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Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best【单词回顾】他们的_ 礼物_ 幸运的_希望_ 月饼_ 月亮_ 龙_粽子_ 比赛_ 互相_ 压岁钱_中秋节_ 端午节_ 重阳节_一、短语:the Spring Festival, lucky money, each other, Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chongyang Fesvital二、句子:1. Whats your favorite festival?2. I like the Spring Festival best.3. What do people do during the Spring Festival?4. When is the Spring Festival?5. It sounds great.三、重点精析:1. We wish them a happy Spring Festival. 我们祝愿他们春节愉快。辨析:wish和hope的区别:wish表示“希望”(大多难以实现或与事实相反),往往带有“祝愿”意味。而hope表示的“想”和“希望”是可以实现的。hope后不能接动名词作宾语,也不能用hopesb.todosth.结构。它们后面可以接从句。 如: 我想见你们的经理。_ 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。_Ihopehecandothat我希望他能干那件事。(本句表示有可能实现的一种希望,can不能用could代替。)2. It sounds great. 那听起来很棒。 Sound在这里作感官系动词,意思是“听起来”,后面常接形容词。但它还可以作名词,表示“声音”,“响声”,还作形容词,表示“(睡眠)香甜的”。3. wait for 等待 如:他们正在等你。_4. Whats your favorite festival? 这句话是用来询问对方爱好的。Festival的意思是“最爱的;最喜欢的”,如果询问其他事物可以用“What is sb.s favourite?”回答时要用“like(s) best.”或者“Sb.s favourite is / are”如:-Whats your favorite animal? -I like cat best.【即时演练】 单项选择( )1. Mid-autumn Festival _coming. A. will B. will be C. is( ) 2. People eat_ at Mid-autumn Festival. A. mooncakes B. zongzi C. eggs( ) 3. Whats your _ food? A. like B. favourite C. love( ) 4. I like apple _. A. best B. much C. very( )5. The Spring Festival is _January or February. A. on B. in C. at( )6. Tomato Day is the_popular in Italy. A. very B. most C. much( )7. Christmas _ like our New Years Day. A. sounds B. sounding C. is sounding( ) 8. Someone is waiting _you at the gate. A. for B. with C. to( )9. Happy new year to you. _. A. The same to you B. Dont say to C. Thank you( )10. Im hungry. Get me something _.A. eat B. to eat C. eating翻译句子1. 圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。_2. 你在春节的时候会做什么?_3. 父母会给一些压岁钱小孩们。_4. 他最喜欢儿童节。_用所给词的适当形式填空1. Tree planting day is coming. We _ (plant) trees.2. Look! Some girls _ (sit) on the bench under the tree.3. Jane will _ (catch) up with others.4. My grandpa sometimes _ (fish) with me in the river.5. Mike is 35kg. I am 40 kg. I am _ (heavy) than Mike.6. Which do you like _ (much), pasta, noodles or burgers?7. It _ (blow) very hard last night. So the young tree was broken.8. China is _ (three) biggest country in the world.9. _ (sheep) are lovely animals.10. _ (Mary) grandma is 94 now, but she is still very healthy.11.I_(see) his name in the newspaper yesterday.12.Where_ he_ (live)? - He_ (live) in Nanjing.13.I would like _(be ) your penfriend.14.My father _(like)_ (play) basketball.15.We _(visit) the farm next week.16.Its two oclock in the afternoon. We_ (have)an English class.17.September is _(nine) month of a year.完形填空 Do you like to shop on the Internet? Things online are very cheap. I often get _31_online. Let me tell you how to buy one when I want to know something about a book. Firstly, I write an e-mail to the online shop. Then they will _32_ me some pictures of the book. I think this is very helpful.Online shops are _33_ open. I can do shopping even at midnight if I want to . Real shops usually close _34_ nine oclock in the evening.After you pay the online shopkeeper what you want, you can have your things in 35 days. When you go shopping in a shopping mall, you have to 36 much with the shopkeeper and walk a lot. I dont like it, because I get tired _37_.I am teaching my grandmother _38_ online. She cannot walk very far(远), _39_ it is easy for her to shop online. My brother wants to learn how to do it too. He is always very _40_ . When he has a little free time, he can shop online. So you see, shopping online saves time.( ) 31. A. shoes B. books C. food D. toys( ) 32. A. tell B. show C. give D. sell( ) 33. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. usually( )34. A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 35. A. a few B.few C. a little D. little( ) 36. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak( ) 37. A. easy B. easily C. happy D. happily( )38. A. why to shop B. where to shop C. how to shop D. when to shop( ) 39. A. because B. for C. so D. but( ) 40. A. healthy B. free C. lazy D. busy阅读理解 A young man was getting ready to finish his college study. He loved a beautiful sports car and he told his father that was all he wanted. One morning, his father called him into the study. He told his son how proud he was to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. Then he gave his son a book, Success Stories, with the young mans name on the cover. The young man got very angry and ran out of the house, leaving the book.Many years later, the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful house and a wonderful family. He thought of his father and thought he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that morning. Unluckily, he was told that his father had died. When he came into his fathers study, he began to tidy up his fathers papers.He found the book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened it and turned the papers. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the book. That was the key to the sports car he wanted so much.( )1.What did the young man want his father to buy him?A.A book. B.A beautiful house. C.A sports car. D.A gift box.( )2.Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because_ .A.his father didnt loved him. B.his father gave him nothing.C.his father said something wrong to him.D.he thought his father only gave him a book.( )3.Many years later,the young man _.A.had a hard life. B.became a successful businessman.C.went to see his father quite often. D.was told his father was still healthy.( )4.What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?A.书房 B.学习 C.研究 D.学问( )5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The father was unhappy with the young man.B.The young man didnt love his father.C.The father was very angry when he saw his son.D.The father was brought the young man a sports car. 小升初面试1.Do you know which country is the third largest in the world?2.The book is_.My sister is_ in reading it. A.interested, interesting B.interesting,interesting C.interesting,interested3.Why dont you _ to the cinema with us. A. go B. to go C. going D. goes4.Be quiet! The students _ a maths test in the next room.AhadB. have hadC. were havingD.are having5.In the US,Sunday is the _ day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second 小升初综合( )1.Peter was busy with his work yesterday. He didnt get_ A. much sleep B. many sleeps C. more sleep D. most sleep( )2.- Whats the _today? -Its June26. A. time B. date C. hour D. day( )3.I wonder how many_ I should pay for the service. A. dollars B. money C. cent D. moneys( )4._of our parents went to the party because _ of them were very busy yesterday. A. Neither,each B .None, both C. Both, Neither D. Neither ,both( )5.Please tell Joan this good news as soon as she _back. A. will come B. comes C. came D. to come( )6.Mary_carefully but _nothing .What a pity! A. looks, saw B. looked, looked C. saw, looked D. looked, saw( )7.Youd better _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A. dont read B. read C. not to read D. not read ( )8.Would you please _me your notebook? A. borrow B. to lend C. lend D. to borrow( )9.Its said that the boy _to America next month. A. will go B. would go C. go D. went( )10.Skiing is _in winter. A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. great a fun课后作业据句意及首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整The months of winter usually are N_ ,D_ ,and J_ .2.Shanghai is in the e_of China.3.Women Day is on the e_of M_.4.The ball is 200 yuan. It is e_.5.This plane f_to Guangzhou every day.6.Beijing is a b_city.7.The box is h_. I cant carry it.单选1. What


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