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Traveling by Bus,/meitibaodaoneirong_602.html /meitibaodaoneirong_601.html /meitibaodaoneirong_600.html /meitibaodaoneirong_599.html /meitibaodaoneirong_598.html /meitibaodaoneirong_597.html /meitibaodaoneirong_596.html /meitibaodaoneirong_595.html /blog_content.aspx?id=1450 /blog_content.aspx?id=1453 /blog_content.aspx?id=1452 /blog_content.aspx?id=1451 /meitibaodaoneirong_610.html /meitibaodaoneirong_609.html /meitibaodaoneirong_608.html /meitibaodaoneirong_607.html /meitibaodaoneirong_606.html /meitibaodaoneirong_605.html /meitibaodaoneirong_604.html /meitibaodaoneirong_603.html /blog_content.aspx?id=1457 /blog_content.aspx?id=1456 /blog_content.aspx?id=1454 /blog_content.aspx?id=1455,1. vehicle 车辆 2. local bus 市内公交 3. timetable 时刻表 4. belonging 随身物品,5. passenger notice 乘客须知 6. roadmap 路线图 7. bus stop 公交站牌 8. the forbidden area 站立禁区,9. swipe the card 刷卡 10. roll sign 滚动标牌 11.conductor 售票员 12.get off 下车 13.full fare 全票 14. the senior 老年人,15. sectional fare 分段票价 16. terminal 终点站 17. starting point 起点 18. non-stop 直达,本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版文档,尊重作者的辛苦劳动,谢谢 Useful expressions Wed like to go and visit the Disneyland. Carry your belongings when you get off. Drop the money in the box. Am I on the right bus for Hollywood? Could I have a route map and a timetable? Welcome to our Special Line 2 Bus. Did you swipe your card? Take seats in-side.,本文来自网络,请不要使用盗版文档,尊重作者的辛苦劳动,谢谢 G 我爱朱丹老婆 Do not stand on the forbidden area. Keep your arms and head inside the bus. Corner, please pay attention to safety. Please move back. Dont block the door. Do not rely on the door. 20100808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080,Some announcement,1. 欢迎乘坐101路公共汽车。 2. 请先下后上 3. 请注意安全。 4. 车辆转弯,请抓好扶手。 5. 请做好扶稳。,Some announcement,6. 请不要把手伸到窗外。 7. 车上人多,请保管好您的行李物品。,Some announcement,1. Welcome aboard Bus No.101 欢迎乘坐101路公共汽车。 2. Please let these passengers get off the bus first. 请先下后上 3. Please be careful. 请注意安全。 4. The bus is turning, please hold to the rings. 车辆转弯,请抓好扶手。 5. Please hold fast and sit securely. 请做好扶稳。,Some annou


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