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第 8 课时 Units 7 8(八上),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,rainy,shook,shaken,shaking,alive/living,lively,living,asleep,sleepy,memories,snowmen,exciting,excited,suddenly,loudly,aloud,silence,silently,safety,safely,threw,thrown,fought,fought,direction,director,broke,broken,rose,risen,blew,blown,beat,beaten,villager,fly far away,harvest crops,drop below zero,divideinto,during this time of year,be busy doing sth,throw sth at sb,from morning till night,catch a bad cold,cough a lot,thousands of,crash into a tree,wash away,catch fire,fall over,mop up,say to oneself,shout for help,hear of/about,scream in fear,the rest of,be full of/be filled with,feel cool with nothing on,is covered in deep white snow,is covered in deep white snow,screaming and laughing,told myself to calm down,was still alive,I heard shouts from excited,broke down because of,get out as soon as possible,was watching TV,came into,in all directions,falling down,kicking the ball,what to do first,burn myself, mind n. 头脑 【搭配】 mind and body身心 make up ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事 change ones mind 改变主意 【拓展】 (1)mind 还可作动词,意为“介意;在乎”。常用搭配:mind doing sth 介意做某事;mind sb/onesdoing sth 介意某人做某事;Never mind. 不介意/没关系。 (2)“Would/Do you mind+n./pron./v.-ing形式?”意为“你介意吗?”此句型的答语要针对mind进行回答。表示“介意,在乎”时,用“Yes”,后跟句子表示“不让对方做某事”;表示“不介意,不在乎”时,用“No”,后跟句子表示“允许对方做某事”。 Do you mind my closing the window? 你介意我关上窗户吗? Yes, youd better not. 是的(介意),你最好别关。 No, certainly not. 当然不介意(你可以关上)。,【典例】 2018绥化改编 Would you mind down the music? Its too noisy. A.to turn B.turning C.turn D.turned,B, be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 【点拨】 be busy doing sth意为“忙于做某事”,相当于be busy with sth。 They are busy preparing things for the coming Spring Festival. 他们忙着为即将到来的春节准备东西。 Tom is busy with his homework. He has no time to watch TV. 汤姆正忙于他的作业,没有时间看电视。 【典例】 2017上海 The workers are busy windows to the new building these days. A.fix B.fixed C.fixing D.to fix,C, the rest of 的剩余部分 【点拨】 the rest of作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于of后名词的数。若of后面的名词是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;若是可数名词复数,谓语动词则用复数形式。 The rest of the money was given to his son. 剩下的钱给了他儿子。 The rest of these apples have been sent to Mr Green. 剩下的苹果已经送给格林先生了。, a bit/a little/a bit of,She is a bit/a little shy. 她有点害羞。 There is a bit of/a little bread in the fridge.冰箱里有点面包。, sleepy/asleep/sleeping/sleep,【典例】 用sleep的适当形式填空 (1)Tim, dont make noise here.Your little sister is . Mum, Im sorry. I wont. (2)Li Xin likes to stay up late, so he always feels in class.He is weak in all his subjects. (3)If you go to see lions, tigers or foxes at the Night Safari in the daytime, theyll probably be . (4)On the weekend some of my friends and I will go to the mall and buy bags for camping.,sleeping,sleepy,asleep,sleeping, while/when/as,【典例】 2018宿迁 The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate the guests arrived. A.while B.when C.unless D.after,B, Hows the weather in Nanjing? 南京的天气怎么样? 【点拨】 句型“Hows the weather?”意为“的天气怎么样?”相当于“Whats the weather like?” Hows the weather today? 今天天气如何? Its cloudy and windy. 多云而且有风。, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. 但我告诉自己要镇定,因为我仍然活着。 【点拨】 (1)calm down 意为“镇定,冷静”,为“动词+副词”结构的短语,可单独使用,也可接宾语。若宾语是名词,可放在两词之间或down后面;若宾语是代词,只能放在两词之间。 Calm down!Well find her. 镇定!我们会找到她的。 He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深吸了几口气使自己平静下来。 (2)since在本句中表示“既然;由于”,引出既成事实的理由。 Since you like the flower so much, why dont you buy it? 既然你这么喜欢这朵花,为什么不把它买下来呢?,【典例】 (1)2016宿迁 Wearing white can help people when they feel stressed. A.calm down B.write down C.break down D.turn down (2)2016无锡 Could you help me with housework you are free today? A.since B.though C.unless D.until,A,A,.选用方框中的单词或短语填空 said to himself; excited; in fear; washed away; exciting; caught fire; went through; silent; broke down 1.We should keep while reading in the library. 2.Its reported that the flood has many houses and trees. 3.When I saw a snake in front of me, a moment of fear my mind. 4.My car on the way to work this morning. 5.“I must study hard in order not to make my parents sad,” Timmy . 6.People looked at each other after the shaking. 7.The wooden house because of the lightning. 8.Then I heard shouts from people. I was saved.,silent,washed away,went through,broke down,said to himself,in fear,caught fire,excited,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 9.Many people in our town will dance on the square if it isnt (rain) in the evening. 10. (sudden), I heard a big sound like thunder. 11.Luckily, Toms flight landed (safe) at the airport. 12.When I got home, my daughter (do) her homework. 13.Her behaviour (deep) troubled


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