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Module 5 Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?教学内容:新标准英语(三年级起点)六年级上册第5模块教材分析:本课时是新标准英语六年级上册第五模块第一单元Can you be my Chinese pen friend?课文通过Daming、Simon、Laura的对话向同学们介绍了“怎样交笔友以及怎样介绍自己的笔友”,对话内容较为简练,语言实用性较强,并且课堂可操作性也较好。教学目标: 1). 知识与技能a.基本能听懂、会说词汇:pen friend pleased address b. 会用I can,I cant讲诉各自的能力。c. 掌握Can you?的语言结构,并会做答: Yes, I can.No, I cant. d. 能听懂、会说Can you be my Chinese friend?,部分同学能通过介绍自己的能力情况结识新笔友.2).过程与方法通过学生自主、合作的学习方式,培养小学生爱交朋友的习惯,发展广泛的兴趣,在交流与合作中共同进步成长。3).情感态度培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,培养学生学习、生活的自信心,培养学生热爱生活、对异国文化的了解、兴趣。教学重点: 能听懂并理解句型:Pleased to meet you! I can speak some English. Can you speak English? Can you be my Chinese friend? Can I write to you ?能运用句型:I can. I cant.Can you? Yes, I can.No, I cant.教学难点: 1)能灵活使用情态动词can,并能灵活运用。2)完成自己的名片并去寻找笔友课时:1课时教具:单词卡、教师自己的名片若干张、空白的名片若干张、 多媒体课件。教学过程:Step1:Warming-up1 .GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls! Im Ms Lv. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2.Chant: 教师学生齐读。T: Do you like chant? Listen to me, please. Hands up Hands downI can jump. I can run.Can you jump? Can you run?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.I can read. I can skate.Can you read? Can you skate?No, I cant. No, I cant.T: Lets read it together, OK ? Some music, please. one two three goT: Once more, one two three go【设计意图】(紧凑激烈的乐曲调动了学生的情绪,使学生迅速进入到学习状态,用这种有趣的形式引入了学生已经学过的内容,又为学习新知识作铺垫。)Step2 Presentation1. 1)T: Today we have a new friend,(showing Ms Mengs picture) Shes my pen friend(教读),Ms Meng. (分组)Well have team match today, Youre Pen friend A Team. Youre Pen friend B Team. Please do good jobs and try to get more smile faces for your team.T: Ms Meng is teaching in America now. This is her address.( 教address)2 1)T: Now, shes greeting to you. ( PPT展示: pleased to meet you. 板书,教读.)师教读:Pleased=please=pleased=pleased to meet you.师解释说T: It means nice to meet you! Glad to meet you! So you should answer.(操练:Greet in pairs.)2)PPT展示话泡:T:Youre so polite. Now Ms Meng asks you, Can you be my Chinese pen friend? Ss: Yes, I can.T: Today were going to learn M5U1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 板书(出示课题, 教读. )(操练:Group1: Chinese pen friendGroup2: my Chinese pen friendGroup3: be my Chinese pen friendGroup4: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?)T: Ask me can you be my Chinese pen friend?Ss: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?T: Yes, of course.This is my address. Here you are.(操练:Practice in pairs.)3)T: Ms Meng asks, “ Can you speak English?”Ss: Yes, I can speak some English .师紧接着板书: I can.(解释句子意思是我能做某事,后面加动词原形)T: I think you can do many things, too.(出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说: I can ride a bikeswimplay basketball4)T: Boys and girls, just now we say we can do things. If you cant do the things, we should say I cant师紧接着板书: I cant.(解释句子意思是我不能做某事,后面加动词原形)(出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说:I cant 5) T: Can you play football(上组练习最后一张图片是踢足球)?Ss: Yes, I can.师紧接着板书: Can you?Yes, I can.(解释句子意思是你会做某事吗?后面加动词原形)老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you?Yes, I can.老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you? No, I cant.(板书否定答句)T: Can I ask you some questions? (老师出示各种活动的PPT,用can问问题,让学生用Yes, I can ./ No, I cant. 来回答。)【设计意图】(这种教学设计是学生大量练习,而且每一个同学所问的问题都不能重复,这就把“知识投入了周转”“投入周转的知识才是活的知识”。学生在描述自己能与不能时,老师及时给予热情的赞扬或给建议,以提高学生的自信心。)Step3: Practice记忆大比拼 :T: Lets have a competition. Rules: Rules: Remember the pictures as more as you can. Choose one of the picture you remember and say,“I can ”, then ask the other team,“Can you say more?” Dont say the same picture again.Step 4 : New textPart11. Listen and answerT: Have a look. Daming and Simon is talking about a panda. Can the panda speak English?Who can speak English?Ss: His teacher.2. Read after the E-pen 3. Read together.Part21.Listen and answer: Can Laura make pen friends?T: And this girl Laura can speak English, too. Lets greet to her . Ss: Pleased to meet you. (引导学生运用刚学过的Pleased to meet you 来与画面中的Laura打招呼。T: Do you want to know if Laura can make pen friends?. Lets listen.2. T: Now ,listen to the E-pen and try to find out the answers. (分段听容易听懂,掌握信息)1.Can Daming speak English? 2.Where is Laura from? Now question 3 and 4. Listen:3.How many English friends has Daming got? 4.Can Laura write to Sam and Amy?Now question 5. Listen:5.Can Daming be Lauras Chinese pen friend?【设计意图】通过学生听和回答问题,在真实的语境中帮助学生初步理解和感知对话,从而使学生在完成问题的过程中把握故事的主要信息。3.T: Now read after the E-pen sentence by sentence, find out “can” sentences.T: Have you found the sentences? I have got them:Can you speak English?Yes, I can speak some English.Can I write to your friends?And can you be my Chinese pen friend?But I cant write Chinese. But I can write English.Read the sentences.4. Read the text in different roles in groups of 4 . (四人组分角色朗读。)【设计意图】 通过让学生跟读,让学生模仿正确的语音语调,培养学生良好的语感。同时,通过分角色表演读,可以促使学生互相帮助,让每一个孩子都体验到成功的喜悦。5. Fill in the blanks and help Laura and Daming to make pen friends.Laura: Hello. Im Laura ._?Daming: My name is_.Laura: Pleased to meet you!Daming :_, too.Laura: _you be my pen friend?Daming : Yes, of course. This is my address. Here you are!Laura: Thank you! This is my_. Here you are.Daming : Thank you!Laura: We are pen friends now.Read the dialogue and practice in pairs.【设计意图】通过完成对话和读对话,让学生在不知不觉中掌握交笔友的方法。Step6 : Development1. T: Look at the screen! This is my calling card. Name:Lu Fang Age: 42Address: Xingxing Primary SchoolI can write an email, dance and play table tennis.My name is Lu Fang This is my address- Xingxing Primary School. This is my email. And I can write an email, dance and play table tennis.T: Please make your own calling cards now. (课前将表格发给每一位学生。)Name: Age: Address: I can .2.教师在课前要做好自己的几张名片,要求漂亮美观,易于吸引学生。教师走到学生中间,选择1名学生谈话,并送出自己美丽的名片并与其交笔友。T: Hello. Im Lv Xiaofang. Whats your name?S1: My name is T: Pleased to meet you!S1:Pleased to meet you, too.T: Can you be my pen friend?S1: Yes, of course. This is my address. Here you are!T: Thank you! This is my address, here you are.S1: Thank you! 3让学生去寻找笔友,看哪队最多。T: Do you want to make pen friends? Ss: Yes, of course.T: Lets have a competition: Which team can make more pen friends, OK? Now please go to the other team and make your pen friends.T: Team A. W


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