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,PowerPoint Timesaver.,2,Introduction,This file PowerPoint Timesaver contains a large number of preformatted dummy slides that are ready to be copied and pasted onto your own presentation for further processing, thereby dramatically reducing lay-outing and formatting time ensuring consistency of lay-out throughout your presentation The structure of the slides is conform: Headings: 20 points Bold Verdana Sub-headings 16 points Verdana Bullet slides according to template (automatic), jump-in with Tab, jump-back with Shift-Tab Text 14, 12 or 10 points Verdana Footnotes 8 points Verdana,* Excluding special charts (Bubble, Merrimekko, Skyline, Brickyard etc.); these are available to licensed practitioners through the StratBridge Strategic Surveyor tool,3,Generic Blocks, Circles and Arrows - Copy/Paste the Objects Below or Use the Paint Brush on the Formatting Toolbar to Copy Colors onto Other Objects,1,1,Standard Dark Blue RGB Code: 51 - 102 -153,Standard Light Blue RGB Code: 222 - 211 - 182,Green RGB Code: 153 - 204 - 000,Preferred Colors,1,4,All charts in this document comply to this global PowerPoint palette,R = 9 G = 29 B = 93,R = 156 G = 209 B = 0,R = 221 G = 210 B = 181,Primary colours,Highlight colors using standard PowerPoint palette (charts & diagrams),To be used as an accent or highlight color only,To be used as a background color behind charts and graphs only,The color palette has been adjusted in PowerPoint to allow for better onscreen projection,R = 161 G = 61 B = 58,R = 89 G = 110 B = 110,R = 102 G = 51 B = 104,R = 145 G = 125 B = 74,R = 151 G = 115 B = 174,R = 220 G = 130 B = 64,R = 87 G = 125 B = 61,R = 84 G = 156 B = 181,5,Agenda,Structured text Graphs Pictures Service Line Charts,6,Text Blocks - Unrelated List,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,7,Text Blocks - Causes and Effects,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,8,Text Blocks - Matrix,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,9,Text Blocks - Cause and Effect,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,10,Text Blocks - Sequence of Causes and Effects,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,11,Text - Sequential Vertical,. .,. .,. .,. .,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,12,Text - Making Points,.,.,.,. .,. .,. .,Subtitle comes here,13,Text - Bullits,. . . .,.,Subtitle comes here,14,Text Blocks - Influencing,.,Subtitle comes here,15,Text Blocks - Leading to,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,16,Text - Enveloping Elements,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,17,Text Blocks - Elements Leading To,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,18,Text Blocks - Resulting From,.,Subtitle comes here,19,Text - Interrelations,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,20,Multiple Boxes, ,., ,., ,., ,., ,., ,.,21,Org Chart,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,22,Logic Tree - One Level Plus Text,.,.,.,., , , , ,Subtitle comes here,23,Logic Tree - Two Levels,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,24,Logic Tree - Vertical,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,25,Driver Tree - Arrows Showing Trend,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,26,Driver Tree - Arrows Showing Base Trends,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,27,Driver Tree - Moons Showing Base Trends,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,strong,weak,Subtitle comes here,28,Driver Tree - Text with General Trends,. . .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,29,Driver Tree - Expanded Text,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. .,.,.,.,30,Range of possible outcomes,Uncertainties,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Range of Outcomes,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,31,Standard Table - bulleted cells,Subtitle comes here,32,Standard Table Layout,Subtitle comes here,33,Agenda,Structured text Graphs Pictures Service Line Charts,34,Bar Chart - Stacked,Source: ,Units,Charttitle comes here,35,Bar Chart - Two Stacked,Source: ,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,36,Bar Chart - Three Stacked,Source: ,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,37,Bar Chart - Four Parallel,Source: ,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,Units,Charttitle comes here,38,Bar Chart - Paired,Source: ,Units,Charttitle comes here,39,Bar Chart - 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Loose Arrows,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,59,Value Chains - Touching Arrows,Subtitle comes here,60,Interrelated Stages,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,61,Movements,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,62,Circle - Overlapping Arrows,.,.,Virtuous,Vicious,Subtitle comes here,63,Circle - Integrated Arrows,Virtuous,Vicious,Subtitle comes here,64,Closed Loop,Subtitle comes here,65,Process Ending in a Closed Loop,Subtitle comes here,66,Wheel of Fortune,Subtitle comes here,67,Puzzle - Four Pieces Fitting Together,Subtitle comes here,68,Puzzle - Five Pieces Fitting Together,Subtitle comes here,69,Puzzle - Pieces Not Fitting Together,Subtitle comes here,70,Puzzle - Pieces Might Fit Together,Subtitle comes here,71,Quotes,Subtitle comes here,72,Circles of Influence,Subtitle comes here,73,Eggs,. .,. .,. .,Subtitle comes here,74,Circles - Interrelated,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,75,Circles - Overlapping,Subtitle comes here,76,Expansion, ., ., ., .,Subtitle comes here,77,Cube,Subtitle comes here,78,Maps - Netherlands,Subtitle comes here,79,Maps - Western Europe, The World, ungroup to select countries ,Subtitle comes here,80,Life Cycle - Generic,Units sold,Time since launch,Product A,Product B,Product C,Product D,Subtitle comes here,81,Life Cycle - Countries,Emerging,Mature,Development Stage,Netherlands,Sweden,U.K.,France,Italy,Germany,Subtitle comes here,82,Cost Curve,Cost/unit,Cumulative Volume,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,83,Downward and upward slopes,1,2,3,Time,3,2,1,Time,Subtitle comes here,84,Recognition For Teaching,Recognition Of Research,85,Funnels,Subtitle comes here,86,Building blocks,Subtitle comes here,87,Spectrum,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Low,High,Subtitle comes here,88,Balance,Subtitle comes here,89,Cross,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,90,Pyramid,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,91,History,x x x x x 2005,Subtitle comes here,92,Trackers - Place in Top Right Corner of Slide,Subtitle comes here,93,Agenda,Structured text Graphs Pictures Service Line Charts,94,Generic Strategy Development Framework - English,Environmental Analysis,Business Imperatives,Business Definition,Business Constraints,Business Imperatives,External Analysis,Internal Analysis,Key Insights,Strategic Options Analysis,Strategy Implementation,Implement Action Plans,Monitor Action Plans,Actie-plannen,Strategic Options,Risk and Reward,Strategic Direction,Reassess the Business Imperatives,Desk Research and Interviews,Interviews and Workshops,Workshops and Analyses,Business Plan Writing,Crea-tivity,Subtitle comes here,95,Generic Strategy Development Framework - Dutch,Externe en interne analyse,Bepaling uitgangspunten,Missie en Visie,Rand- voorwaar- den,Uitgangs- punten,Externe Analyse,Interne Analyse,Inzicht,Strategische keuze,Implementatie,Plannen,Meet-punten,Actie-plannen,Strategi-sche opties,Rende-ment en risicos,Strategie,Heroverweeg de uitgangspunten,Desk research en interviews,Interviews en workshops,Workshops en analyses,Uitwerking plannen,Creati-viteit,Subtitle comes here,96,Strategy Development - The Fish,Chosen Strategy,Projects & Resources,Monitoring,Financial Position,Strategic Position,Capital Market,Economic Profitability,Growth,Commercial Market,Market Attractiveness,Competitive Position,Insight,CSFs & KPIs,Strategic Issues,Scope & Context,Creativity,Scenarios & Options,Subtitle comes here,97,Strategy Development - The Loop,CAPITAL MARKET,MANAGED PERFORMANCE,Strategy Execution,Strategy Formulation,Dynamic Strategy,COMMERCIAL MARKET,STRUCTURE & RESOURCES,Strategic Position,Strategic Position,Competitive Position,Market Attractiveness,Scope & Context,Strategic Issues,Insight,Value Creation,Financial Position,Growth,Economic Profitability,Critical Success Factors & Key Performance Indicators,Performance Monitoring & Incentive Compensation,Organizational Architecture,Projects & Resources,Chosen Strategy,Scenarios & Options,Creativity,Subtitle comes here,98,Backward Strategic Planning Framework,TIME,GOAL,Actions driven by strategy,Where are we now?,Mission: Why are we in business?,Values: What are our enduring principles and beliefs?,Vision: Where do we want to be in 2010?,Strategy: How do we get there?,Subtitle comes here,99,Incremental versus Dynamic Strategic Planning Framework,Versus,Incremental Planning Process,Dynamic Strategic Planning Process,Incrementalism One reason why companies stagnate,TIME,GOAL,Where we are now?,Actions taken in response to circumstances,Where can we be next year?,Focus One reason why companies grow,TIME,GOAL,Actions driven by strategy,Where are we now?,Vision of where we need to be five years from now,100,Strategic Disciplines,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,101,Activity Map - Generic,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Advantaged,Neutral,Disadvantaged,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Subtitle comes here,102,Activity Map - Very Detailed,Geographic markets,Distribution channel,Customer,End use,Industry,System design /Application engineering,Installation,Service,Customised,Standard,Sub-systems,Food packaging,Canning,Bottling,System,Sales force,OEM,Direct,Independent,Agent,MNC,Regional,National,N.America,L.America,W.Europe,E.Europe,Middle East & Africa,Asia,Japan,Australasia,Liquid,Hybrid,Dry,Processed,Pumps,Valves,Homogenisers,Tubular heat exchangers,Food Processing,Evaporators,Tanks,Other,Ohmic heaters,Freezers & Refrigerators,Plate heat exchangers,Separators,Air treatment,Automation,Wrapping,Dryers,Cartoning,Systems,Subcontractor management,3rd party maintenance,Upgrades/ modifications,Contract,Time/material,Own maintenance,Conveyer systems,Aseptic processing systems,Blow moulding equipment,Filtration equipment,Thermal & energy technology,Control systems,Sealing,Labelling,Global Standard,Dairy,Brewing,Soft drinks,Juices,Cheese,Ice Cream,Baked,Snacks/ Confectionery,Cereals,Soups/sauces,Baby Food,Oil/fats/margarines,Project management,Filling lines,New business strengths,Installed base strengths,Canning,Bottling,Pumps,Valves,Homogenisers,Tubular heat exchangers,Evaporators,Tanks,Ohmic heaters,Plate heat exchangers,Separators,Wrapping,Dryers,Cartoning,Sealing,Labelling,Filling lines,Convenience food,Customer DIY,Spare parts,Freezers & Refrigerators,Automation,Conveyer systems,Aseptic processing systems,Blow moulding equipment,Filtration equipment,Control systems,Strong position,Average,Weak position,No position,103,Activity Map - Competitor Overview,.,.,.,.,.,Advantaged,Neutral,.,


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