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11.4 Linguistics and syllabus design (P 258),Team memeber: 汪筠 徐佩佩 刘娜 王学明 刘轶群 周倩,A syllabus(教学大纲) is part of a curriculum(课程计划). Syllabus Aims and contents of teaching Suggestions of methodology Curriculum Language learning and teaching Aims,objectives and target Implementation of program,11.4.1 A clarifacation of terms: Syllabus and Curriculum,Syllabus is often used to refer to something similar to a language teaching approch. curriculum refers to a specific document of a languege program developed for a particular country or region i.e 国家课程计划,b) 大纲有教学的特性 课程计划是宏观教育计划的问题,11.4.2 Theoretical views behind syllabus design,Selection(选择) The restriction of the language to a particular dialect and register what to be taught accoding to frequency of occurrence,learnability and classroom need. b) Sequencing(排序) To decide the order in which the items should be taught.,11.4.3 Types of Syllabus,The structural syllabus(结构大纲) 高级英语老师 The situational syllabus(情景大纲) 听力老师 Communicative syllabus(交际大纲) 口译老师 The task-based syllabus(任务性教学大纲) 谈判老师,11.4.5 Current trends in syllabus design,The co-existence of the old and the new (新旧方式共存) The emphasis on the learning process (对于学习过程的强调) The inclusion of non-linguistic objectives in syllabus (在大纲中涵盖非语言的目标) The emerge of the multi-syllabus 综合语言教学大纲的出现 现在坚持单一教学大纲的做法很少见,大多数都会选择综合语言教学大纲。,The structural syllabus(结构大纲) 高级英语老师,Feature: a grammar oriented syllabus based on a selection of language items and structures. vocabulary and grammatical rules are carefully ordered according to frequency,complexity and uesfulness. Disadvanteges: It concetrates only on the grammatical forms and the meaning of individual words.,3. beyond doubt,certainly 毫无疑问 例:毫无疑问,她在学校里游泳游得最棒。 She was beyond doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school,The situational syllabus(情景大纲) 听力老师,Feature: The selection and organization of language items are based on situation. In class an AURALORAL TEACHING METHOD(听说法) is adopted.(先听说,后读写) Advantage: 学生参与的机会较多,Communicative syllabus(交际大纲) 口译老师,Feature: aiming at the learnerscommunicative competence. 教会学生用语言表达和理解各种交际功能,强调交际过程。,The task-based syllabus(任务性教学大纲) 谈判老师,Feature: It consists of a list of specification of the tasks and activities that the learner will engage in in class in the target language. Six principles: 任务要有明确的目标 任务要和真是世界的场景具有相似性 任务要涉及到信心的搜寻,加工和传递 任务要让学生做事情 任务要关注语言意义的使用 任务的最后是活的一个可见性的成果,案例,第一次世界大战末期,以列宁为首的布尔什维克党成功地领导了“十月革命”,建立了苏维埃国家。新生的苏维埃受到国内外反动势力的联合进攻:国内有富农造反、白匪叛乱,国外有反动势力武装干涉,尤其新政权还受到西线交战国德国的猛烈进攻。新生的苏维埃面临天折的危险。,11.4.4 Components of Syllabus,Aims/Goals Objectives Non-language outcomes(非语言成果) -Affect cultivation,such as confidence,motivation,interest. Learning strategies,thinking skills,inter


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