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Section Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 2,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board,一,二,三,一、词义匹配 1.scare A.a piece of bread 2.string B.one of several parts that make up a machine 3.loaf C.frighten 4.yawn D.open your mouth wide and breathe deeply,usually because you are sleepy and bored 5.component E.a strong thread 答案:1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B,一,二,三,二、根据英文猜测单词 1. the distance from the top to the bottom 2. difficult;strong 3. because of;due to 4. to suffer from hunger 5. to succeed in doing sth.,depth,tough,thanks to,starve,accomplish,一,二,三,三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.During the last three decades,the number of people participating in physical fitness programs (increase) sharply. 2.Hurry up,kids!The school bus (wait) for us! 3.I felt very tired when I got home,and I (go) straight to bed. 4.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers (repair) one of the main pipes. 5.Im calling about the apartment you (advertise) the other day.Could you tell me more about it?,has increased,is waiting,went,are repairing,advertised,一,二,三,6.If we (not act) now to protect the environment,well live to regret it. 7.Do you think Mom and Dad (be) late? No,Swiss Air is usually on time. 8.Hurry up!Mark and Carol (expect) us. 9.Around two oclock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat (bother) us. 10.If nothing (do),the oceans will turn into fish deserts. 11.Have you heard about the recent election? Sure,it (be) the only thing on the news for the last three days.,dont act,will be,are expecting,bothers,is done,has been,一,二,三,12.Could I use your car tomorrow morning? Sure.I (write)a report at home. 13.What about your self-drive trip yesterday? Tiring!The road is being widened,and we (have) a rough ride. 14.On Monday mornings it usually (take) me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.,will be writing,had,takes,1,2,3,4,5,6,1.Just when I was able to struggle no longer,I found myself within my depth.(Page 26) 就在我无力挣扎的时候,我够到底了。 考点 depth n.深度,纵深 Whats the depth of the water here? 这儿的水有多深? Water was found at a depth of 30 metres. 在30米深处找到了水。 They dug down to a depth of two metres. 他们挖到两米深。,1,2,3,4,5,6,考点延伸 (1)deep adj.深的 deepen vt.加深 (2)long adj.长的length n.长度 wide adj.宽的width n.宽度 high adj.高的height n.高度 weigh vi.重达weight n.重量,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,2.Having scared the little beings,I began struggling to get loose and managed to break the strings that tied my left arm and slightly moved the strings that tied down my hair.(Page 26) 吓走这些小人后,我开始挣扎着松脱,设法挣断捆着我左胳膊的绳子,稍稍移开捆着我头发的绳子。 考点一 在本句中,“Having scared the little beings”是现在分词的完成时,在句子中作状语。句子的主语I和scare之间是主动关系,用完成时态强调分词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。,1,2,3,4,5,6,Having finished his homework,Tom went home. 完成作业后,汤姆回家了。 Having eaten at the cafeteria before,Tina didnt want to eat there again. 蒂娜以前在那个自助餐厅吃过饭,所以她不想再去那里吃饭了。 Lionel Messi,having set the record for the most goals in a calendar year,is considered the most talented football player in Europe. 里奥内尔梅西曾在一年内创造了最多得分记录,因此他被认为是欧洲最有天赋的足球运动员。 .having eaten their food and drunk their wine,I now felt that to do so would be rude.(Page 26) 吃了他们的食物,喝了他们的酒,我现在觉得这么做太粗鲁了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,考点二 scare vt.使恐惧 They scared the dog away by shouting loudly. 他们大声喊叫,把狗吓跑了。 The dream scared him a lot. 那个梦把他吓坏了。 The robber scared him into taking out all his money. 劫匪吓唬威胁他拿出所有的钱。 考点延伸 scared adj.害怕的 scary adj.可怕的,吓人的,1,2,3,4,5,6,(1)scare的重要考点是词义和派生词。 (2)scare sb.away/off把某人吓跑 scare o doing sth.恐吓某人去做某事 (3)scared adj.害怕的 be scared to do sth.害怕做某事 scary adj.可怕的,吓人的,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,3.At last being almost starved with hunger,I showed that I wanted food.(Page 26) 最后由于快要饿死了,我示意我想吃东西。 考点 starve vi.挨饿,饿死 vt. 把饿死 Because of the flood,the villagers are starving. 由于洪水,村子里的人正在挨饿。 The snowstorm starved the sheep to death. 暴风雪使得羊群饿死了。 考点延伸 starvation n. 饥饿,饿死 Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought. 由于干旱,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(1)starve主要考查词义。 (2)be starved to death 饿死 starve.to death把饿死 starve for渴望得到 (3)starvation n. 饥饿,饿死,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,4.Hou Baolin had a tough start in life because he was born into a very poor family.(Page 27) 因为出身贫寒,侯宝林开始时生活艰难。 考点 tough adj.艰难的;不幸的;强壮的,强健的 阅读下列句子,指出tough在句中的含义 Its a tough decision to make. 含义 He is tough to miss such a good chance. 含义 Would she mind playing against her former teammates? No.She is willing to play against any tough players. 含义,艰难的,困难的,不幸的,强壮的,强健的,1,2,3,4,5,6,Explorers have to be tough to endure all kinds of hardships. 含义 Its time to get tough with those bullies (欺负人的学生). 含义 This kind of shoes are tough;you can have if for mountain climbing. 含义,坚韧的,严厉的,强硬的,坚固的,耐用的,1,2,3,4,5,6,考点延伸 rough大体的,粗略的;汹涌的,波浪很大的;困难的;粗糙的,崎岖不平的 Ive got a rough idea of what he looks like. 我已经大致知道他长什么样子了。 It was too rough to sail that night. 那天夜里风浪太大,无法行船。 She is having a tough time recently. 她最近困难重重。 They are driving on a rough road. 他们行驶在一条崎岖不平的路上。,1,2,3,4,5,6,tough和rough是形近词,以考查词义为主。,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,5.Thanks to Hou Baolins brilliant performances,xiangsheng gained a great reputation and much glory,so this is why he is known as the founder of xiangsheng.(Page 135听力材料) 多亏了侯宝林精湛的表演,相声才有了名声和荣誉,这就是侯宝林被称为相声创始人的原因。 考点 thanks to多亏,由于 Thanks to his effort,it is more successful than we have expected. 由于他的努力,获得了比我们预期的更大的成功。 Im feeling better now,no thanks to you. 我现在觉得好多了,这并非由于你的原因。,1,2,3,4,5,6,考点延伸 thanks to的近义词组: (1)owing to 由于,因为 on account of因为 as a result of由于 because of因为 be due to因为;由于 (2)result from起因于,1,2,3,4,5,6,thanks to多用于句首,以考查词义为主。,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,6.Hou Baolin has accomplished so much that his achievements in the field of xiangsheng will never be forgotten.(Page 135听力材料) 侯宝林取得了如此巨大的成绩,他在相声界的成就永远不会被忘记。 考点 accomplish vt.取得(成功),完成(任务) They didnt accomplish the desired purpose. 他们没有达到预期的目的。 We have accomplished our mission successfully. 我们成功地完成了任务。 The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。,1,2,3,4,5,6,I must accomplish my homework before I go to play football. 我去踢足球之前必须完成作业。 The explorers accomplished the voyage within five weeks. 探险者们在五周内完成了航程。 考点延伸 accomplished adj.才华高的,技艺高超的 accomplishment n.成绩,成就 She is an accomplished artist. 她是一位有才华的艺术家。 It was one of the Presidents accomplishments. 这是总统最大的成就之一。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(1)accomplish主要考查词义。 (2)accomplish vt.取得(成功),完成(任务) accomplished adj.才华高的,技艺高超的 accomplishment n.成绩,成就,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,语法指南 一般时态和进行时态 一、一般过去时(Simple past tense) 1.基本结构 主语+动词的过去式+其他. 2.用法归纳 (1)一般过去时表示在过去某个特定时间发生的动作,也可以表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作。一般过去时不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去的事情。 I had a word with Julia this morning. 今天早晨,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话。,1,2,3,4,5,6,一般过去时与现在完成时的判断方法:句子中谓语动词是用一般过去时还是用现在完成时,取决于动作是否对现在有影响。 Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?(关心的是现在还饿不饿) Yes,I have. 是的,我已经吃过了。(表示已经吃饱了,不想再吃了) When did you have it? 你是什么时候吃的?(关心的是吃的动作发生在何时) (2)句子中带有确定的过去时间状语时,要用过去时。如:yesterday,two days ago,last year,the other day,once upon a time,just now,when I was 8 years old,“at+一个时间点”等。 Did you have a party the other day? 前几天你们开晚会了吗?,1,2,3,4,5,6,(3)表示过去连续发生的动作时,要用过去时。这种情况下,往往没有表示过去的时间状语,而通过上下文来表示。 The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died. 那个男孩把眼睛睁开了一会儿,看了看船长,然后就去世了。 (4)表示过去一段时间内的习惯动作。常与always,never等连用。 I never drank wine. 我以前从不喝酒。(不涉及现在,不说明现在是否喝酒) 可以与always等搭配的时态有一般过去时、一般现在时及过去进行时: Mrs Peter always carried an umbrella. 彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。(只是说明她过去的动作,不表明她现在是否常带着伞),1,2,3,4,5,6,Mrs Peter always carries an umbrella. 彼得太太老是带着伞。(说明这是她的习惯,表明她现在仍然还习惯总带着一把伞) Mrs Peter was always carrying an umbrella. 彼得太太过去总是带着一把伞。(表示说话者对这一动作或行为的厌烦情绪) (5)有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定的时间状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点要特别注意。 I didnt know you were in Paris. 我不知道你在巴黎。(因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.),1,2,3,4,5,6,二、一般现在时(Simple present tense) 1.基本结构 主语+动词的一般形式+其他. 2.用法归纳 (1)表示习惯性或经常发生的动作或存在的状态(常与usually,always,seldom,sometimes,often,frequently,every day/week/month.等时间状语连用)。 He often goes to school at seven. 他常常7点钟去上学。 Why are you often late for work? 你为什么经常上班迟到?,1,2,3,4,5,6,(2)表示主语现在的特征、性格、状态、能力等。 She studies English very hard. 她非常努力地学习英语。 Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗? (3)表示客观规律、正确事实或科学真理、格言以及其他不受时间限制的客观存在。 The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 The earth moves round the sun. 地球围绕着太阳运行。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(4)由连词if,unless,before,as soon as,when,once等引导的时间(条件、让步)状语从句,需用一般现在时表示将来。 What are you going to do when you grow up? 你长大后准备做什么? Once he makes up his mind,no one can stop him. 一旦他下定了决心,没有人能拦住他。 (5)安排或计划要做的动作(有时间状语)限于begin,come,leave,go,arrive,open,start,stop,close,return等动词。 The train starts at eight oclock in the evening. 火车晚上8点钟发车。 (6)在某些以here,there开头的句子中用一般现在时,动词表示的是现在发生的动作。 Here comes the bus!(=The bus is coming!)公共汽车来了!,1,2,3,4,5,6,三、一般将来时(Simple future tense) 1.基本结构 主语+will+动词原形+其他. 2.用法归纳 在表示现在看来以后要发生的动作或存在的状态或事物的固有属性或必然趋势时常用一般将来时。 Tom will come back next week.汤姆下周回来。 3.将来时态的多种表达法 (1)“be going to+动词原形”多表示“计划、打算做某事”,此外,还表示根据现在的迹象,对未来进行推断。 Im going to finish my work on time. 我打算准时完成工作。,1,2,3,4,5,6,Look at the dark clouds.It is going to rain. 看这乌云,要下雨了。 (2)“be about to+动词原形”表示立即的将来,很少与具体的时间状语连用,但可以和when连用。 The train is about to start.火车就要开了。 (3)有些动词如come,go,stay,arrive,leave,begin,start等,其一般现在时、进行时也可表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作或状态。 Im coming.我马上来。 (4)be to+动词原形 表计划、安排 He is to be married next month.他下个月结婚。 表应该 You are to call the police.你该报警。,1,2,3,4,5,6,表禁止 Youre not to smoke in the room.你不可以在房内吸烟。 表可能 The news is to be found in the evening paper. 这条消息可能在晚报上见到。 四、现在进行时(Present continuous tense) 1.基本结构 主语+is/are+v.-ing+其他. 2.用法归纳 (1)表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。 They are playing basketball on the sports ground. 他们正在操场上打篮球。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(2)表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作(说话时动作不一定正在进行)。 You look lovely when youre smiling. 你笑的时候很好看。 (3)表示说话人对主语的行为表示赞叹或厌恶(常与always,constantly,continually等副词连用)。 He is constantly leaving his things about. 他老是乱扔东西。 (4)get,turn,grow,become等系动词,可用进行时表示正在逐渐发生变化。 Its getting warmer and warmer. 天气正渐渐变暖。,1,2,3,4,5,6,五、过去进行时(Past continuous tense) 1.基本结构 主语+was/were+v.-ing+其他. 2.用法归纳 (1)表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间,除有上下文暗示外,一般和特定的时间状语连用。 I was watching TV at 8 last night when my parents came back. 昨晚八点我父母回来时,我正在看电视。 (2)可用来描写故事的背景。 It was winter.The north wind was blowing hard and a heavy snow was falling. 那是冬天,北风呼啸,大雪纷飞。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(3)可用在复合句中。 两个时间较长的动作在过去同时进行,均用过去进行时。 While he was driving,he was thinking about this matter. 他一边开车,一边思考这个问题。 两个时间一长一短的动作在过去某时同时发生时,时间较长的动作用过去进行时。 He was drawing when I left. 我离开时他正在画画。 (4)不与时间状语连用,表示逐渐地发展。 It was getting dark. 天渐渐黑了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,(5)动词go,come,start,leave等的过去进行时可以表示过去即将发生的动作。 He told me that they were starting the next day. 他告诉我说他们第二天就出发。 He was coming to see me,but unfortunately he was ill. 他打算来看我,不幸却生病了。 六、将来进行时(Past continuous tense) 1.基本结构 主语+will be doing+其他. 2.用法归纳 表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。 Six oclock?Its too early.I will be sleeping at that time. 六点钟?太早了。我那时正在睡觉呢。,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,一,二,三,四,一、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子,指出其中黑体词的含义。 1.He yawned and stretched. 含义 答案:打呵欠 2.The repair shop sells electrical components. 含义 答案:成分,组成部分 3.Can you find me some string to tie up the package? 含义 答案:绳,线,一,二,三,四,4.Life as a single mother can be tough. 含义 答案:困难的 5.The girl selling matches starved to death. 含义 答案:挨饿,饿死,一,二,三,四,二、写作词汇检测 用所学单词完成句子。 1.I want a (一条) of bread. 答案:loaf 2.The reporters were asking a lot of (困难的) questions. 答案:tough 3.What is the (深度) of the river? 答案:depth 4.We have (完成) all we set out to do. 答案:accomplished 5.They let fires to (吓唬,使恐惧) away the animals. 答案:scare,一,二,三,四,三、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 1.(2015福建卷)Where is Peter?I cant find him anywhere. He went to the library after breakfast and (write) his essay there ever since. 答案:has been writing 2.(2015湖南卷)As you go through this book,you (find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War had a different experience. 答案:will find 3.(2015湖南卷)It is important to remember that success (be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often (take) years to achieve. 答案:is;takes,一,二,三,四,4.(2015湖南卷)He must have sensed that I (look) at him.He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?” 答案:


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