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商業流程的分類系統,2,核心流程的屬性,具有策略的重要性 能創造競爭優勢 對客戶產生直接的衝擊 營運的核心流程 支援的驅動流程 跨越職能部門的藩籬,3,流程分類,策略 重要性,核心流程,管理流程,矯正流程,明顯,不明顯,執行的次數,多,少,驅動流程,對客戶的 衝擊程度,高,低,4,核心流程,管理與驅動流程,暸解市場 與客戶,建立願景 與策略,設計產品 與服務,行銷 與銷售,製造產品 與 提供服務,收款與 售後服務,人力資源發展與管理,資訊管理,財務與資產管理,環境管理,公關管理,持續改善與變革管理,策略管理與公司治理,5,瞭解市場與客戶,確認客戶需求與冀求 1.1 進行質化評鑑 1.1.1 進行客戶訪談 1.1.2 進行焦點團體訪談 1.2 進行量化評鑑 1.2.1 進行客戶訪查 1.3 預測客戶購買行為 衡量客戶滿意 2.1 監測產品與服務滿意度 2.2 監測抱怨對策的滿意度 2.3 監測溝通的滿意度 監測市場與客戶期望的改變 3.1 確認產品與服務的弱點 3.2 確認滿足客戶需求的創新項目 3.3 確認客戶對競爭產品與服務的反應,6,建立願景與策略,監測企業外環境 1.1 分析與了解競爭 1.2 辨明經濟趨勢 1.3 暸解政治與管制事項 1.4 評估創新科技 1.5 了解人口資料 1.6 了解社會與文化變遷 1.7 了解生態關切 定義企業概念與組織策略 2.1 選擇相關市場 2.2 建立願景與任務 2.3 建立事業策略 設計組織結構及其組織單位彼此的關係 樹立企業目標,7,設計產品與服務,轉換客戶需求與冀求為產品與服務機能 建立產品與服務之壽命周期計畫 發展產品與服務概念與計畫 產品原型之設計與評估 量產準備 監測產品與服務績效與修正 市場測試 實施新產品工程技術 產品/服務管理,8,行銷與銷售,對選定之市場區隔實施產品/服務行銷 1.1 發展廣告策略 1.2 預估廣告策略所需資金與資源 1.3 確認目標客戶與其需求 1.4 銷售預測 1.5 銷售活動 1.6 報價 1.7 談判活動 處理客戶訂單 2.1 接受客戶訂單 2.2 輸入訂單,9,製造產品與提供服務,製造產品/提供服務所需資源計畫 1.1 生產設備準備 1.2 人員招募 1.3 採購原物料/部件 製造產品 發展人力資源技能 運送產品/提供服務活動 管理流程 5.1 監測訂單狀況 5.2 庫存管理 5.3 品質保證 5.4 生產設備維護保養 5.5 環境保護 5.6 持續改善活動 5.7 員工教育訓練,10,收款與售後服務,請款活動 1.1 客戶請款資料建立與維護 1.2 呈送發票 售後服務 2.1 提供到府服務 2.2 處理產品保證與退回處理 2.3 提供後續服務 回應客戶詢問 3.1 回應提供相關資訊的請求 3.2 處理客戶訴怨,11,人力資源發展與管理,發展人力資源策略 員工參與 員工教育訓練 獎勵與表揚 維持員工福利與士氣 工作輪調制度與雙梯晉升制度 招募、遴選與任用 職位評價 績效考核制度 離職管理 人力資源管理的風險管理 勞資關係與勞工法令,12,資訊管理,資訊系統管理 評估與稽核資訊品質,13,財務與資產管理,管理財務資源 1.1 預算制度 1.2 管理資源重置 1.3 設計資產結構 1.4 管理現金流量 處理財務與會計交易 2.1 處理應付帳款 2.2 處理薪資 2.3 處理應收帳款 2.4 結帳 財務報告 3.1 提供外部財務報表 3.2 提供內部財務管理報表 進行內部稽核 稅務 資產管理,14,環境管理,建立環境管理策略 符合法令規章 員工教育訓練 執行污染防治 環境復健 能源節約 政府與公共關係 管理環境資訊系統 監測環境管理計畫,15,公關管理,股東公關管理 政府機構公關管理 債權人公關管理 建立公關計畫 董事會公關管理 社區公關管理 處理法令與道德規範事宜,16,持續改善與變革管理,衡量整體組織績效 執行品質評鑑 績效標竿研究 進行流程改善 變革管理 執行全面品質管理 執行六標準差策略改善活動,流程績效指標的分類系統,18,績效指標的分類 (非財務類),企業發展 客戶滿意 客戶服務 員工發展 員工滿意 工程設計 環境衝擊 彈性 創新與產品開發 供應商績效,存貨 維護保養 市場佔有 組織發展 生產力 採購 品質 銷售品質 銷售生產力 排程,19,企業發展,New business from products, geographic penetration, demographic penetration Performance and customer satisfaction ratings compared to benchmarks Certifications from customers-percent of business done as certified supplier Quality improvement rate,20,客戶滿意,Customer expectations vs. company performance by survey Company performance vs. competition by survey Complaints Returns and allowances Lost accounts Order frequency Satisfaction with each aspect of goods or services sales, technical support, response, quality, value/cost ratio, etc.,21,客戶服務,Calls not answered in xx seconds Calls on hold longer than xx seconds Calls transferred to another party Abandon rate caller gives up Inquiry processing time Queue time of people waiting in line Credit request processing time Orders/inquiries not processed within time limits Complaints not resolved on first call Complaints not resolved in 24 hours Degree of satisfaction wit complaint resolution Courtesy, knowledge, empathy, responsiveness by survey, response card Order entry error rate Order fulfillment accuracy Backorder rate On-time delivery rate Orders shipped complete and on time Actual ship date versus requested and promised date Actual ship date versus revised request date Orders canceled and reason for cancellation,22,員工發展,Employees that have completed a personal development plan Employees complying with their development plan Training hours per employee per year Employees that have improved skills during past year Employees certified for skilled job functions or positions Employees who have interacted with customers Employees involved in planning Employees with spending authority Employee buy-in to quality improvement Employees terminated for performance, other problems Needs assessment gap required versus actual skills for positions,23,員工滿意,Attitude surveys to measure satisfaction with many factors policies, pay, leaders, immediate supervisor, working conditions, training hours, etc. Turnover voluntary and involuntary, by specific problem Absenteeism by reason Tardiness Employees applying for open positions from particular departments an indicator of dissatisfaction Number of recognition events and awards Expenditures on recognition events Employees receiving recognition Safety measures accidents, days lost by reason,24,環境衝擊,Water consumption and/or discharge per product unit, per employee, or per sales dollar Waste discharge per product unit, per sales dollar Regulatory compliance audit variances Percent of recycled material used as raw material input Percent of waste generated recycled Energy consumed per unit, BTU/$sales,25,工程設計,Design cycle time Engineering changes after design completion Engineering change orders by reason Improvements to products Customer satisfaction with product performance Reliability mean time between failures Reduction of parts count on products Quality problems attributable to design,26,彈性,Number of standard, common, and unique parts Number of different process capabilities Percentage of cross-trained personnel Production setup/changeover time Average lot size being produced smaller is better,27,創新與產品開發,Number of improvements make to existing products Number of new products introduced/year Number of successful new products Percentage of sales coming from new/improved products Number of new features not duplicated by competitors introduced each year the number of “firsts” Percent of sales from proprietary products Patents filed, issued, incorporated into products Median patent age in products Use of current technology percent of products made with technology less than xx years old,28,存貨,Service factor percent of orders filled Turns by product and group (aggregate turns is a very gross indicator) Production schedule delays because of material shortages Inventory items above/below target limits Physical inventory variances Show-moving and obsolete inventory Excess inventory anything above normal requirements Inventory accuracy and error rates Adjustments to inventory records,29,維護保養,Downtime due to different types of equipment failure Unplanned versus planned maintenance Quality problems due to equipment failure Adherence to preventive maintenance schedules Waste caused by maintenance tests,30,市場佔有,Sales/industry sales ratio Sales growth rate versus industry growth rate New accounts Share of key accounts business,31,組織發展,Employee and management participation on teams Cost reductions, other quality improvements achieved by teams (measured as cost-of-quality savings) Employees on self-managing teams Employees participating in suggestion plan Suggestions/employee $ saved by suggestions Teams making positive contribution Teams achieving goals Employees and managers “buying into” quality improvement principles $ spent on training as a percent of sales Positions filled by internal promotion versus new hires,32,生產力,Sales/employee $ produced/employee Units/labor hour and labor dollar for direct, indirect, and total labor costs Total value of finished products/total production costs (Overhead + labor costs) / units produced = value added cost ratio (omit material costs) Space productivity sales or production per square foot,33,採購,Quality of vendors defects by type, returns, delivery performance, etc. Percent of parts from certified vendors Changes to purchase orders by reason Total number of vendors lower is generally better, providing quality and cost requirements are satisfied Savings relative to previous year costs,34,品質(外部客戶),Complaints and compliments Credits/returns Orders lost and reason why Defects at installation during first 90 days Defect rate of the total population of equipment at customer sites Internal quality as a leading indicator Quality problems detected during product audits in the field Percent of bids or proposals accepted Technical support costs/unit sold Mean time between failure Service calls or complaints/unit sold Revisions to reports for customers corrections and additions Customer quality data Certification by customers Awards from customers,35,品質(內部客戶),Costs of quality rework, rejects, warranties, returns and allowances, inspection labor and equipment, complaint processing costs Waste all forms: scrap, rejects, under-utilized capacity, idle time, downtime, excess production, etc. Yield net good product produced Processes under statistical control with sufficient capability Processes “Poka-Yoked” or made foolproof Process capability Product changes to correct design deficiencies Adherence to schedule tasks being performed on time; jobs ahead or behind schedule Changes to purchase and production orders by reason Number of times scheduled ship or complete date changes,36,品質領導,Time spent communicating quality values to employees Time spent on quality improvement activities Accomplishment of quality implementation milestones Employee buy-in to quality values and concepts index Percent positive feedback from employees after meetings Achievement of quality goals Quality index based on the Baldrige Award criteria,37,銷售品質,Service, responsiveness, knowledge, empathy from customer satisfaction survey Conformance to company guidelines for lead-times, quantities, special modifications, etc. Accuracy and completeness of specifications for orders Changes to orders after initial placement controllable and uncontrollable Timeliness and accuracy of price quotations and requests for samples Pricing accuracy Complaint resolution timeliness and effectiveness Response time to inquiries and special requests Ethics attribute score,38,銷售生產力,Time spent on selling versus administrative activities Sales to selling costs ratio Sales process performan


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