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Global Food Safety Programs 全球食品安全计划,e-HACCP,SQF-1000 & SQF-2000,HACCP-9000,ISO-22000,There are many different types of food safety programs in the world世界上有许多不同类型的食品安全计划,NFPA-SAFE,but they all have one thing in common; the HACCP basics但是这些食品安全计划有一个共同点,都以HACCP为基础建立的。,HACCP,Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point危害分析与关键控制点 New approach to manage hazards新的管理危害的方法 Preventative预防性 Scientifically-based以科学为基础,HACCP Definition定义,An internationally recognized, systematic approach to: prevent, reduce, control, or eliminate hazards that may harm (the hazard) a consumer from occurring or developing during the course of food production一种国际公认的、系统地预防在整个食品生产过程中产生的或发展的可能伤害消费者的危害的减少、控制或消除方法。,Hazards危害,Physical (wood splinters, metal shavings, bolts, glass, plastics)物理危害(木屑,金属,螺钉,玻璃,塑料) Chemical (cleaning chemicals, allergens, excessive ingredient)化学危害(清洁剂,过敏原,超量的成分) Biological (E. coli, Salmonella sp., trichinella, cryptosporidium)生物危害(大肠杆菌,沙门氏菌,旋毛虫等),HACCP History HACCP的起源,Developed in 1960s 上世纪60年代发展起来的 During the USSR versus U.S. “Space Race”前苏联与美国太空竞赛期间 Astronauts needed safer food for longer journeys (to the moon) NASA worked with Pillsbury Foods to make astronaut food宇航员在长途旅行中需要安全的食品,美国太空署与Pillsbury食品公司合作生产宇航员食品 Food safety team looked for all food processing hazards 食品安全小组寻找了所有的食品加工过程中的危害,Knew that existing QA program was not going to work已有的质量保证计划无法保证食品安全 Increased basic food safety to new level将基础的食品安全提高到了一个新的水平 Analyzed all hazards within the plant (HA)在加工厂中进行了所有的危害分析(HA) Points within the production line that were critical were watched more carefully (CCP)生产线上的关键点(CCP)被更小心地监视,Canadian Regulations with Regard to HACCP 加拿大与HACCP有关的法规,Mandated by Canadian Food Inspection Agency加拿大食品监督局负责管理 Nov. 29, 2005 2005年11月29日 For meat, poultry, cold storage facilities 涉及肉、禽、冷藏设施 (Seafood operates under QMP)海产品由QMP管理 Only covers processors 仅涉及加工者 Voluntary:自愿 On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program农场食品安全认可计划,On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program 农场食品安全认可计划,The On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program农场食品安全认可计划 Involves small-to-large-scale farmers and producer涉及从小型到大型农场 Growing safe food and protecting it from hazards on the farm before it passes through the farm gate 种植安全的食物,并防止生产过程中带入的危害 Based on HACCP 以HACCP为基础,The FSEP Approach to HACCP,Prerequisite Program,HACCP Program,前提计划 HACCP计划,Benefits of the FSEP Approach,Consumer:消费者 Reduced risk of food borne disease降低食源性疾病的风险 Increased awareness of basic hygiene增加基本卫生意识 Increased confidence in food supply增强食品供应的信心 Improved quality of life改善生活质量,Benefits of the FSEP Approach,Government:政府 Improved public health改善公众健康 More efficient and targeted food control更有效率及实现目标食品的控制 Reduced public health costs降低公众健康费用 Trade facilitation贸易便利 Increased confidence in food supply from community增强社会对食品供应的信心,Benefits of the FSEP Approach,Industry:企业 Increased consumer/Govt confidence增强消费者或政府的信心 Reduced insurance costs降低保险费用 Decreased business risk减少商业风险 May decrease product recalls减少产品召回 Reduction in production costs降低生产成本 Improved product consistency提高产品的一致性,Industry cont: Facilitates global trade (Codex stds.)促进全球贸易(法典标准) Consistent with GMPs from Health Can与加拿大卫生部的良好作业规范(GMP)具有一致性 Consistent with QA program 与质量保证计划具有一致性 Defines responsibilities 定义责任 Shorten employees response time to out-of-control situations加快了员工对失控情况的反应时间 Improved staff-mgt commitment 改善了员工承担的义务,前提计划,The HACCP System HACCP系统,Prerequisite Program,HACCP Program,前提计划,Prerequisite Program Definition,“the universal steps or procedures that control the operational conditions within a food establishment allowing for an environment that is favorable to the production of safe food.”在食品设施中控制操作条件的通用步骤或程序,这个设施必须提供一个有利于安全食品生产的环境。,The Prerequisite Programs 前提计划,Premises前提 Transportation, Receiving and Storage运输,接收和贮藏 Equipment设备 Personnel人员 Sanitation and Pest Control 卫生和害虫控制 Recall召回,Premises前提,building exterior建筑物外部 building interior建筑物内部 water supply 水 sanitary facilities 卫生设施,Transportation Receiving and Storage 运输,接收和贮藏,transportation to the plant运至加工厂 transportation from the plant运出加工厂 storage in the plant在工厂中贮藏 handling of materials in the plant在工厂中进行原料处理 storage conditions贮藏条件,Equipment设备,proper equipment合适的设备 preventative maintenance维护 calibration 校正,Personnel人员,hygiene training卫生培训 handling training操作培训 Sanitation卫生 Maintenance维护 policies and programs政策与计划,Sanitation and Pest Control卫生与害虫控制,sanitation procedures卫生程序 pest control procedures害虫控制程序,Recall召回,recall procedures召回程序 lot numbers大量 mock recalls 仿制品召回,The HACCP System HACCP系统,Prerequisite Program,HACCP Program,HACCP计划,12 Steps for HACCP Implementation 执行HACCP的12个步骤,1. assemble HACCP team成立HACCP小组 2. describe product产品描述 3. identify intended use确认用途 4. process flow & plant schematic流程图与工厂示意图 5. on site verification现场验证 6. list hazards列出危害,7. determine CCPs确定关键控制点 8. establish critical limits建立关键限值 9. establish monitoring建立监控程序 10. establish deviation 建立纠偏程序 11. establish verification建立验证程序 12. establish record keeping建立记录保持程序,Step #1: Assemble a HACCP Team步骤1成立HACCP小组,Selected personnel should have the basic understanding of :小组成员应对以下情况有基本的理解 technology/equipment used on processing lines加工线上使用的技术或设备 the flow of their specific process area 特定加工区域的流程 the practical aspects of (whole) food operations整个食品生产的操作 applied aspects of food microbiology食品微生物 HACCP principles and techniquesHACCP原理与技术,Step #2: Describe the Product 步骤2 产品描述,Form #1 & #2 表1和表2 assess possible hazards with ingredient or packaging materials评估与成分或包装材料有关的可能危害 team should be familiar with product properties, destination and usage小组应该熟悉产品的性质、目的地和使用方法,Form #1 表1,product name产品名称 important characteristics重要属性 how it is to be used 怎样被使用 Packaging包装 shelf life货架期 where it will be sold在哪里被出售 labeling instructions标签说明 special distribution control 专门的销售控制,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Form #2 表2,List of Product Ingredients and other Incoming Materials列出产品的成分和其它外来的原料 raw materials (wet/dry) 原料(鲜或干) Preservatives防腐剂 non-food products非食用产品 processing aids加工助剂 packaging materials包装材料 Rework改写,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Step #3: Identify Intended Use 步骤3 确认产品用途,Already done in Form #1 见表1 just to emphasize the importance of minority populations 只是强调少数人群的重要性 Hospital病人 Elderly老年人 infants/children婴儿或儿童 special diet 特殊人群,Step #4: Flow Diagram and Plant Schematic 步骤4 流程图和工厂示意图,Flow Diagram 流程图 Form #3, product name and date表3,产品名称和日期 start from the incoming materials, keep it simple从原料开始,尽量简单 use shapes to show a contained step/process使用图形表明所含有的步骤 use arrows for direction of flow使用箭头表示流程的方向 use colours for clarity (raw/processed)使用不同颜色用于区分(原料区与加工区 limit number of arrow crossovers 尽量少用交叉线 watch out for minor crucial steps注意次要的关键步骤 number the steps用1,23,标出步骤的号码,Flow Diagram Example流程图,1. Receiving接收,2. Packaging包装,3. Flour面粉,4. Salt盐,5. Water水,6. Weigh称重,8. Mix 混合,10. Bake烘烤,11. Cool冷却,12. Pack & Label包装,贴标,13. Shipping船运,7.Measure称量,9. Rework,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Step #4: Flow Diagram and Plant Schematic cont 步骤4 流程图和工厂示意图,Plant Schematic (overhead view)工厂示意图(俯瞰图) Form #4 表4 a method that aids in identifying cross-contamination areas一种有助识别交叉感染区的方法 show and label offices, labs, process rooms, admin.areas, entrances, welfare areas, garbage area, washrooms, hand wash and foot bath locations, ship/rec areas标明办公室,实验室、加工车间,管理区,入口,福利区,垃圾区,洗浴区,洗手、洗脚池,装载区等 identify process flow (raw vs process)明确生产流程 identify employee flow (raw vs process)明确员工流程,Step #4: Flow Diagram and Plant Schematic cont 步骤4 流程图和工厂示意图,Plant Schematic (overhead view)工厂示意图(俯瞰图) use colours (or other means) to distinguish between raw and processed sections使用颜色或其它方法区分原料与加工区 use a legend for clarification of colours/symbols使用带有颜色或符号的图例进行标识 dont clutter避免混乱 try to use one page 尽量用1页纸 title of products schematic 产品示意图的题目 date of schematic 示意图的日期,Processing and Accessory Areas 加工与辅料区,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Step #5: On-site Verification of Flow and Schematic 步骤5 在线证实流程及示意图,get out there and compare the flows (dont overlook this step!) 比较流程是否正确,这一步不能忽视! method: follow the product from the start方法:从原料开始到最终产品 look for the correct flow 寻找正确的流程 look for hidden passageways 寻找遗漏的地方,Step #6: Identify the Hazards 步骤6 确认危害,Principle #1 原则1 HACCP Forms 5, 6, and 7 HACCP表5,6和7 One of the most important steps 是最重要的步骤之一(错误的分析不适当的系统) (wrong analysis = inadequate system) All aspects of the processing operation must be analyzed for hazards所有的加工步骤均要进行危害分析 Start from incoming materials (Form 2) then proceed to processing steps (Form 3)从原料开始(表2),然后进行到加工步骤(表3),Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Step #7: Determine the Critical Control Points 步骤7 确定关键控制点,principle #2 原则2 second most important step 第2个重要的步骤 CCP definition: CCP的定义,“any point or procedure in a food system where loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk”食品系统中任何一个如果失去控制会导致不可接受的健康风险的点或程序,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Q1 - Could a control measure(s) be used by the operator to control the identified hazard at any processing step? 问题1 控制措施能否被操作者用于控制该加工步骤中确认的危害?,If yes, describe each control measure and proceed to the next question 如果能,描述控制措施及进行下一个问题 If no, identify how the identified hazard will be controlled before or after the manufacturing process on Form #9 and proceed to next hazard 如果不能,则在表9中,确认这个步骤之前或之后将如何控制存在的危害,然后进行到下一个危害。,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Q2 - Is it likely that contamination with the identified hazard could occur in excess of the acceptable level or could increase to an unacceptable level 问题2该危害可能超过可接受的水平或增加到不可接受的水平吗?,use sources to tell the answer (complaints, Health Canada database, other scientific means) 使用数据库及其它科学方法 if yes, record and proceed to next question如果能,记录及进行到下一个问题 if no, proceed to next hazard 如果不能,则不是CCP,进行到下一个危害。,Q3 - Is this process step specifically designed to eliminate or reduce the likely occurrence of this identified hazard to an acceptable level? 问题3 该步骤是否是特别设计用于将可能发生的危害消除或减少到可接受的水平?,if yes, then it is an automatic CCP. Enter the CCP number in the last column 如果是,则为CCP,在最后一栏标出CCP的顺序号 if not, then answer no and proceed to the next question 如果不是,则进行到下一个问题,Q4 - Will a subsequent step eliminate the identified hazard or reduce its likely occurrence to an acceptable level? 问题4 随后的步骤将能消除或减少危害至可接受的水平吗?,if no, then this step becomes an automatic CCP. Enter the CCP number in the last column 如果不能,则该步骤为CCP,在最后一栏标出CCP顺序号 if yes, then this step is not a CCP. Identify the subsequent step(s) that control the identified hazard proceed to next hazard 如果能,该步骤不是CCP,确认随后的能控制危害的步骤,并进行下一个危害,CCP Identification 确认CCP,CCP-3B,Critical Control Point关键控制点,the third one(第3个),Biological 生物,Readily informs the user of the HACCP system很容易告诉用户HACCP系统,Once CCPs have been identified一旦CCP被确认,match up the CCP # to the correct processing step将CCP号与正确的加工步骤相对应,CCP-3B,Examples of CCPs CCP的例子,Receiving接收 cooking/retorting高压杀菌 Pasteurization巴氏杀菌 chilling/freezing冷却或冷冻 Drying干燥 formulation control杀菌式控制 pH control pH控制 water activity 水分活性 ingredient substitutions替代成分 on-line san. step在线消毒步骤,curing salts 盐 nitrite addition 亚硝酸盐 temp, salt, pH for fermenting温度,盐, pH starter cultures 发酵培养基 handling and hygiene for RTEs即食食品的处理与卫生 metal detector 金属探测器 Magnets 磁铁 seives/screens 筛子 chlorination of water 氯化的水,After CCP Determination CCP确定后,Record where all the hazards are controlled at back on Forms #5, 6 and 7 在表5,6和7相应步骤中记录得到控制的危害 Un-addressed hazards未得到控制的危害 record on Form #9在表9中加以记录 Record CCPs on HACCP Form 10 在表10中记录CCP,Date:日期_ Approved by:负责人_,Step #8: Establish Critical Limits 步骤8 建立关键限值,Principle #3 原则3 Critical Limit definition:定义 “predetermined criteria that the CCP will operate within. These parameters, if maintained within the boundaries, will confirm the safety of the product” 关键限值是指CCP将操作的预先确定的标准,如果这些参数能够在其范围内得到有效保证,则将确保产品的安全 Write Critical Limit on Form #10 在表10中写下关键限值,What Sets the Critical Limit 关键限值的设定,Government regulations政府法规 company standards公司标准 customer standards顾客标准 consumer complaints 消费者的呼声 scientific data 科学数据 product history 产品历史,Step #9: Establish Monitoring Procedures 步骤9 建立监控程序,Principle #4 原则4 Monitoring Procedure definition:定义 “a planned sequence of observations or measurements to asses whether a CCP is under control and is within the critical limits established”监控程序是指用于评估CCP是否受控及是否在关键限值范围内的一个有计划的观察或测定的程序,Monitoring Procedure to Include:监控程序包括,Who is responsible for monitoring?谁负责监控? What do they have to do? 监控什么? How often? 监控频率? must be often enough ensure that the identified hazard is under control 必须是经常性的以确保所确认的危害是受控的 Written as “once per _” (month, week)写法:每月或周或 Record data where? 记录,Type of Tests测试类型,Usually rapid type tests通常采用快速测试类型 provides with real-time data能够提供实时数据 not lengthy analytical testing简捷的分析测试 ex. temperature, time, pH, moisture content, water activity 例如:温度,时间, pH,水分含量,水分活性 all monitoring equipment must be properly calibrated for accuracy任何监控设备必须得到正确的精度校正,Step #10: Establish Deviation Procedures 步骤10 建立纠偏程序,Principle #5 原则5 written on Form #10 写在表10中 Deviation definition:偏离定义 “a failure to meet the specified critical limits” 未符合专门的关键限值 Deviation Procedure definition:纠偏程序定义 “pre-determined and documented s


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