科福克纳老上校。他既是种植园主,又是军人、作家、政治家。 Dominate the this family is the old Colonel Faulkners great-grandfather William Krakow Faulkner. He is both a planter, soldier, writer, statesman.,characteristics Height five feet, six inches tall Hobbies drinking Carrying the pipe Strong will The southerners unique sense of humor Early writing career, an editor was wrong to spell his name as “Faulkner,“ and Faulkner decided to wrongly using it,士兵的报酬 (Soldiers Pay)(1926) 蚊群(Mosquitoes)(1927) 萨托里斯(Sartoris)(1929) 喧哗与骚动(The Sound and the Fury)(1929) 我弥留之际(As I Lay Dying)(1930) 圣殿(Sanctuary)(1931) 八月之光(Light in August)(1932) 塔门(Pylon)(1935) 押沙龙,押沙龙! (Absalom, Absalom!)(1936) 不败者(The Unvanquished)(1938),野棕榈(If I Forget Thee Jerusalem (The Wild Palms/Old Man))(1939) 村子(The Hamlet)(1940) 去吧,摩西(Go Down, Moses)(1942) 闯入坟墓的人(Intruder in the Dust)(1948) 修女安魂曲(Requiem for a Nun)(1951) 寓言(A Fable )(1954) 镇(The Town)(1957) 大宅(The Mansion)(1959) 掠夺者(The Reivers)(1962) Flags in the Dust(1973),福克纳深受家庭传统和南方风土人情的影响。他的作品中有南方人特有的幽默感,深入刻画黑人与白人的地位、相处、矛盾等敏感问题,生动描绘出惟妙惟肖的南方人形象。 family traditions and Southern customs. Southerners unique sense of humor, his work depth characterization of the status, contradictions, and other sensitive issues, and vividly depicts a image of Southerners,福克纳笔下的剧情浸染着人物的复杂心理变化,细腻的感情描写穿插其中。他作品最大的外在特点是绵延婉转、结构极为繁复的长句子和反复斟酌推敲后选取的精巧词汇。他一生多产,令很多美国作家羡艳不已,不过也有很多人对其持批评态度。他和风格简洁明了、干脆利落的海明威更是两个极端。一般认为他是1930年代唯一一位真正意义上的美国现代主义作家,与欧洲文学试验者乔伊斯、伍尔芙、普鲁斯特等人遥相呼应,大量运用意识流、多角度叙述和陈述中时间推移等富有创新性的文学手法。,1930年代中,为了赚钱他出版了低俗小说类型的圣殿(Sanctuary)。其中邪恶、堕落腐败的主题(伴随浓厚的南方哥特风格)在今日仍然影响着通俗文学。此书续作修女安魂曲是他唯一出版的戏剧 In the 1930s, in order to make money he published a Pulp Fiction type of “temple“ (of Sanctuary). Which evil, degenerate corruption theme (along with a strong southern Gothic style) still affecting the popular literature today. The book sequel “Sister Requiem“ is his only published play,最有代表性的作品是喧哗与骚动。 The most representative works are “The Sound and the Fury“.,故事发生在20世纪初年、约克纳帕塔法县杰斐逊镇一个姓康普生的南方世家。这个家族曾经显赫一时,祖上出过州长和将军,广有田地,黑奴成群。但是南北战争之后,家族渐趋没落,只余下一幢破败的家宅以及一户黑人佣人,连长子上大学、女儿办婚宴也要卖了最后的田地才能应付。一家之长康普生先生只知道缅怀过去,发表空论,成天借酒浇愁,致使开办的律师事务所一败涂地,最后酒精中毒而死。康普生太太念念不忘自己的南方闺秀身份,她精神抑郁、无病呻吟、自私乖僻,极度地以自我为中心。长子昆丁生性懦弱、多愁善感,怀着对妹妹的病态之爱,19岁时在哈佛大学投河自尽。女儿凯蒂富于生命力,性格开放,由于未婚先孕,便与一位银行家结婚以掩人耳目,被丈夫发觉后撵回娘家,却又不为思想保守的家庭所容,只好将私生女小昆丁寄养在父母家里,漂泊异乡以出卖色相为生。,次子杰生没有享受到分毫遗产,中学毕业后便做了办事员,进银行工作的美梦也因姐姐的离婚丑闻而归于破灭,他自私自利,冷酷无情,爱钱如命,用种种手段敲诈凯蒂,虐待小昆丁,侵吞凯蒂寄给小昆丁的生活费。小儿子班吉纯洁善良,可惜是个白痴,33岁却只有一个3岁孩子的智力水平,因为试图强奸邻居女孩,被做了阉割手术。小昆丁在冷漠无望的环境中长大,17岁时偷了舅舅杰生的不义之财,跟一个劣迹斑斑的流浪艺人私奔。家庭中唯一的亮色来自黑人女佣迪尔西,她是康普生太太出嫁时带过来的家奴,多年来一直忠心耿耿,不仅担负起家务重任,还一直保护着班吉、凯蒂、小昆丁等人免受杰生的伤害。,Absalom, Absalom!,认为福克纳的创作达到了顶峰。这部小说把福克纳对约克纳帕塔法的建构、对小说叙述技巧的熟练掌握以及他对创造真理问题的持续性兴趣都汇合到一块。在这儿,福克纳从不同的角度把注意力集中在一个虚构的历史问题上。 That Faulkners creation reached its peak. The novel Faulkner Yoknapatawpha construction of the master, and his persistent interest in creating the problem of truth have convergence to a novel narrative technique. Here, Faulkner, from different angles to focus on a fictional history of problems.,这部小说就像许多历史学家的对话,各式各样的人物都以自己观察问题的方式、按照自己的理解来支配事实,企图得出事情是怎么发生的或为什么会发生的部分真相。最后一种观点认为真理出自于强调心灵的真实性、与心灵直接对话并难以证明的想像行为。 The novel is like many historians of the dialogue, a wide range of characters in their own way to examine the issue, according to their own understanding to dictate the fact that the attempt to draw things is part of the story how it happened or why it happened. The final argument is that the truth comes from the emphasis on spiritual authenticity, and is difficult to prove the acts of the imagination and soul direct dialogue.,When people act like niggers, no matter who they are the only thing to do is treat them like a nigger. Once a bitch always a bitch, what I say Clocks slay time. Time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life. A man is the sum of his misfortunes. One day youd think misfortune would get tired, but then time is your misfortune A mule will labor ten years willingly and patiently for you, for the privilege of kicking you once.,An artist is a creature driven by demons. He doesnt know why they choose him and hes usually too busy to wonder why. Dont bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. Im bad and Im going to hell, and I dont care. Id rather be in hell than anywhere where you are. Pointless. like giving caviar to an elephant. The best job that was ever offered to me was to become a landlord in a brothel. In my opinion its the perfect milieu for an artist to work in.,从押沙龙,押沙龙!看来,福克纳的作品表现了技巧和主题的结合。他的许多杰作能够被看成是对构成自我超越的巨大障碍的研究,他把自我超越当作自己文化的一部分。在喧哗和骚动中,福克纳把焦点集中在古老南方社会秩序的崩溃以及由此给家庭价值观念所带来的压力上。 From “Absalom, Absalom!“ It seems that Faulkners work shows the combination of skills and topics. Many of his masterpiece can be seen as a huge obstacle to constitute a self-transcendence, self-transcendence as part of their own culture. The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner focus in the old Southern social order collapse and the p


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