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牛津高中英语 高 二 教 材 设 计 理 念,江苏省通州高级中学 张 淳,模块 第一第四模块回顾 第五、六模块介绍 第五、六模块教学建议,普通高中课程由学习领域、科目、模块三个层次构成。,学习领域,科 目,模 块,新高中课程结构,新课程设置八个学习领域: 语言与文学 数学 人文与社会 科学 体育与健康 技术 综合实践活动 艺术 每一个领域由课程价值相近的若干科目组成。,关于学习领域,普通高中课程结构,学习领域 科目 模块,各学习领域由若干科目组成,包括语文、数学、外语(英语、日语、俄语等)、政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物、技术、体育与健康、 艺术(或音乐、美术)等1213个科目; 技术、艺术是新增设的科目; 艺术与音乐、美术并行设置,供学校选用; 鼓励有条件的学校开设多种外语。,关于科目,每一科目由若干模块组成; 模块之间既相互独立,又反映了学科内在的逻辑联系;每一个模块都有明确的教育目标,并围绕某一特定内容,整合学生经验和相关内容,构成相对完整的学习单元; 每一个模块都有对教师教学行为和学生学习方式的要求与建议; 每个模块通常为36学时。,关于模块,有条件的地区或学校可以提高相应级别的要求;条件暂不具备的地区或学校可以适当降低相应级别的要求。,必 修 课 程,选 修 系 列 一,选修系列二,School life Growing pains Looking good, feeling good,模块,Teenage experiences,第一单元,第二单元,第三单元,一 二 三 四,主题,语法 定语从句 反义疑问句,模块,Tales of the unexpected Wish you were here Amazing people,Making discoveries,第一单元,第二单元,第三单元,一 二 三 四,主题,语法 现在完成时、现在完成进行时 将来进行时、过去将来时 过去完成时、现在/过去完成时,模块,一 二 三 四,The world of our senses Language Back to the past,Broadening horizons,第一单元,第二单元,第三单元,主题,语法 名词性从句、形式主语it 宾语补足语、主谓一致,模块,一 二 三 四,Advertising Sporting events Tomorrows world,Modern life,第一单元,第二单元,第三单元,主题,语法 间接引语、情态动词 被动语态,第五模块介绍,第五模块介绍 主题 Science and harmony 第一单元 Getting along with others 第二单元 The environment 第三单元 Science versus nature 语法 非谓语动词 (不定式、-ing形式 过去分词形式),1 Welcome to the unit (1p) 2 Reading (4 pp) 3 Word power (2 pp) 4 Grammar and usage (4 pp) 5 Task (6 pp) 6 Project (2 pp) 7 Self-assessment (1 p),每单元由7个板块构成,Welcome to the unit,Welcome to the unit板块通过照片、图片等引出一个或几个相关的话题,由下面的三个问题引发讨论,既是一种读前热身,也是对本单元话题的一种导入,有利于激活学生已有的相关知识,激发学习兴趣,为接下来的阅读和后面的一系列活动做好铺垫。所选择的图片和照片涉及学生比较感兴趣的话题,下面的三个问题大多是开放性的,容易引发讨论、引起兴趣。,Unit 1 Getting along with others Almost everyone wants to make friends and develop friendships with other people. But what should a best friend be like? Look at the following illustrations and read the friendship proverb under each one. What do you think the proverbs mean? What do you think the proverbs tell us about friendship and getting along with others?,Friends are thieves of time. The best mirror is an old friend. If you can buy a persons friendship, its not worth having. True friends have hearts that beat as one.,Do you have a best friend? Why do you think that he or she is your best friend? How do you get on with your friend(s)? Do you help each other when you have problems? What do you think are the most important characteristics in a friend?,QUESTIONS:,Unit 2 The environment,A healthy environment is important for our survival. Look at these pictures and discuss the questions below with a partner.,QUESTIONS:,Look at the pictures and discuss which problems are caused by nature and which are caused by man. Can you think of other natural disasters that damage the environment? Can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?,Unit 3 Science versus nature,Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. Cloning is one of the more advanced technologies. Read the following introductions for an article from a leaflet for a laboratory and discuss the questions below with your partner.,What do you know about cloning? What other cloned animals do you know about? Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans one day? Why or why not?,QUESTIONS:,2 Reading,Reading包括:读前问题(A),阅读材料本 身(B)、读后练习(C-F)和紧跟在阅读文章后面的Reading strategy。 A 三到四个问题,练习快速阅读。 B 阅读文章。对话或短文,跨两页。 C 关于文章的更多问题,有时分C1, C2, 从更多的细节到文章的深层理解。 D 根据上下文猜测和理解词义,有时分D1, D2。 E 根据课文意义完成短文,综合理解。 F 拓展延伸练习。依据与课文相关的话题或 细节开展讨论。,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Reading: Secrets and lies A friendship in trouble,A 3 questions B 2 letters; reading strategy C1, C2 questions; filling a table D words (match definitions) E 2 letters (using words) F 2 questions;discuss questions,Unit 2 The environment,Reading: The economy or the environment must we choose?,A 3 questions B opening speech of a TV debate; reading strategy C1, C2 questions; sequence D words (match meanings) E speech (using words) F 3 questions;discuss questions,Unit 3 Science versus nature,Reading: The perfect copy A newspaper article+ 2 letters to the editor,A 3 questions B newspaper article + 2 letters ; reading strategy C1, C2 T/F; filling a table D words (match definitions) E letter (using words) F 3 questions;discuss the questions,3 Word power,Word power从两个方面帮助学生学习新的单词,力求快速、高效地扩大他们的词汇量。 一是通过介绍英语单词的构词方法(合成、派生、转化等),帮助学生对所学过的单词进行归纳,从中发现规律,同时,根据这些规则向他们介绍更多的符合这些规则的生词; 二是根据本单元的有关话题,从Word family的角度,向学生介绍该话题的更多生词。,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Word power: adjectives to describe personality,Presenting dialogue Positive and negative adjectives Synonyms and antonyms A Practising a passage B Extending,Unit 2 The environment,Word power: discussing the environment,A Presenting a passage and a map B Practising label the pictures C Practising a passage D Extending (words beginning with eco-),Unit 3 Science versus nature,Word power: prefixes and suffixes; organs of the body,Presenting prefixes, examples and meanings suffixes, examples and meanings Practising a passage A Presenting 2 pictures B Practising a passage C Extending,4 Grammar and usage,高中学生的英语学习已经接近成年人学习英语的特点,所以语法教学一直受到高中老师的重视。Grammar and usage板块根据课程标准对高中语法的教学要求,系统讲授语法知识,并通过及时的练习加以巩固和提高。基本思想是,归纳演绎并举,讲练结合,讲求实效。,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar and usage 1 To-infinitive; Bare infinitive Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising a letter (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。) Verb ing form as a noun Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising e-mail (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。),Unit 2 The environment,Grammar and usage 1 Verb ing as as adjective or an adverb Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising A a letter B a passage (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。) Verb ing phrases Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising Re-write highlighted sentences from a passage (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。),Unit 3 Science versus nature,Grammar and usage 1 Verb ed form Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising A a passage B re-write sentences (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。) Verb ed phrases Verb ed and verb ing as adjectives Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising A rewrite sentences B complete a dialogue,5 Task,Task 板块顺着本单元的话题,以任务的最终产品为目标,设计了一系列的活动,学生通过结对、或小组活动的方式,亲历语言实践,在完成任务的过程中获得语言运用能力。任务分三个步骤: Step 1 听或读的活动(Receptive) Step 2 双人或小组的互动(Interactive) Step 3 口头或书面产品(Productive) 另外, 每个Step都有一个技能训练(Skills building ), 确保学生顺利完成三个步骤。三个步骤在内容和能力训练上既相对独立,又相互联系,可操作性强。,在课堂内进行的开放式任务型活动的学 习内容,要求学生在完成任务的过程中使 用英语,培养学生听、说、读、写的综合 技能。 每个单元的 Task 板块设计一个任务, 学生通过运用英语进行听、说、读、写, 来完成这个任务。每个单元的任务与单元 话题密切相关。,Three steps (三个步骤) Step 1 (Receptive) 通过听或读,获取与任务 相关的信息 Step 2 (Interactive) 通过读(提供说的内容)和 说,开展相互对话或小组等交际活动 Step 3 (Productive) 分析、处理信息,进行归 纳总结,完成说或写的任务,Three skills building (三个技能训练) Skills building 1 对在Step 1中进行听或读 活动时所要用的技能进行指导和训练 Skills building 2 对在Step 2中进行活动时所 要用的技能进行指导和训练 Skills building 3 对完成Step 3中说或写所要 用的技能进行指导和训练,Task Writing a letter to a friend Skills building 1: writing down the answers Step 1: calling Teen Talk for advice Skills building 2: agreeing and disagreeing Step 2: discussing friendship with others Skills building 3: proofreading Step 3: Writing a letter to your friend,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Task Designing a poster Skills building 1: listening and drawing conclusions Step 1: listening to a lecture Skills building 2: reading for information Step 2: reading a scientific article Skills building 3: presenting your point of view Step 3: designing a poster,Unit 2 The environment,Task Writing a formal letter Skills building 1: changing or correcting a text Step 1: conforming information Skills building 2: conducting a discussion Step 2: reporting back to a science journal Skills building 3: writing a formal letter Step 3: Writing a letter about GM food,Unit 3 Science versus nature,6 Project,Project 是一种开放性探究学习活动,学生在老师的指导下,通过小组协作,利用课外时间完成他们自己选定的课题。Project 有A、B两个部分,A部分是阅读材料,为B部分提供范例,或者引发课题内容。B部分是Project本身,设计有四个步骤: Planning: 在老师指导下确定课题;组内分工 Preparing: 查找资料、收集信息、调查、讨论 Producing: 拿出初稿,对其进行加工、完善 Presenting: 展示各个小组的成果 Project 既有利于发展学生的语言能力,也有利于开发学生的非语言能力,提高他们的综合素质。,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Project Giving an oral report A Presenting reading: Teenagers friendship B Project plan and conduct a survey and prepare an oral report,Unit 2 The environment,Project Writing a report A Presenting reading: Protecting the Yangtze River B Project write a report,Unit 3 Science versus nature,Project Having a debate A Presenting reading: Man versus nature B Project prepare for a debate,7 Self-assessment,该板块分为A、B两部分。 A部分要求学生对该单元的各项学习目标,如:阅读、听说、写作、语法、词汇、语言运用等,分五级(Not confident,Slightly confident,Confident,Quite confident和Very confident)进行自我评估。学生通过自我评估,可以体验自己在英语学习过程中的进步与成功,不断建立信心,同时发现存在问题,及时调控自己的学习策略。 B部分要求学生对自己学习过程中不足的方面提出改进意见,调整学习策略,争取不断进步。,Notes 用汉语为学生提供有关语言点、句型结构、难点、阅读理解、背景知识等方面的帮助。 Word list 1Word list 4 Irregular verbs Workbook Language practice A Reading B Project C Grammar and usage D the whole unit Reading (2 passages) Listening (2 passages) Writing (one passage),附录部分:,第六模块介绍,选 修 课 程 系 列 I (顺序选修课程),八级目标总体描述,有较强的自信心和自主学习能力。能就熟悉的话题与讲英语的人士进行比较自然的交流。能就口头或书面语言材料的内容发表评价性见解。能写出连贯且结构完整的短文。能自主策划、组织和实施各种语言实践活动,例如:商讨和制定计划、报告实验和调查结果。能有效利用网络等多种教育资源获取和处理信息,并根据需要对所获得的信息进行整理、归纳和分析。能自觉评价学习效果,形成有效的英语学习策略。了解交际中的文化内涵和背景,对异国文化能采取尊重和包容的态度。,能独立、自主地规划并实施学习任务。能听懂有关熟悉话题的演讲、讨论、辩论和报告的主要内容。能就国内外普遍关心的问题(例如:环保、人口、和平与发展等)用英语进行交谈,表明自己的态度和观点。能做日常生活方面的口头翻译。能利用各种机会用英语进行真实交际。能借助词典阅读题材较为广泛的科普文章和文学作品。能用常见的应用文完成一般的写作任务,并具有初步使用文献的能力。能自主开拓学习渠道,丰富学习资源。能关注时事,具有较强的世界意识。,九级目标总体描述,顺序选修教程教材的特点:,顺序选修模块保持必修模块的编写体例和风格,每个单元仍然有必修模块每个单元的7个板块,也保留了每个单元主阅读教授一个典型Reading strategy的特色。,必修模块内部结构,模块 1-5,Unit 1,Unit 3,Unit 4,Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 1,Unit 1,模块 6-11,选修系列 I 模块内部结构,有些板块的篇幅和内容有所调整:Grammar and usage Task Project,1)Grammar and usage 每个单元安排一个内容的讲解和相应的练习。 2)Task Skills building 1、2、3三个部分只保留了讲解部分,去掉了相应的练习。 3)Project 删除了planning, preparing, producing, presenting四个步骤,改为8个问题。因此Project中的阅读文章的字数增加。包括Reading部分,两篇阅读文章的长度在设计时有一个长度上的总体递进安排。,课程标准的“语法项目表”中所列的内容在模块19的Grammar and usage 板块中全部覆盖。从模块10开始引进了有关语篇布局和有关基础的修辞格方面的内容 。,第六模块介绍 主题 Making a better world 第一单元 Laughter is good for you 第二单元 What is happiness to you? 第三单元 Understanding each other 第四单元 World peace 语法 时态复习;虚拟语气,Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,Welcome to the unit People around the world love to laugh. Everyone agrees that laughter is good for you. Look at these posters and discuss the following questions with a partner.,1 Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest? Why? 2 Who is your favourite comedian? Why do you like him or her? 3 Why do people like funny things?,Reading: Stand-up for your health! A 3 questions B article about stand-up comedies reading strategy C1C2 questions; matching D matching E passage F discuss questions,Word Power Words used in play scripts A Presenting a passage B Practising a picture C Practising Fill in the passage D Practising Make sentences with phrases,Grammar and usage Overview of tenses 1 Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising A a letter (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。) B complete sentences (pictures),Task Writing to a foreign friend Skills building 1: identifying priorities Step 1: answering questions Skills building 2: asking questions orally Step 2: completing a radio quiz show Skills building 3: answering questions in an email Step 3: Writing an e-mail,Project Acting in a play A Presenting reading: The invisible bench Important papers B Project act out one of the plays above,1 Do you think there are some things that make everyone happy? What are they? 2 What are the things which make you happy? 3 If you had a friend who was unhappy, how would you try to help him or her?,Reading: The happiness show A 3 questions B transcript of a talk show; reading strategy C1C2 T/F; matching D matching E passage F discuss questions,Word Power Emotions Presenting Practising A circle choices B passage C Extension,Grammar and usage Overview of tenses2 Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising A a passage (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。) B complete sentences,Task Writing a website article to give advice Skills building 1: identifying negative emotional language Step 1: identifying problems Skills building 2: breaking a big questions into smaller ones Step 2: discussing solutions Skills building 3: giving advice Step 3: Writing an article,Project Making a happiness handbook A Presenting reading: golden days my future happiness B Project make a happiness handbook,1. Do you know of any other greetings that people use? 2. Why do you think that peoples greetings are different? 3. Can you think of any situations where differences in greetings could cause a problem?,Reading: Cultural differences A 3 questions B internet chat script; reading strategy C1C2 answer questions; matching D matching E passage F discuss questions,Word Power English words borrowed from other languages A Presenting a passage B Practising study a spidergram C Practising a passage D Practising complete sentences,Grammar and usage Unreal conditionals Presenting (浅显的英语对所要讲的语法项目进行描述,并配以典型的例句。) Practising a passage (在语篇中练习所学的语法知识。),Task Writing a letter to explain cultural misunderstanding Skills building 1: completing a text Step 1: showing foreign visitors around Skills building 2: asking questions Step 2: asking about cultural differences Skills building 3: writing a letter of apology Step 3: explaining misunderstandings,Project Making a reference book A Presenting reading: Inuit experience Aborigine adventure Mysteriour Maories B Project choose a country and research its unique culture,Unit 4 Helping people around the world,Welcome to the unit International aid helps many people around the world to have better lives especially when things go wrong. Look at these picture


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