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Unit 13People能力提升题组训练(A).阅读理解(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔高三一模)The human brain remembers negative experiences more easily than positive ones. Our brains have developed this way because threats,like dangerous animals,had a more immediate effect on our ancestors survival compared to positive things like food or shelter. As a result,you likely know what makes you unhappy,but do you know what makes you happy?Research suggests that our level of happiness depends partly on the factors we cannot controlour genes and our life circumstances. But our level of happiness is also shaped by the choices we make. If youve been chasing wealth,fame,good looks,material things and power,you may be looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Psychologists suggest that the following habits can make people happier.People who form close relationships tend to be happier than those who do not. The number of friends we have is not important.What matters is the quality of our relationships. Relationships that bring happiness usually involve the sharing of feelings,mutual respect,acceptance,trust and fun.People who exercise regularly improve both their physical and mental well-being. Some research has shown that exercise can be as effective as medication in treating depression.When we are so interested in an activity we enjoy that we lose track of time,we are in a state of flow. The activity could be making art,playing the piano,surfing,or playing a game. People who experience flow in their work or hobbies tend to be happier.People are more likely to be happy if they know what their strengths are and use them regularly.People who set goals and use their strengths to achieve them tend to be happier. People are especially happy when they can use their strengths to serve the greater good.People who think positively by being grateful,mindful and optimistic are more likely to be happy. Being grateful means being thankful.Being mindful means being open to,focusing on and enjoying the experiences of the present moment. Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future.1.Why does the human brain remember negative things more easily?A.Negative things are easy to remember.B.Dangerous wild animals are a threat to us.C.Our ancestors had no enough food for living.D.Negative things tend to affect human survival immediately.2.How does the author like looking for happiness in material things?A.Uncertain.B.Opposed.C.Supportive.D.Optimistic.3.What does the author suggest us in the last paragraph?A.Enjoying our life and work. B.Leading a happy life each day.C.Being positive in our life and work.D.Thinking more about the future.4.What does this text mainly tell us?A.The factors that make people happy. B.How to remember positive things easily.C.The habits which people form in their life.D.Why people remember negative things easily.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。真正能使我们快乐的并不是物质的东西,作者在文中介绍了几种会让人更快乐的习惯。答案及剖析:1.D细节推理题。根据第一段中的Our brains have developed this way because threats,like dangerous animals,had a more immediate effect on our ancestors survival compared to positive things like food or shelter.可知,负面的东西相对于积极的东西对我们祖先的生存有更直接的影响,所以更容易被记住。故选D。2.B推理判断题。根据第二段中的If youve been chasing wealth,fame,good looks,material things and power,you may be looking for happiness in all the wrong places. 一直追求财富、名誉、美貌、物质和权力,你可能会在所有错误的地方寻找幸福。由此可见作者对寻找物质上的幸福持反对态度,故选B。3.C推理判断题。根据最后一段People who think positively by being grateful,mindful and optimistic are more likely to be happy.以及下文几者之间的内在关系可知,作者建议我们在生活和工作中要积极乐观,故选C。4.A主旨大意题。作者在文中介绍了几种会让人更快乐的习惯,如建立亲密关系,经常锻炼,了解自己的优点,感恩,专注,乐观积极的生活态度等。即本文介绍的是使人快乐的因素,故 选A。.七选五I realized that instead of thanking the people in my life,I often came up with reasons,excuses,or silence.1. So whenever one of these situations happens,remember that those two words are enough:2. In the Internet age,its easy for us to remain unfamiliar as we follow along in someones teachings.But a word of thanks can go a long way.If theres a leader,writer,or someone else on social media whom you regularly learn from,just reach out and say “thank you”.It means a lot for them to receive a kind message.When someone gives you advice,you should say “thank you”.3. Even if you dont find the persons advice useful or decide not to follow it,it shows that theyre trying to help.It may be not what you want,but you should think it over.Rather than challenging the advice or ignoring the person,just a simple word of thanks will be good.When someone is by your side,you should say “thank you”.4. Whether he/she is a supportive family member,friend,or teacher,he/she is a person who wants love and acceptance as well.5. You can thank him/her right now.Think of a few people who have helped you or supported you,and send them a message saying,“I just wanted to thank you for the support youve given me.”A.Dont be so quick to thank others.B.Someones advice should be taken seriously.C.You shouldnt take someones advice because its often wrong.D.You dont need to choose another special occasion to thank him/her.E.When someones words benefit your life,you should say “thank you”.F.When someone is by your side,its easy to forget because he/she is always there.G.But simply saying the words “thank you” is much more meaningful than anything else.答案:15GEBFD.完形填空The other evening we had a knock at the door.It was a1 neighbor who introduced himself and his boys to us.He also invited us to a block party as a way to know the people in the 2 as well as celebrate the first anniversary of his two 3 sons coming to live with him.Weve lived here for almost six years and no one has ever come to 4 themselves.I suppose we should have 5 it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in,but we havent.In my opinion,it took the initiative(首创) of a young 6 and his adopted sons to show me how I could 7 better attention to my own community.We have many local friends but I have to 8 that I havent usually been the one to develop the 9 in my own neighborhood.This 10 reminded me of one of my favorite quotes,“When I was a young man,I wanted to change the world.I found it was 11 to change the world,so I tried to change my nation.When I found I couldnt change the nation,I began to 12 my town.I couldnt change the town and as a(n) 13 man,I tried to change my 14.Now,as an old man,I 15 the only thing I can change is myself,and 16 I realize that if long ago I had changed myself,I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and 17 on our town.The impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the 18.”For those of us who want to make a(n) 19 in the world,its important we remember what Bucky Fuller said,“Think globally,but act 20.” For me,Im going to make it point to meet more of my neighborsstarting now.1.A.familiarB.friendlyC.newD.old2.A.townB.neighborhoodC.companyD.city3.A.acceptedB.adoptedC.adaptedD.appointed4.A.helpB.treatC.introduceD.enjoy5.A.putB.focusedC.turnedD.taken6.A.manB.studentC.womanD.mother7.A.drawB.fixC.offerD.pay8.A.forgiveB.admitC.agreeD.consider9.A.habitB.concernC.friendshipD.business10.A.accidentB.activityC.thoughtD.experience11.A.convenientB.possibleC.interestingD.difficult12.A.make outB.concentrate onC.get intoD.refer to13.A.olderB.youngerC.smarterD.wiser14.A.studentB.familyC.friendD.mind15.A.realizeB.forgetC.recognizeD.regret16.A.suddenlyB.happilyC.actuallyD.luckily17.A.everB.evenC.onlyD.still18.A.environmentB.worldC.villageD.lifestyle19.A.decisionB.adjustmentC.differenceD.discovery20.A.carefullyB.selflesslyC.immediatelyD.locally语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。社区来了一位新邻居,他主动把自己和孩子们介绍给社区的人们,这件事情让作者感触很深,由此想到他应该先改变自己,主动和邻居们加深关系。答案及剖析:1.C根据下文的“who introduced himself and his boys to us.”可知,这是一位新(new)邻居。故选C。2.B这位新邻居要举办一个宴会来认识社区里的人,并邀请我们参加。neighborhood邻居,社区。故选B。3.B根据第二段中的 his adopted sons可知,他的儿子是收养的。adopted收养的。故选B。4.C根据上文who introduced himself and his boys to us.可知,此处应该意为:我们已经住在这里大约六年了,从来没有人来作自我介绍。introduce oneself自我介绍。5.D在这个句子中it是形式宾语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语。我们本应该先向新邻居介绍自己的,但是我们没有。take on承担。故选D。6.A根据第一段中的himself,He及下文的and his adopted sons可知,这是一个男人,故选A。7.D这个男人和他收养的儿子们向“我”显示了“我”应该如何更好地去关注“我”自己的社区。pay attention to注意故选D。8.B此处表示作者进行了反思:我们有很多当地的朋友,但是我不得不承认


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