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Integrating skills,Making a difference,Reading,Whats the characteristic of Galileo Galilei? Why could Stephen Hawking make contributions to science work? What can be described as the ability to use knowledge? Whats the most important thing if we want to make a difference? How can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference?,Curious,creative,Want to know more,creativity,Language points,10. It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference in this world . make a difference to make some difference to make no difference to make all the difference,对有些关系,有很大差别(不同);有很大关系,对没有关系,关系重大,大不相同,11. The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was so curious that he invented both a microscope and a telescope in order to be able to take a closer look at things great and small . 句中great and small是后置定语,修饰前面的 things ,也可以 看作是定语从句 things which were great and small的省略。,12. By asking why , how and what if , curious minds find new ideas and solutions . curious mind是 those people with curious minds的意思。 介词by强调“方式,方法,办法” ,介词with强调“工具,手段”。 我们用耳朵来听。她用耳朵听的方法来学习弹钢琴。 We hear _ our ears . She learns to play the piano _ ear .,with,by,13.If knowledge is power , as Sir Francis Bacon famously wrote in 1597 , then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power . describe : (与as连用) 把说成是 汤姆有时被说成是骗子,因为他总是撒谎。 Tom is sometimes _ _ a liar , as he is always kidding .,described as,14.We must also believe in what we do even when others dont . Believe believe in believe (feel sure of the truth of sth. ; that sb.is telling the truth ; be of the opinion that)相信(某事的真实性,人的诚实)认为(可与宾语从句连用)。 believe in (feel sure of the existence of) 相信存在 他信仰共产主义。 He _ communism . believe sb.是“相信某人说的话是真的”即某一次具体的判断 believe in sb. 指较长时间觉得某人可靠,值得信任。 I believe him .(= I believe want he says is true .) I believe in him .(= I believe that he is a good and honest man .),believes in,15. People laughed at Zhang Heng when he first introduced his seismograph and it was only later that the world recognised his greatness . 句子it was only later that the world 是_ 句型。,强调,16. Knowing who we are means knowing how we think and what we like to do . (1)两个knowing 动名词短语分别在句子中作主语和宾语。 (2)mean 的用法: mean + 名词,意思为“意味着” mean 后面不用 to 不定式。若要跟动作就必须使用动名词 (V-ing 形式)。 我本来想告诉你的,但是我忘记了。 I _ you , but I forgot . 短语 I mean 常用于进一步解释或纠正语误,作为插入语。 I saw Jack at the party , I mean , Herry . 表示没有恶意时说: We mean well . 或 We mean no harm .,meant telling,18. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests , and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference . 陈述句以 only 开始时,后面接状语,应当用部分倒装: 如:当他讲出那个单词后,他才意识到犯了个大错误。 Only after he had spoken out the word _ realize he had made a big mistake .,did he,Why?,Of all the characteristics mentioned in the passage, which do you think is the most important? Why? What do great scientists like Stephen Hawking ,Galileo Galilei and Zhang Heng have in common? Find out more about them and how they work and think? Use the questions below to get started. What is the scientific spirit? How do scientists solve problems? How do scientists make a difference? What can we learn from great scientists?,中文网,以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活的文学体裁。 人物、情节、环境是中文的三要素。情节一般包括开端、发展、高潮、结局四部分,有的包括序幕、尾声。环境包括自然环境和社会环境。 中文按照篇幅及容量可分为长篇、中篇、短篇和微型中文(小中文)。按照表现的内容可分为神话、科幻、公案、传奇、武侠、言情、同人、官宦等。按照体制可分为章回体中文、日记体中文、书信体中文、自传体中文。按照语言形式可分为文言中文和白话中文。 中文与诗歌、散文、戏剧,并称“四大文学体裁”。 11中文网 11中文网 jch25kcf 中文网刻画人物的方法:心理描写、动作描写、语言描写、外貌描写、神态描写,同时,中文网是一种写作方法。 一句,“娘你别气坏啊!”老太太叹了口气:“有你在,我怎么会气坏?”这倒也是实话。苏含萩吐着舌头出了帘,推宝音明秀,指指室内,叫她们进去,悄悄道:“好好说话!”宝音和明秀一前一后进了房间,一个爬上软椅给老太太捏肩,一个依在椅沿给老太太捶腿,似事先排练过的,极顺溜。老太太叹道:“你们也是跟你们小姑姑一个意思咯?”“奶奶,”明秀婉柔道,“秀儿知道您一定是担心我们,怕我们受不住外头议论,要保护我们在府里,可姑姑说得没错,养孙女千日,用在一时,这是我们为苏家挺肩骨的日子了。”“你原是懂事的。”老太太注目宝音,“华儿还小”“是,太小了!”宝音俏皮道,“所以不知道怕呢!”老太太笑了:“好好,我们都去!” 不过苏家人毕竟没走多长,总是穿着孝哪!按计划,也就去慈恩寺上个香,略歇歇,吃吃茶,看放过焰火,就回来。在快到慈恩寺的路上,他们遇见了刘家人。或者说,刘家人找到了他们。当明蕙和她娘还活着的时候,刘家人对苏家百般巴结,也在苏府里捞到了不少赚钱差使,明蕙和她娘去寺里之后,老太太就把苏府里帮佣的刘家人都遣回去暂时休息了,美其名曰“休息休息,好过年。”刘家人也不敢说个不字。但明蕙和她娘一死,就不一样了。这已经是鱼死网破、光脚不怕穿鞋的时候了。刘家人先是在苏府府门要讨说法,还不敢去正门,是去的腰门,大老爷二老爷一起威胁要把他们关起来,他们败退,换个法子,作哀哭动天之势,去寺里哭明蕙母女,打算哭得个水漫金山、人心沸腾,叫苏家人一个头两个大,花钱买他们安宁。苏家人只是出动了地保,还有本城长老团。那些人瑞们,吃的盐比刘家小儿吃的米多,一个个往寺里一坐,白发飘飘白胡萧萧,还有老得头发胡子都掉光的,皱巴巴的人皮在雪光里示众,那个慑人。再加上几个牙齿掉了一半的,以人瑞之尊费神跟刘家人讲道理,舌头一卷一卷,别人是听不太清,但夹了好多“弗忠”、“天施”之类的冠冕难懂的大字眼,又夹杂了很多“善恶到头终有报”、“莫待无时思有时”之类很顺溜的小道理,刘家人想不通这些话跟眼前的事有什么明确关联


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