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南非世界杯,2010 6.11-7.11,世界杯(World Cup,FIFA World Cup,国际足联世界杯,世界足 球锦标赛)是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三 大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次,任何国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可 以派出代表队报名参加,而世界杯主要分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个 阶段。,世界杯简介,从1930年乌拉圭世界杯 到2010南非世界 杯,已经是第19届,经历了80年。南非世 界杯这是非洲国家第一次举办世界杯赛, 预示着非洲足球事业逐步踏入颠峰 。,南 非 国 旗,南非国徽,【国名】南非共和国 (The Republic of South Africa) 【国歌】1995年5月,南非正式通过新的国歌,新国歌的歌词用祖鲁、哲豪萨、苏托、英语和南非荷兰语5种语言写成。 【首都】行政首都比勒陀利亚 、立法首都开普敦 、司法首都布隆方丹 【国石】钻石 【主要节日】 【人权日】3月21日 【独立日】5月31日(1961年) 【国庆日】5月31日(1961年) 【曼德拉日】7月18日 【国家政要】:总统雅各布祖马,2009年5月当选,2010世界杯比赛用球,2010南非世界杯吉祥物豹娃“扎库米”,Wavin Flag,when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a wavin flag when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a waving flag and then it goes back (3x) ahhho ahhho ahhho born to a throne stronger than rome but violent prone poor people zone but its my home all i have known where i got grown streets we would roam out of the darkness i came the farthest among the hardest survive learn form these streets it can be bleak accept no defeet surrender retreat,(so we struggling) fighting to eat (and we wondering) when we will be free so we patiently wait for that faithful day its not far away but for now we say when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a waving flag and then it goes back (3x) ahhho ahhho ahhho so many wars settling scores bring us promises leaving us poor i heard them say love is the way love is the answer thats what they say,主题曲 wavin flag,飘扬的旗帜表达了对这片充满战火 、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。,but look how they treat us make us believers we fight there battles then they deceive us try to control us they couldnt hold us cause we just move forward like buffalo soldiers (but we strugglin) fighting to eat (and we wondering) when we will be free so we patiently wait for that faithfully day its not far away but for now we say when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a waving flag and then it goes back (3x) and then it goes when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a wavin flag,and then it goes back (3x) ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo and everybody will be singing it and you and i will be singing it and we all will be singing it wo wah wo ah wo ah when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a wavin flag and then it goes back (3x) and then it goes when i get older i will be stronger theyll call me freedom just like a wavin flag and then it goes back (3x) a oh a oh a oh when i get older when i get older i will be stronger just like a wavin flag (3x) flag flag just like a wavin flag,大力神杯,大力神杯,高36公分,重4.97公斤,由18K纯金铸造。底座由两层孔雀石构成,上面可以容纳17个镌刻冠军队名字的小铭牌足以用到2038年的世界杯。国际足联也重新规定,新的冠军金杯不再可以永久拥有,而是归国际足联所有,每个获得世界杯冠军的国家只可以拥有它直到下一届世界杯,作为补偿,该国将获得一个镀金的“大力神金杯”复制品。,巴西,乌拉圭,法国,阿根廷,尼日利亚,韩国,希腊,英格兰,美国,阿尔及利亚,斯洛文尼亚,德国,加纳,丹麦,意大利,新西兰,斯洛伐克,朝鲜,科特迪瓦,葡萄牙,瑞士,洪都拉斯,智利,32支队伍,南非,墨西哥,澳大利亚,塞尔维亚,荷兰,日本,喀麦隆,巴拉圭,西班牙,场馆分布,十大场馆,波罗瓜尼摩卡巴球场,皇家巴弗肯球场,姆博贝拉体育场,足球城球场,洛夫托斯球场,布隆方丹自由州球场,埃利斯公园球场,曼德拉湾球场,开普敦绿点球场,德班体育场,球员,6.11-7.11,南非 VS 墨西哥,阿根廷 VS 尼日利亚,英格兰 VS 美国,德国 VS 澳大利亚,荷兰 VS 丹麦,意大利 VS 巴拉圭,科特迪瓦 VS 葡萄牙,洪都拉斯 VS 智利,西班牙 VS 瑞士,巴西 VS 朝鲜,新西兰 VS 斯洛伐克,日本 VS 喀麦隆,塞尔维亚 VS 加纳,斯洛文尼亚 VS 美国,韩国 VS 希腊,乌拉圭 VS 法国,World Cup 2010 - Preliminaries / Groups A & B,Group A,Group B,World Cup 2010 - Preliminaries / Groups C & D,Group C,Group D,World Cup 2010 - Preliminaries / Groups E & F,Group E,Group F,World Cup 2010 - Preliminaries / Groups G & H,Group G,Group H,World Cup 2010 - Group table A - D,Group A,Group B,Group C,Group D,MP = Played W = Won D = Draw,L = Lost GF = Goals For GA = Goals Against,P = Points,World Cup 2010 - Group table E - H,Group E,Group F,Group G,Group H,MP = Played W = Won D = Draw,L = Lost GF = Goals For GA = Goals Against,P = Points,World Cup 2010 - Final matches,W = Winner L = Loser,World Cup 2010 - National flags,Algeria,Mexico,Argentina,Netherland,Australia,Ghana,New Zealand,Brazil,Gr


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