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课时提能练(二十一).阅读理解A(2019陕西省部分学校检测)I used to believe courtesy was a thing of the past.Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era.Recently,I had to change my thinking,when I came face to face with just such a human being in a coffee place,with my two daughters.The place was crowded as usual and we had to climb steep(陡的) stairs in order to find an empty table.After enjoying coffee and snacks,we went down the narrow stairs,where there was hardly any space for another person to either climb up or come down.Just as I was in the middle of the stairs,a man entered the main entrance of the restaurant which was right in front of the staircase(楼梯)I was sure I would be pushed roughly by this man going up.I kept coming down as fast as I could.My daughters were already down,looking up at me worriedly,hoping I would reach them before the stranger started walking up the stairs,knowing I was a nervous sort.Nearly reaching them,I noticed the man still standing near the door.I reached my daughters and passed the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding open.I looked back,thinking he was still at the door,deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place.I saw him going up the stairs,two at a time.I told my daughters about it and all three of us felt bad that we did not even thank the courteous gentleman who was actually holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going up.Such wellmannered people are hard to find these days when pushing is very common in our advanced but aggressive society.We applauded for his chivalry(彬彬有礼的行为)【语篇解读】在这个忙碌的现代社会,彬彬有礼、体贴他人的品质变得尤为珍贵。作者讲述了自己经历的一件事情,并赞扬了这种良好的品质。1What is the meaning of the underlined word“courtesy”in Paragraph 1?AA brave action. BSacrifice spirit.CA considerate action. DSelfish behaviour.C词义猜测题。根据下文故事中的男人为作者让路并且开门可推测出,这是一种体贴的行为,故选C项。A项意为“勇敢的行为”;B项意为“牺牲精神”;D项意为“自私的行为”。2What did the author think of the man at the first sight of him?AHe was in a hurry.BHe would wait for her.CHe would pass her rudely.DHe was a man with good manners.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“I was sure I would be pushed roughly by this man going up”可知,作者本认为这个男人会粗鲁地挤开她上楼梯,故选C项。3Why did the authors daughters worry about her?AShe was easy to be nervous.BShe took up too much space.CShe was too old to walk fast.DShe focused too much on the man.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“knowing I was a nervous sort”可知,作者是一个很容易紧张的人,故选A项。4What can we learn about the man from Paragraph 4?AHe might be a waiter of the caf.BHe might have an urgent business to do.CHe loved a daughter of the author.DHe would hold the door open for all.B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“I saw him going up the stairs,two at a time”可推知,那个男人应该是有急事要做,故选B项。B(2019贵阳检测)Ive never been the kind of person to say,“Its the thought that counts” when it comes to gifts.That was until a couple of weeks ago,when my kids gave me a present that blew me away.For years now,Ive been wanting to sell our home,the place where my husband and I raised our kids.But to me,this house is much more than just a building.In the front room,theres a wall that has hundreds of pencil lines,marking the progress of my childrens growth.Every growth stage is marked in grey,with each childs name and the date when they were measured.Of all the objects and all the memories,its this one thing in a home thats the hardest to leave behind.Friends I know have returned home after work only to discover their wall of heights has been freshly painted over.A new paint job wouldnt normally be greeted by tears,but erasing that evidence of motherhood hurts more than it should.Our kids grow in so many ways,but the wall is physical evidence of their progress,right there for everyone to see.Over the years,Ive talked about how much I would hate leaving that wall behind when I moved,even though the last marks were made 10 years ago when my kids stopped growing.So one day,while I was at work,my children decided to do something about it.They hired Jacquie Manning,a professional photographer whose work is about capturing(捕捉) the beautiful things in life,from clear lakes and skies to diamonds and ballgowns(晚礼服)She came to our house while I was at work,and over several hours,took photos of the hundreds of drawings and lines,little grey fingerprints(指纹),and old marks.Somehow,she managed to photograph all those years of memories perfectly.Afterwards,she put all the photos together into one image,transforming them into a beautiful history of my family.Three weeks later,my childrens wonderful gift made its way to mea lifesize photo of the pencil lines and fingerprints that represents entire lifetimes of love and growth.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了孩子们送给“我”的一件充满爱意且特别的礼物的事情。5The underlined phrase“blew me away”in Paragraph 1 probably means“ ”Aattracted meBsurprised meCaccepted me Drefused meB词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“Ive never been the kind of person to say,Its the thought that counts.when my kids gave me a present”及下文的描述可知,“我”以前不相信送礼物的人的心思最重要,但几个星期前“我”的孩子们送给“我”的礼物让“我”改变了这样的想法,所以此处表示使“我”吃惊。6What does the house really mean to the author?AA house. BA building.CObjects. DMemories.D推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Of all the objects and all the memories,its this one thing in a home thats the hardest to leave behind”可知,对作者来说这栋房子意味着回忆。7What surprised the friends the author know after work?AFinding the wall repainted.BErasing the fingerprints.CGreeting them by tears.DLeaving the wall unfinished.A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Friends I know have returned home after work only to discover their wall of heights has been freshly painted over”可知,令朋友们吃惊的是房屋的墙面又被重新粉刷了。8What is the best title for the text?AGift Made with LoveBBuildings Made by ChildrenCA Very Wonderful PaintingDA Family HistoryA标题归纳题。根据全文内容,尤其是最后一段“Three weeks later,my childrens wonderful gift made its way to mea lifesize photo of the pencil lines and fingerprints that represents entire lifetimes of love and growth”可知,这篇文章主要讲述了孩子们送给“我”的一份用爱制成的礼物,故A项作本文标题最佳。.完形填空(2019成都诊断)When Heather McHugh,a poet,won a $500,000“genius grant”from the MacArthur Foundation,she didnt buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris. 1 ,she put the money in the bank and 2 writing poems.In 2011,she finally 3 what to do with it.That year,Heathers godson and his wife 4 their first child,a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled.“I saw how peoples 5 can change overnight.I started thinking about people in a 6 situation.”says Heather.She 7 there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically(慢性地) ill or disabled.So in 2012,Heather 8 a nonprofit organization offering a sevenday vacation, with all 9 paid,to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation.When Tricia got a call saying she was offered a 10 vacation,she couldnt 11 it;disbelief even 12 her concern about leaving her two kids.Tricia went,and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy the 13 things.“I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold.I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to,”says Tricia.She was afraid the 14 would return when the 15 was over,but to her surprise,it hasnt been back since.Heather says Tricias 16 resembles those of the other ten caregivers she helps every year.“Before the vacation they are so 17 ,but the 18 is so amazing.They reflect and relax.It feels 19 like another world and gives them a chance to see their lives from another 20 .”she adds.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。Heather McHugh利用自己的五十万美元奖金建立非营利组织,为照顾慢性病患者和残疾人的护理员提供免费休假,让他们到新的环境中,从不一样的角度来看待他们的人生。1A.However BThereforeCInstead DBesidesC根据空处前一句中的“she didnt buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris”可知,在获得了五十万美元的奖金后,她并没有购买汽车或去旅游;结合该句中的“she put the money in the bank”可知,反而,她将这些钱存入银行。C项意为“而是,反而”,符合语境;however“然而”;therefore“因此”;besides“此外”。2A.continued Bquitted Cpracticed DstartedA根据前一句中的“a poet”,结合该句中的“she put the money in the bank and writing poems”可知,她(这位诗人)获奖后,将奖金存进银行,继续(continue)写诗。quit“停止”;practice“实践,训练”。3A.thought over BwonderedCtalked about DdecidedD根据下文中的“Heather a nonprofit organization offering a sevenday vacation”可知,此处表示在2011年,她终于决定如何使用这笔钱。think over“仔细考虑”;wonder“想知道,好奇”;talk about“谈到,谈论”;decide“决定”符合语境。4A.held Bwelcomed Clost DsavedBHeather的教子和他的妻子迎来了他们的第一个孩子,那是一个漂亮的女婴,但是有严重的残疾。hold意为“握着,举行”;lose意为“失去”;save意为“拯救,节约”;welcome“迎接”符合语境。5A.feelings Bfuture Clives DroutineC根据语境,并结合上文中提到的Heather的教子和他的妻子生下了一个残疾的女婴可知,Heather看到了人的生活(lives)是如何在一夜之间发生改变的。routine“惯例,常规”。6A.different Bsimilar Cworse DbetterB根据上文提到的Heather的教子和他的妻子生下了一个残疾女婴并且Heather看到了人的生活是如何在一夜之间发生改变的可知,Heather开始关注那些有相似(similar)境遇的人。7A.discovered Bclaimed Cadmitted DfeltA她发现有数百万照顾慢性病患者和残疾人的护理员。claim“宣称;断言”;admit“承认”;discover“发现”。8A.donated BfoundCvisited DformedD因此Heather在2012年建立了一个非营利组织,为那些成为护理员至少十年的人提供七天免费(free)休假。form“建立,组成”符合语境。donate“捐赠”;find“发现”;visit“参观”。9A.taxes Bsalary Cexpenses DrentC参见上题解析。tax“税”;salary“薪水”;rent“租金”;expense“花费”符合语境。10A.free Bcaring Cshort DlongA参见8题解析。free“免费的”。11A.believe Btake Crefuse DenjoyA根据空后的“disbelief”可知,Tricia不相信她获得了一个免费休假这件事。A项意为“相信”,符合语境。12A.woke Bdefeated Cshowed DmovedB根据下一段中的“Tricia went,and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy.”可知,Tricia接受了免费休假这件事情,由此可知,她对免费休假的怀疑(和向往)打败(defeated)了对于留下孩子们的担忧。wake“醒来”;show“展示”;move“移动”。13A.wonderful Bdelicious Cpeaceful DsimpleD根据空后的“I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold.I could go to bed when I


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