三年级英语下册 Lesson 21 教学设计 冀教版.doc_第1页
三年级英语下册 Lesson 21 教学设计 冀教版.doc_第2页
三年级英语下册 Lesson 21 教学设计 冀教版.doc_第3页




Lesson 21 教学设计ItemsSpecific contentsSupplement教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design教师借助图片,向学生们提问Did you eat your breakfast? 然后让学生们从手中选出图片,运用I like 和I dont like句型进行复习,并自然引入本课的教学中. 教学过程中,教师把课文中的重点知识逐一进行讲解和演练,其中穿插有趣的小游戏,帮助学生保持较高的学习兴趣和热情,同时教师通过Asking questions in line 和 puppet play 等游戏,发挥学生的主动性。 最后师生共同回顾本课的重难点知识,做练习结束本课的教学。教学目标Teaching Aim1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 认知词汇:juice eggs bread toast and jam porridge cereal (2) 能够运用句子:I like _ for breakfast.进行问答。2.Course and methods (1) 创设情景,使学生在语言情境中体会并使用语句。(2) 学生小组合作,给学生更多的交流机会。(3)运用事物或图片,学生更直观的理解认知词汇。3.Emotion and attitude(1)培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。(2)提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties1.Key Points and Special Difficulties(1) 理解认知本课词汇及句子。(2) 了解西方的饮食文化,介绍早餐。教学媒体Teaching Mediaradio and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk教学过程Teaching Course1.Lead inStep one: Greeting.Hello, boys and girls! Did you eat your breakfast? Step two:Review教师分发给学生一些食物的图片, 然后要求学生运用如下的句子来表达。I like _. I dont like _. 2.Start new lessonStep one:Asking questionsT:What do you have for breakfast?教师让学生从手中的图片中选出早餐常吃的食物,同时回答教师的问题。Step two:Whats this?I get up in the morning. In the morning, I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?Look, ask and answer “Whats this?”.出示实物及图片,演示词汇juice eggs bread toast and jamListen to the radio, read these words a few time.Play “Whats missing?”Step three:Porridge or cereal?(1)利用手偶演示板书I like _ . I like _ for breakfast.Step four:帮助学生理解本课中涉及到的食物及相关的文化背景。In Canada , we eat cereal for breakfast. It comes in a box. I put milk and sugar on it.Step five:In Canada , we eat cereal for breakfast. It comes in a box. I put milk and sugar on it.Step six:Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Step seven:小组创编对话 use these sentences: I like _ for breakfast. Would you like some _ ?Yes, please.No, thanks. I put _ on it. Its delicious!Step eight:教师和学生一起回顾本课的重难点知识。教师安排学生做活动手册上的练习。教师借助“图片集锦”中的图片。3.Interesting games(1)What is missing教师手中拿着几张图片,逐一展示并读给同学们听,教师领读,学生跟读。然后教师把其中的一张藏起来, 向学生们询问:What is missing? 学生抢答, 教师给学生们积分。 教师可以通过增加图片的数量,并缩短学生熟悉的时间的方式, 增加游戏的难点,调动学生们的学习积极性。(2)Puppet play教师在黑板上写下下面的句子。I like_.教师把手偶发给学生,让学生做扩句练习。(3)Asking questions in line教师选定一排学生,并问排首的学生:What would you like for breakfast? 排首的学生先回答, 然后继续提问之后的学生:What would you like for breakfast? 依次类推。(4)A short dialogue教师把学生分成几个小组,小组成员根据课文内容编写新的小对话。然后进行表演。课堂评价Assessment in Class1.The teach checks the students usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their jud


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