



Lesson 14 Months of the Year教学目标知识与技能:要求学生练习说和写,并能口头应答一年中各个月份以及和气候有关的基本词汇。过程与方法:使学生能够利用所学词汇讨论一年中的月份和天气情况,进行简单的交流。情感态度价值观:通过探究、体验、合作等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。教学重、难点教学重点:一年中各个月份以及和气候有关的基本词汇。教学难点:某些词汇的音形义的记忆。如:January, February, September, November, December的形音和sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy的意思不能混淆。教具学具准备磁带、录音机、天气情况的短片、日历、一些实物。教学过程Class Opening and ReviewGreetingSing:“AS I WAS GOING DOWN THE STREET”Ask the students:“What day is today?” The students answer(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday). Ask:“What month is it?”Tell the students that this lesson we will study the months of the year. 板书:Lesson14: Months of the Year.New Concepts (一)January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. MONTHSShow the pictures of the seasons and ask the class guesses. “What is your favorite season? Why? And say the months of this season”(The student answers) The teacher puts this picture on the blackboard and write these months under it. The class read these words after the teacher. Use the same way to teach other months. STUDENT BOOK: L14 N1Play the tape and the class follows.Hold up the cards and read after the radio. DRILLPractice in pairs. Review the words.PRACTICE把学生分成若干小组,让每个小组分别拿出12张纸(用英语数纸的张数)。小组成员合作,一起写出每个月份。当学生们写完各个月份的英语名称以后,再让他们把月份的汉语写在英语的下面。然后以小组形式进行比赛。老师说月份,学生举相应的卡片。冠军队奖励小红花。(二)Sunday, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, cold, hot.1、Ask the class to look out of the window and talk about the weather in Chinese. Write the weather on the blackboard and read a few times.Show the multimedia pictures of L14 N2,ask the students describe the pictures in Chinese and the teacher show the cards of the weather on the blackboard. 板书:Hows the weather? The weather is .It is .2、PUPPETS学生戴上Danny手偶,播放各式天气情况录像,自由找同学问答:Hows the weather? The weather is . Is it ? Yes, it is ./ No, it is .3、Practice in pairs.A. Hows the weather?B. The weather is ./ It is . Hows the weather?C. The weather is ./ It is . Class ClosingPRACTICE AND PRESENT把学生分成小组,各小组自己选月份,用几个句子来描述该月份的天气。小组练习,然后表演。如:表演1:(几个学生拿风筝上场) In March, the weather is warm. A: Lets go to the park to fly kites. B: Great!表演2:(几个同学拿救生圈游泳回来) In July, the weather is hot and sunny . A: Im tired. Itsunny. Im very hot. B: Would you like some pop? A: Yes. A、B:Very good! (两人喝汽水)表演3:(几个同学放学回家) In Way. A: School is over. Lets go home. B: Ok, Lets go!(来到门口) A: The weather is rainy.(打起伞) B: Lets go!板书设计Lesson 14:Months of the Year December January March April May June July August September October February Novembercold and snowy warm and rainy hot and sunny windy and cloudyHows the weather?The weather is ./ It is .随堂练(一)、连线


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