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Basic Workplace Organization 车间基础管理,Visual Management Methodology 目视化方法,How about your enterprise 什么样的企业,垃圾到处都是,没有人捡起来,别人扔的垃圾由专人捡,每个人自觉维护环境整洁,没人乱扔垃圾,三流企业,二流企业,The 5Ss and Visual Controls 5S与目视化控制,The 5Ss need and create a clear Visual Work Place. 5S需要,也能够建立一个清晰的目视化工作区 A visual workplace is when anyone can walk in and visually understand the current situation. 所谓目视化就是,当任何人走进车间,可以直观地了解目前状态: That is, visually understand the: work place organization, 车间组织 the work process, 工作流程 when there is an abnormality, and 是否出现异常 if they are ahead, behind or on schedule 计划提前,延误,或按期 We create the visual workplace with visual controls 我们使用目视化控制方法,建立目视化车间,Visual Management in Our World 目视化管理无处不在,Visual controls are all around us. 我们身边的目视化控制方法,All businesses have problems! 问题无处不在! The good businesses keep pace with their problems and solve the root causes. 良好的系统会追踪问题并解决根本原因. These successful businesses distinguish between the normal vs. abnormal and make waste obvious to all using visual management techniques. 成功的系统能够区分正常和异常,使用目视化管理方法让浪费暴露无遗,Visual Management 目视化管理,Making problems visible is not enough! 光发现问题是不够的 If we do not take action on these problems, we will be wasting our time and all involved will lose interest and the improvement will not sustain. 如果我们不去处理掉这些问题,那是在浪费时间,大家会失去兴趣,改进的成果难以维持,Visual Management 目视化管理,Benefits of Visual Management 目视化管理的益处,Visual Management ties into the 5S strategy (4th “S” seiton, or standardize). 目视化管理与5S之清洁策略既矛盾又统一 Visual Management begins with making the factorys abnormalities and waste clear to everyone. 目视化管理从暴露工厂的异常和浪费开始,让每个人都清楚 We must move from having only “specialists“ understand to an environment where everyone understands! 我们必须从只有少数人理解上升到所有人都理解,Comment on the Value of the Visual Management Used Below评论如下的目视化管理,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,Examples of Visuals : 目视化示例 Red Tag Strategy (5S Program) 挂红牌 Sign-boarding 布告板 Line Demarcations 生产线的划分 Floors & Aisles 地面 & 过道 Stack Height Limits 堆叠高度限制 Andon Lamps 安灯/指示灯 Kanban 看板 Production Management Boards 生产管理板 Standard Work Charts 标准化工作图表 Defective Item Displays 不良品展示,ANDON LIGHTS - Lights installed on equipment, lines or cells to indicate the status of production. 指示灯- 安装在设备,生产线,生产细胞显示生产状态 Possible Uses: Red- means maintenance is needed immediately. Yellow- means the team running out of parts soon. Green- means the team is running parts as normal. 红色 - 需要立即维修 黄色 - 零件即将耗尽 绿色 生产正常 Teams will specify the meaning of the lights based on an areas needs. 基于不同场合的需要,团队可以指定指示灯的含义,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,Machine abnormality 设备异常 Indicates the machine has detected an abnormality 显示设备检测出异常 Defect, overproduction, etc 缺陷,过载等 This is Jidoka implementation 这是防呆措施 Automatically triggered 自动触发 Either on or off 即开即关,Types of Andons 安灯的类型,Material re-supply 补料 Indicates that parts re-supply is needed 显示需要补料 May be triggered manually by operator or automatically by sensor in parts bin 通过料箱里传感器手动或自动触发 Either on or off 即开即关,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,Types of Andons 安灯的类型,Operator status 操作工的状态 Indicates operators status with respect to TAKT time 显示操作工符合生产节拍时间 Manually triggered 手动触发 Use color codes: 颜色含义 Green, ok; 绿色, ok; Yellow, need assistance; 黄色, 需要帮助; Red missed TAKT time 红色, 赶不上生产节拍,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,GAGES and INDICATORS 量具和指示器 Abnormal situation should be understood at a glance. No need for interpretation. Consider mounting gages so that normal conditions are in the same orientation. 只要扫一眼就能发现异常,无须解释. 安装量表要考虑正常状态的在同一方向,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR BOARD 关键绩效显示看板 Team board that highlights the progress of a team in meeting key goals for S,Q,D,C. These boards are used to track and highlight countermeasures. 看板显示了团队关于安全、质量、交货、成本关键指标的完成情况. 看板用来追踪和强调纠正预防措施,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,TEAM INVOLVEMENT BOARD 团队看板 A board that the team uses to display their ACHIEVEMENTS and describe their team through their team name, pictures, awards, etc. 看板显示团队曾经取得的成就,描述团队成员的名字,照片,奖励等,TEAM INVOLVEMENT,Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具,Kaizen 改善,Kaizen Ki-zen a continuous improvement mindset. Everything that we do today can be improved. There is no such thing as a perfect process. Kaizen has no end. 持续改善,我们今天的任何事情都可以改善,没有完美的流程,改善无止境,Leave titles at the door one person, one voice, no position or rank. Ten persons ideas are better than one persons. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮 Keep an open mind 虚心 Think of how the new method will work not why it wont. 多考虑新方法如何工作,而不是拒绝 Dont accept excuses. 不接受借口 Dont let the pursuit of perfection get in the way of making things better. 不要追求完美以至阻碍改善 Involve associates from Kaizen area. Keep them involved throughout process. 让员工参与改善的全过程 Think creativity before capital. If you have to spend money on improvements, simulate it first. 投资前要考虑回报,如果花钱做改善,先模拟一下 Ask “why” five times. Then ask any and all other questions there are no dumb questions. 问5次为什么,问任何其它问题 没有愚蠢的问题 Be hard on problems, Not on people. 对事不对人 Build mutual respect. 互相尊重 Stay positive, never give up. 积极,从不放弃 Sustain the gains. 维持成果 Improvements know no limits. Just do it! 改善无极限,去做!,Kaizen Event Rules 改善事件的规则,TIME


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