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New Horizon College English,Unit 6 : Section A,The Widow,Part IV: Topic-related Further Learning,Part III: Exercises,Part I: Pre-reading Activities,Warm-up Exercises Background Information,Vocabulary,Part II: Text Learning,Text Analysis: A: Main Ideas,Language Points,Some Recommended Books, Passages and Websites.,B: Devices of Developing the Text,Structure,Translation,Essay Summary,Text Structure Analysis,Structured Writing,Pre-reading,A woman alone writes some painful lines in a notebook. To understand why the lines are painful, we go back in time to a strange event that happened on her wedding day. A strange woman gave the couple a message about their marriage. Every year, the husband and wife discussed their unique wedding guest. The wife thought she had come from heaven; the husband thought she had the wrong shape for someone from heaven. (to be continued),上一页,下一页,Pre-reading Activities,One night, he wrote his wife a note. He wrote that it did not matter where their guest had come from. What mattered was that the word gift she had given them was true. Now that her husband has died, the woman finds the painful lines in the book remind her of him.,下一页,上一页,Pre-reading Activities,Questions Why is the woman in the story in pain?,Because her husband has died, the woman finds the painful lines in the book remind her of him.,下一页,上一页,Elizabeth Jolly,Elizabeth Jolly is a famous Australian fiction writer. Born in England in 1923, Jolly moved to Australia in 1959 with her husband and three children. She had trained as a nurse in England and nursed there and in Australia before starting her writing career in 1964. Her body of work includes 26 books: short stories, radio plays, collections and 12 novels in print since 1980. Jolly has won many writing awards, two of them for Cabin Fever, her tenth fiction book. She is known for her peculiar people in funny situations.,下一页,上一页,Cabin Fever,“Cabin Fever” continues the events of her previous book, “My Fathers Moon”, but different voice and 40 years later. The story is presented in bits and pieces as a successful woman psychologist recalls her war experiences and postwar hard times. The book is not a complete story but only certain memories that help the woman make sense of all the pain, trouble, loss and sad times in her life. The book describes the culture of the late 1940s.,下一页,上一页,Main Idea,Part I Para.1 Para. 2 Part II Para. 3 Para. 15 Part III Para.16 Para. 19,上一页,下一页,Main Idea,Main Idea of Part I The quotation of the widow stored in a notebook reminds her of the painful memory of losing her husband.,上一页,下一页,Main Idea,Main Idea of Part II The Widows mind slipped back to her wedding ceremony at which she and her husband received a strange word gift which had a magic power.,下一页,Main Idea,Main Idea of Part III The message her husband left her showed that their aunts prophecy had come true - they work hard and love each other and that was why the widow stored the painful quotation.,上一页,下一页,Devices of Developing the Text,Part I Quotation From Elizabeth Jollys “Cabin Fever”,上一页,下一页,Devices of Developing the Text,Part II Flashback Start with the widows wedding ceremony,上一页,下一页,Devices of Developing the Text,Part III Flashback Back gradually to the painful quotation,上一页,下一页,Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions.,1. In the first paragraph which word tells you that the husband has died?,Widow.,上一页,下一页,2. Why is the quotation from Elizabeth Jolly so painful for the widow?,Because it is the exact description of her real feelings at the moment.,上一页,下一页,She was short-sighted and could not see things clearly without glasses.,1 3. What does the last sentence of the third paragraph suggest about the woman?,上一页,下一页,We know that their colleagues and old schoolmates were happy about the marriage, but their relatives and mothers were “crying” or “offering pity” or “would have insisted they wanted only the best for their children.”,4. From the paragraph 4 what do we know that attitudes of the couples colleges, old schoolmates, relatives and even their mothers towards their marriage?,上一页,下一页,He means the couples life together was very happy because whenever they could, the couple helped each other and showed concern for each other.,5. What does the writer mean by saying “both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed” (Paragraph 13)?,上一页,下一页,Worn, fading, kept for so long.,1. 6. What words in Paragraph 17 tell us that the husband wrote the message many years ago?,上一页,下一页,No, he was still in doubt bout Aunt Esthers identity. This is shown by the phrase in his message, “whether she came from heaven or a nearby town”.,7. Did the husband finally agree with the wife that Aunt Esther Gubbins was on some heavenly mission? Why?,上一页,下一页,8. In what sense was Aunt Esther Gubbins right?,So long as the wife and husband work hard and love each other, they will live a good life and be happy.,上一页,下一页,Text Structure Analysis,Order of Time Sequence,Time signals: 1. first, second, after that, now, next, then, finally, the next evening, the following day, etc. 2. tenses, such as used to, etc.,上一页,下一页,Alone now, the widow reads considerably. She used to underline favorite passages to share with her husband. Now, in a notebook, she stores quotations like this one from Elizabeth Jollys Cabin Fever: “I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears.”,These words are important in the sense that help us make changes from one event to the next and they help make united and easy-to-follow writing.,上一页,下一页,She used to underline favorite passages to share with her husband. (Para.1),Share with: give a part of something to somebody else 分享,When the flood destroyed our house, our neighbors shared their house and food with us. 邻居们让我们住到他们的房子里,并在他们家吃饭。,Farmers often share their crops with each other. 农民们常常分享各自的收获的东西。,上一页,下一页,2. I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple , to sit by the fire in winter with a man who is my husband. (Para.1),part of: one of the pieces, sections or segments that something is made of 一部分、一份,She lived there for the greater part of her life. 她一生有大部分时间都住在那里。,Respect is a very important part of any relationship. 相互尊重是人际关系中的一个重要方面。,上一页,下一页,3So intense this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears. (Para. 1),fill with: (cause to )become full of 充满,Mother filled my plate with food. 妈妈给我盘子里盛满了食物,This city is filled with smog because of the serious air pollution. 由于严重的空气污染,这座城市雾气弥漫。,上一页,下一页,4they define “the best” as staying home to support the family. (Para.4),define as : state the meaning of sth. such as a word as being sth. 界定, 定义为,Its wrong to define “happiness ” as “owing lots of money”. 把幸福界定为拥有许多钱是错误的。,People prefer to define the family as a kind of shelter where all the members stay together sharing both happiness and difficulties of life. 人们更愿意把家定义为供家人同甘共苦的避风港。,上一页,下一页,5Had he come to the wrong church or at the wrong time, mistaking them for another couple? (Para.11),mistake for: think wrongly that sb. / sth. is sb. /sth. else 误当作,You and your sister look so similar, I often mistake you for her. 你和你姐姐长得太像了,我经常误把你当成她。,Sometimes even her husband can mistake her for her twin sister. 有时甚至她丈夫都会把她误当成她的孪生姐姐。,上一页,下一页,6Both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed. (Para. 13),fill ones need: satisfy ones need 满足需要,He is the only child in this family, so the parents are trying their best to fill his need. 他是家里的独生子,所以父母想方设法满足他的需要。,The manager of this company asks the employees to offer good service and try to fill the customers need. 公司经理要求员工提供优质服务,满足顾客需求。,上一页,下一页,7 they bring up their curiosity (Para. 15),bring up: mention or introduce ( a subject) 提起,There is no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. 我们考虑他的工作时,没有必要再提他的过去。,Who brought up the subject of money? 是谁提起钱这个话题的?,上一页,下一页,8Widowed now, the wife wonders what she would save from their old home if it were to catch fire. (Para. 16),save from: keep sth. from (danger, being destroyed, etc.); make safe from danger or being destroyed 、 保留、抢救、使免于,The thing to be happy about is that their wedding album was saved from the fire. 值得庆幸的是,他们的结婚像册没有被火烧毁。,Fortunately, all the military materials were saved from the drought. 幸运的是,所有的军需物资没被洪水淹没。,上一页,下一页,Direction: Fill in each of the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.,cheerful,underline,considerable,depart,responsibility,restrain,anniversary,curiosity,regarding,mission,nearby,surround,1. When I came across some favorite passages in reading, I usually _ them and try to learn them by heart.,underline,上一页,下一页,Direction: Fill in each of the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.,cheerful,underline,considerable,depart,responsibility,restrain,anniversary,curiosity,regarding,mission,nearby,surround,12. -Do you know the old couple are having a wedding again? -You are kidding? -No, Im not. They are having the fiftieth _ of their wedding. -Oh, I see. You mean a golden wedding.,anniversary,上一页,下一页,Direction: Fill in each of the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.,cheerful,underline,considerable,depart,responsibility,restrain,anniversary,curiosity,regarding,mission,nearby,surround,3. A letter _ the boys behavior was sent to his father.,regarding,4. The boy had a strong _ to know what was in the letter sent to his father.,curiosity,上一页,下一页,Direction: Fill in each of the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.,cheerful,underline,considerable,depart,responsibility,restrain,anniversary,curiosity,regarding,mission,nearby,surround,5. The curiosity to know what was in the letter was so strong that the boy could not _ himself from opening it.,restrain,6. The thief tried to run away but gave up when he found himself _.,surrounded,上一页,下一页,Direction: Fill in each of the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.,cheerful,underline,considerable,depart,responsibility,restrain,anniversary,curiosity,regarding,mission,nearby,surround,7. Youd better take the gloves with you. Its _ colder than yesterday.,considerably,8. Parents should take full _ for their childrens actions.,Responsibility,上一页,下一页,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,Sandys parents would go crazy if she told them that she would not share her secrets _ them.,with,2. You can define the word “difficult” _ “not easy” if you like.,as,上一页,下一页,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,3.Teach a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart _ it.,from,4. Its painful to mistake kindness _ love.,for,5. The sick woman scanned the doctors face _ a sign of hope before leaving the office.,for,上一页,下一页,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,6. Autumn could not restrain herself _ telling Sandy about her boyfriend Jackson.,from,7. The city has a big problem: how can it save these fine old buildings _ being destroyed?,from,8. Im sorry, I wasnt listening, I was thinking _ something else.,about/of,上一页,下一页,1. I dont know who he is. I dont want to see him anyway.,Whoever he is, I dont want to see him.,Rewrite the following sentences, using whoever.,上一页,下一页,2. We dont know who owned the business. The business would be a success anyway.,The business would be a success, whoever owned it. Or: whoever owned it, the business would be a success.,3. I dont know who has broken the window. Ill take him to his parents anyway.,Whoever has broken the window, Ill take him to his parents.,上一页,下一页,4. I dont know who else objects. I will not object anyway.,Whoever else objects, I wont.,5. I dont know who else goes hungry. I will not go hungry anyway.,Whoever else goes hungry, I wont.,上一页,下一页,Rewrite the following sentences, using do, does or did.,1. My colleagues and old schoolmates really feel happy for me when I told them I had a chance to go and study in London University.,My colleagues and old schoolmates did feel happy for me when I told them I had a chance to go and study in London University.,上一页,下一页,3. She really went next door to help Mrs. Norton with her sick children.,She did go next door to help Mrs. Norton with her sick children.,2. Bill really has some problem with his math class.,Bill does have some problem with his math class.,上一页,下一页,5. In the picture the bride and groom really felt shy before crowds of relatives and friends.,In the picture the bride and groom did feel shy before crowds of relatives and friends.,4. These words really convey her feelings at the moment.,These words do convey her feelings at the moment.,上一页,下一页,1. 有了他父亲给的钱,他就能在附近的镇上买栋房子了。,with the money from his father/given by his father,With the money given by his father, he could afford a house in the town nearby.(Or . he could afford to buy a house in the town nearby.),afford,in the town nearby,Translate the following sentences into English.,下一页,上一页,2. 那位年轻女士太激动,以致情不自禁地 提起了婚姻话题。,so excited that,The young lady was so exact hat she could not restrain herself from bringing up the subject of marriage. Or: that she could not help bringing up the subject of marriage.,subject of marriage,bring up,could not restrain herself from/could not help,上一页,下一页,3. 恐怕你今天见不到他了,一小时前,他刚被派去执行一项重要任务了。,Im afraid you cant see him today because he was sent on an important mission just an hour ago.,on an important mission,Im afraid,上一页,下一页,4. 她年轻时,常常在笔记本里记下一些摘引自诗歌的内容。,store,When she was young,she used to store quotations from poems in a notebook.,quotations from poems,used to,上一页,下一页,5. 不管他们是谁, 他们都得对这次事故负责任。,whoever they are,Whoever they are,they should take the responsibility for the accident/they should be responsible for the accident.,take the responsibility for,上一页,下一页,Carefully read the following sentences and circle one answer from each pair that is the correct or best one.,Alone, a widow writes a painful quotation in a notebook. To understand her pain, we see a picture in her wedding album and hear about a strange event that happened at her wedding. A strange woman had told the couple she was here to tell them they were going to live a good life and be happy, that they would work hard and love each other. Every year around their anniversary, the husband and wife discussed their unique wedding guest,上一页,下一页,Carefully read the following sentences and circle one answer from each pair that is the correct or best one.,Alone, a widow writes a painful quotation in a notebook. To understand her pain, we see a picture in her wedding album and hear about a strange event that happened at her wedding. A strange woman had told the couple she was here to tell them they were going to live a good life and be happy, that they would work hard and love each other. Every year around their anniversary, the husband and wife discussed their unique wedding guest,上一页,下一页,Carefully read the following sentences and circle one answer from each pair that is the correct or best one.,Alone, a widow writes a painful quotation in a notebook. To understand her pain, we see a picture in her wedding album and hear about a strange event that happened at her wedding. A strange woman had told the couple she was here to tell them they were going to live a good life and be happy, that they would work hard and love each other. Every year around their anniversary, the husband and wife discussed their unique wedding guest,上一页,下一页,Carefully read the following sentences and circle one answer from each pair that is the correct or best one.,Alone, a widow writes a painful quotation in a notebook. To understan


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