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课时提能练(十三).阅读理解A(2019长春质检)Can exercise during childhood protect you against memory loss many decades later?Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain,in rats at least.“This is an animal study,but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very importantnot just for physical development,but for the whole lifelong track of cognitive(认知的) development during aging,”says Martin Wojtowicz of the University of Toronto,Canada.“In humans,it may delay the appearance of Alzheimers disease(阿尔茨海默病),possibly to the point of preventing it.”Wojtowiczs team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups,and placed running wheels in the cages of one group for a period of six weeks.Around four months laterwhen the rats had reached middle agethe team taught all the rats to connect an electric shock with being in a specific box.When placed in the box,they froze with fear.Two weeks later,the team tested the rats in three situations:exactly the same box in the same room,the same box with the room arranged differently,and a completely different box in a different room.The rats without access to a running wheel when they were young now froze the same percentage of times in each of these situations,suggesting they couldnt remember which one was dangerous.But those that had been able to run in their youth froze 40 to 50 percent less in both changed box settings.“The results suggest the amount of physical activity when were young,at least for rats,has influence on the brain and cognitive healthin the form of better memorieswhen were older,”says Arthur Kramer of Northeastern University in Boston,who has found that,in humans,exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.【语篇解读】本文为说明文,介绍了一项科学研究,从而得出早期锻炼对大脑终生有好处的结论。1The study shows that .Aphysical activity is important for physical healthBusing the running wheels is of benefit to the rats growthCphysical activity can prevent humans Alzheimers diseaseDthe more exercise a rat has when young,the better memory it will possess when olderD细节理解题。根据第一段内容尤其是第二句“Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain,in rats at least”可知,早期锻炼似乎对大脑终生有好处,至少对老鼠来说是这样的。故选D项。2How are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly developed?ABy analyzing causes.BBy giving an example.CBy describing the process.DBy showing differences.C写作手法题。根据第三段的“Wojtowiczs team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups.Around four months later.they froze with fear”和第四段的“Two weeks later,the team tested the rats in three situations”可知,本文第三、四段描述了Wojtowicz的研究小组对老鼠进行实验的过程。C项意为“通过描述过程”,故选C项。3What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 2 refer to?AExercise. BDevelopment.CBenefit. DStudy.A代词指代题。根据第二段的“but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important”及“In humans,it may delay the appearance of Alzheimers disease(阿尔茨海默病)”可知,身体活动很重要,对人类来说,它可能会推迟阿尔茨海默病的出现。因此“it”在文中指的是“physical activity”,A项与其同义,故选A项。4What is the authors attitude towards the animal study?ANegative. BObjective.CCritical. DDoubtful.B观点态度题。通读全文可知,作者介绍了对老鼠进行实验的过程及其结果,并引用数据进行说明,由此可知作者对动物研究的态度是很客观的。B项意为“客观的”,故选B项。B(2019江西五校联考)In 2014 my best friends mother died of cancer.It was a tragedy,but as usual,Alice,my mother,used her power of healing and got his family back on their feet.If you asked my friends about my mother,they would say,“That woman has a heart of gold.”I agree one hundred percent.I think the reason why she is such a wonderful person is that the Holy Spirit lives within her.She is very holy and has persuaded me to go to church with her every Sunday.About six years ago my mom decided to pursue her lifelong goal of becoming a teacher.She knew it would be hard work raising three kids,doing housework and studying at the same time.However,she believed it would pay off.What my mother didnt realize was that not all things pay off in this unfair world.After four hard years of school,she graduated on a warm spring day.It was unbelievable.My aunt drove up from Virginia to celebrate this fantastic day.It was the first time I had ever cried about being happy.Its strange how fast a life can change.Two months later,the unpredictable happened.My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症)I could not believe this could happen after all the good she had done for people.I was very confused and cried every day.My faith in God just disappeared and so did my moms dream of becoming a teacher.Then,I decided I must move on with my life and accept the fact that she might never get better.Since my decision,I have become more mature,responsible and active in school and work.Through the years I have always been able to change negative situations into positive ones.Im happy with my life now.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了乐观、积极上进的母亲影响作者的故事。5Which of the following can best describe Alice?AHonest. BHelpful.CGreedy. DUnconcerned.B推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“It was a tragedy,but as usual,Alice,my mother,used her power of healing and got his family back on their feet”可知,母亲乐于帮助他人,故选B项。6What else did Alice have to do when studying?ADrive a car and go to church.BTeach students and raise kids.CDo housework and teach at school.DLook after children and keep house clean.D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“She knew it would be hard work raising three kids,doing housework and studying at the same time”可知,母亲在学习的同时还要照顾孩子、做家务,故选D。7According to the text,the authors mother .Arecovered from illnessBno longer had faith in GodCdidnt realize her dream as a teacherDchanged negative situations into positive ones unwillinglyC细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“My faith in God just disappeared and so did my moms dream of becoming a teacher”可知,母亲因为患病,成为教师的梦想就破灭了,故选C。8Which of the following is the best title for the text?AFighting Against Kinds of DiseasesBMother Gave Me Life ExperienceCBelief in God Brought Me Good LuckDHow to Become a Responsible and Active ManB标题判断题。根据文章的整体理解可推知,本文主要讲述了乐观的母亲对作者的积极影响,作者成为一个积极面对生活的人,故选B。.完形填空(2019银川质检)When my wife,Jane,and I were 16,we were in the same class.About a week before Thanksgiving Day,we found out that our teacher Edward was having some 1 challenges.We wanted to do something to help,so as a class we 2 to gather food,clothing and gifts to 3 his family had a good Thanksgiving Day.When Jane told her family about our plan,her mother was 4 .Together they searched their house for things they could 5 .Her mother went to the kitchen, 6 a big turkey and saying,“Thanksgiving Day wont be 7 without a turkey dinner.”To this day,Jane remembers how moved she was by her mothers 8 .Before making our 9 ,we said a prayer of appreciation for the wonderful 10 to help others.I will never forget the surprised 11 of our teacher and his wife when they 12 the door;their four children gathered around them as we handed out the gifts.It was a cold night;we all felt warm inside, 13 .Last month while I was in a meeting,my secretary informed me.“Your high school teacher Mr.Edward is wondering if you could 14 him a few minutes.Hes sitting in your office right now!”I left my meeting and went to my office 15 .My teacher and I hugged and began to 16 the last 42 years.He told me he 17 remembered that cold winter night when we brought the 18 of Thanksgiving Day to his family.The food,clothing and gifts were certainly 19 ,but what warmed his heart that night was to see a group of teenagers who understood the 20 of Thanksgiving Day.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。多年前,“我”和同学们一起在感恩节的时候向家庭经济困难的Edward老师捐赠物品和礼物,多年之后,当“我”再次见到Edward老师的时候,老师告诉“我”,他非常感谢我们当年的帮助,并说真正使他感到温暖的是他看到一群十几岁的孩子理解了感恩节的精神。1A.financialBpersonal Cacademic DtypicalA根据下文中的“We wanted to do something to help,so as a class we to gather food,clothing and gifts to his family had a good Thanksgiving Day”可知感恩节来临之前我们收集一些食物、衣服和礼物送给Edward老师,说明他家有一些经济上的(financial)困难。2A.applied Bdetermined Cattempted DpreferredB根据上文中的“We wanted to do something to help”的描述可知,此处是对上文的具体描述,即全班决定(determined)收集一些食物、衣服和礼物送给Edward老师。3A.figure out Bpoint out Cmake sense Dmake sureD所以,作为一个班级,我们决定收集食物、衣服和礼物以确保(make sure)他一家人过一个美好的感恩节。4A.satisfied Bpuzzled Camazed DtouchedD根据空后对Jane的母亲的反应的描述可知,Jane告诉她家人他们的计划后,她的母亲很感动(touched)。5A.separate Bdonate Cdistribute DcollectB根据上文中的“We wanted to do something to help.to gather food,clothing and gifts”的描述可知,我们收集一些食物、衣服及礼物帮助Edward老师,所以此处为Jane和母亲寻找能够捐赠(donate)的东西。6A.breaking up Bbreaking downCtaking out Dpulling downC根据空前的“Together they searched their house for things they could ”可知,此处为Jane的母亲走到厨房,拿出(taking out)一只大火鸡。7A.traditional BusualCcomplete DbasicC没有火鸡大餐,感恩节就不完整(complete)了。8A.honesty Bgenerosity Cpity DcuriosityB根据上文“Her mother went to the kitchen, a big turkey and saying.Thanksgiving Day wont be without a turkey dinner.”的描述可知,Jane的母亲一系列的动作及语言说明她是很慷慨的,直到今天,Jane还记得她是如何被母亲的慷慨(generosity)所感动的。9A.decision BcontactCdelivery DcontributionC根据上文的内容可知,我们需要把收集的物资送到Edward老师家中,所以此处为在递送(delivery)这些东西之前。10A.opportunity BgiftCdeal DmemoryA在我们递送这些东西之前,我们为有这次帮助他人的好机会(opportunity)做了祈祷。11A.expression BsorrowCimpression DlaughA“我”永远不会忘记我们的老师和他的妻子在开门时的惊讶表情(expression)。12A.pushed Breached Cdragged DansweredD参见上题解析。此处answer the door意为“应门(铃)声开门”,为固定搭配。13A.again Banyhow Cthough


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