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Unit 9 How does a secretary deal with speeches?,Review Section 1 Section 2 Section 3,Review,(1) 致: Peter Smith (2) 来自:Helen, 办公室秘书 (3) 写信日期:2008年1月21日 (4) 事由: 邀请某公司营销部经理Peter Smith前往我公司会议室举行一场关于市场营销的讲座,讲座时间拟定于2008年2月1日上午8:00-10:00。 Jan.21, Monday Dear Peter, We would like to invite you to give a speech on Marketing, which will be held at the conference room in our company from 8:00-10:00 on Feb. 1, 2008. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. Yours faithfully, Helen,2. Write a reply letter to the invitation card in Exercise 1.,Dear Helen, Thank you for your letter of Jan. 21th inviting me to present a speech on marketing in your company. I am very pleased to accept your invitation. My assistant, Mr. Li will consult you to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance. Yours faithfully, Peter,Translate the following sentences into English.,秘书通常要接待和款待来自全国各地甚至世界各地的来访者。 A secretary is often involved in receiving and entertaining visitors from other parts of the country or even overseas. 秘书代表了他(她)的公司。 A secretary is working on behalf of his or her company. 无论何时何地,秘书应该而且必须记住人民和国家的利益高于一切。 Whenever and wherever the secretary is, he or she should and must remember that the interests of the people and his or her country are above everything else. 秘书应该不卑不亢。 A secretary should be neither humble nor arrogant. 秘书应该有强烈的责任感。 A secretary should have a strong sense of responsibility. 秘书应该重视并且利用他(她)得到的机会。 A secretary should value and take advantage of the opportunity he or she is involved in.,Section 1 Interpreting at a Banquet?,背景知识: 在外事工作中,涉外秘书除了要做好本职工作外,还要经常兼职做口译,有时还要为领导写不同场合的演讲稿或开幕词或闭幕词。学习和掌握口译知识和演讲辞写作知识就成为合格秘书的另一门必修课了。 口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到的(或读到)的信息准确、迅速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,达到顺利传递与交流信息的交际目的,是人类在跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。,最常见的口译形式为交替口译(alternating interpretation)和同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)。 交替口译 是指译员同时以两种语言为操不同语言的交际双方进行轮回交替式口译。 同声传译 是译员在不打断讲话者演讲的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听众的一种口译方式。,/programs/view/C0rld1cMogo/,Language points,1. beyond expression: 无法表达 beyond: To a degree or amount greater than:为所不能及;多于;超出: Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 我看不懂这篇文章。Its quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker. 我实在无法理解为什么她会嫁给这样一个烟鬼。 2. strengthen the ties: 加强关系 ties: Something that connects or unites; a link: 联系,关系;连接物:a blood tie; 血缘关系;marital ties婚姻联系,3. take this opportunity to 借此机会去做 Id like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest welcome to our distinguished guests. 我愿借此机会向尊贵的嘉宾致以最热烈的欢迎! 4. Bottoms up! 干杯!这个词组强调喝干。Cheers! 意为碰杯。 propose a toast to 5. a response speech to the welcome speech (针对欢迎词的)答谢词,Translate the following sentences into English,今晚, 我们同琼斯先生一行欢聚一堂, 感到非常高兴。 Were very happy to have Mr. Jones and his party here with us tonight. 他是七十年代中期乒乓外交后首批来中国的美国商人之一。 He was among the first American businessmen who came to China right after the Ping Pang Diplomacy in the mid-70s. 由于目前的合同下个月就要到期,我们非常高兴你们来此商谈签订新的合同。 As our present contract is expiring next month, were very pleased to have you here to work with us on a new contract. 我坚信通过我们双方的努力,新合同将使我们两家公司之间的纽带更加牢固,使我们两家公司更加繁荣。 I firmly believe that through our mutual efforts, the new contract will further strengthen the ties between our two companies and make both of us more prosperous. 我想利用这个机会为谈判的成功和我们两家公司的繁荣干杯。 Id like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the success of the negotiation, and to the prosperity of our two companies.,Section 2 Getting Some Knowledge of Speeches,一、背景知识: 演讲(speech)是在公开场合,向较多的听众,以口头语言表达为主,以手势情态表达为辅,就某一问题或事件发表自己的意见或阐明道理、抒发感情,从而影响和感召听众的一种口头独白。 演讲有五大功能:使人知道、使人相信、使人激动、使人快乐。 演讲有三种表现形式: 命题演讲 即兴演讲 论辩演讲,Language points,reinforce:To give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen: 增强:给予更多的力量或效力;加强: ex: The news reinforced her hopes. 这个消息增强了她的希望 reinforce sbs opinion, argument, conviction,etc 支持某人的意见、 论点、 信念等 This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy. 这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这一看法.,2. fall into: To be included within the range or scope of something属于;在范围之内:被包括在某物范围之内: The specimens fall into three categories.标本被分作三类 The movie falls into the type of action movie. 这个电影属于动作片。 3. take action: 采取行动: take military action采取军事行动 take concerted action采取一致行动,Speeches,Informative Persuasive Entertaining Stimulating,Ceremonial speeches,Welcoming speech A response speech A farewell speech,Begin, body, end Identify, extend, express Recall, cherish, Respect, Future contact, Say goodbye,Section 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches (1),3 parts Introduction-begin with opening words Bodytopic sentences Conclusionstrengthen,Welcome speech,Begin -welcome Body -a brief introduction of the guests and the purpose of the visit End-a warm welcome again,Exercises:,P101 1,Sample 3. Welcoming Foreign Guests,_ _ (各位贵宾从美国远道而来参观本公司,我们感到荣幸和骄傲。) Our staff and employees will_ _(竭尽全力使各位的这次访问既舒服又有意义). Today, they will introduce you to our newly-built plant and research center. _ _(如果有什么问题,请尽量提出,千万不要客气) I want to _ (最热烈的欢迎)to all of you, and sincerely hope _ _(各位有所收获,不虚此行),Practical Writing,Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.,do our best to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile,We are proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests coming all the way from the United States to visit our company.,extend my warmest welcome,your visit here will be worthwhile and meaningful.,Homework,1. 补充阅读题做完 2. 将此材料以小组的形式翻译出来。每小组提交一份翻译。每小组4-5人,自由结合。,Qualities of Interpreters Theres a certain tendency to consider translation and interpreting as one and the same thing. Whilst the principle remains the same conveying the content of a source language into a target language 1 - interpreting belongs to a distinctive breed. The translator deals with static text; hell have time to swing back and forth in the quest for that perfect sentence. The interpreter hasnt got that privilege. Decisions have to be made in real-time or near-real-time, which means the threshold between success and failure is even thinner.,Supplementary Reading,译文,Apart from the obvious language skills, the qualities required of an interpreter are very demanding. This section gives you an idea of what you should expect from a fully qualified interpreter. Language Skills In the same way an omelet cant be cooked without eggs, language is just a pre-requisite 2 for mastering the techniques of interpreting. Analytical Skills Analysis is foremost amongst the strategies employed by court interpreters. It is so essential that it can be considered an intrinsic part of the process rather than a subsidiary strategy. Many standards of practice for medical interpreters also cite analysis as a key element in the proficiency of interpretation.3,Supplementary Reading,译文,Listening and Recall Effective interpretation requires effective listening skills. The specific kind of listening that interpreters are called upon to show is known as “active listening”, which is quite different from other forms of listening, and has to be learnt by the interpreter. Having a good memory is especially important for a legal interpreter, who must retain and include in the target language message even extra-linguistic elements.,Supplementary Reading,译文,Interpersonal Skills Despite the stereotype of the conference interpreter who spends the whole day in the booth addressing faceless bureaucrats in a monolithic voice, many conferences involve direct contact between interpreters and their listeners. Moreover, the conference members are not always international civil servants or businessmen; they may come from all walks of life and range from factory workers to housewives, from farmers to refugees.,Supplementary Reading,译文,Ethical Behavior Although the interpreters code of ethics has the greatest impact in legal settings, ethics are a major consideration for all interpreters. Some delicate situations can arise in international conferences, requiring that interpreters thoroughly understand their role and exercise good judgment. Medical interpreters must be particularly attuned to the importance of issues of patient privacy.,Supplementary Reading,译文,Speaking Skills Even consecutive interpreters, who generally interpret in more intimate settings, need to be able to express ideas well: effective speaking skills range from quality of voice to choice of intonation, vocabulary, phrasing, etc.,Supplementary Reading,译文,Subject and Cultural Skills Although the sentence “You dont need to understand it, just translate it!” is quite often heard, interpreters need to acquire technical terminology 4 and knowledge pertaining to5 the relevant fields, and, whenever possible, to suppress potential “gaps” within their cultural knowledge. These qualities are not exercised independently of one another as and when needed, but come together to constitute a whole, i.e., in a professional interpretation. A genuine interpreter identifies closely with the speaker, and while interpreting will adopt the speakers point of view.6,Supplementary Reading,Exercises,译文,首页,1 conveying the content of a source language into a target language. 把源语的内涵转换成目标语。,Notes,课文,2 pre-requisite: n. 先决条件,前提,Notes,课文,Notes,3 Many standards of practice for medical interpreters also cite analysis as a key element in the proficiency of interpretation. 许多医疗口译员的实践标准也将分析作为精通口译的一个关键要素。 Cite: to mention sth. as an example or proof of sth. else 引用,援引,引证,课文,4 technical terminology: 技术术语,技术专门用语;,Notes,课文,5 pertaining to:介词短语,”关于” e.g. Im afraid that your remark does not pertain to the question. 恐怕你的话和这一问题没有关系。,Notes,课文,6 A genuine interpreter identifies closely with the speaker, and while interpreting will adopt the speakers point of view. 一名优秀的口译员完全彻底的支持和认同发言者,而且在翻译时会采用他的观点。 Identify with sb. 与有同感;认同,支持 e.g. I grew up on a farm too, so I can identify with her problems. 我也在农场长大,所以我能理解她的问题。,Notes,课文,Exercises Read the text carefully, and choose the best answer for each of the following. 1. The purpose of the author to cite “an omelet cant be cooked without eggs” is to illustrate that _. A. interpreting is more difficult and challenging than translation B. mastering interpreting techniques is of the most importance C. language is a pre-requisite for mastering the techniques of interpreting D. effective listening and recalling is of the most importance to interpreting 2. A competent interpreter must have some interpersonal skills, because _. A. the interpre


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