高中英语必修4 unit5 learning about language 课件.ppt_第1页
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高中英语必修4 unit5 learning about language 课件.ppt_第5页
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Unit 5 Theme parks Learning about language,1 Find the word from the text.,1. _ several different types of 2. _ the main subject of a talk, book, film or something else 3. _ to keep something as it is; an area of land made available for a special group of people or animals to live in 4. _ to or at any place, position or situation 5. _ something that is pleasant to think about but is not real,various,theme,preserve,wherever,fantasy,6. _ action, usually a very great one or a very bad one 7. _ the measurement of something from one end to the other 8. _ being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else 9. _ in the middle of an area or an object 10. _ without doubt,deed,length,unique,central,no wonder,engine carpenter cartoon amusement eagles slide swing tourism,1. Before buying a car, my dad always looks at its _. 2. Early American settlers were great _ -they could build almost anything from wood. 3. Both adults and children like to watch _ just for _.,engine,carpenters,cartoons,amusement,2 Complete the sentences.,4. There are about 60 different kinds of _ around the world, but only two kinds live in North America. 5. _ is a big business for small countries like Singapore. 6. When I was little, my favourite thing to do was to go to the playground and _ down _ and _ on _.,eagles,Tourism,slide,slides,swing,swings,There are many stories about Britains ancient King Arthur, some just _. When Arthur was a boy, no one knew who his parents were. He worked for a great knight and his son, to help them prepare for _ and battles. One day, news came that Britains old king had died without a son. To _ the kingdom from disorder, the old wizard Merlin took the kings _ and drove it into a great stone.,attraction deed fantasy preserve sword tournament whichever,fantasy,tournaments,preserve,3 Complete the paragraph.,sword,He announced that _ knight could take it out was Britains true king. The _ brought many knights from all over the country to try their strength. One morning, Arthur came across the _ in the stone. He knew nothing about it but decided that he should try to get it for his master. He pulled hard, and it came out! Soon the whole country heard about Arthurs amazing _ and made him king.,sword,deed,attraction,whichever,3 Write out the original words.,unchangeable adj. _ dislike v. _ impossibility n. _ unfriendly adj. _ overwork v. _ misunderstanding n. _ athletic adj. _ misread v. _ translator n. _,change,like,possible,friend,look,understand,athlete,read,translate,Discovering useful structures (P37),4 Fill the table.,admission,admissible,admissibly,imagination,imaginative,imaginatively,settlement,settled,equipment,equipped,attraction,attractive,attractively,Word Formation,Grammar,up-to-date为复合形容词, 与out-of-date 相对(落伍的; 旧式的; 过时的), 意为“现代的; 时新的”。如: up-to-date ideas 最新的思想 an up-to-date record 最新的纪录 up-to-date clothes 时髦的衣服 an out-of-date model 老式的模型,英语构词法(Word Formation),掌握一些英语构词法, 对单词的记忆和 理解有很大的帮助, 下面我们将列举 一些常用的构词法: 1. 合成(Compounding) 2. 转化(Conversion) 3. 派生(Derivation),1. 合成(Compounding) 由两个或更多的词合成一个词, 有的用 连字符号“-”连接,有的直接连写 在一起. e.g. wood(木)cut(刻)woodcut(木刻) man(人)kind(种类)mankind(人类) air(空气, 空中)sick(恶心的, 晕的) airsick(晕机的) merry-go-round 旋转木马 up-to-date 最新的 life-size 与真人一般大,复合形容词的构成,复合形容词的构成,复合名词的构成,其他复合词的构成,其他复合词的构成,2. 转化(conversion) 由一种词类转换成另一种词类。 (即一般拼写不变, 但是词类发生了变化, 有时发音也变化) e.g. water n. 水 - water v. 浇水 dirty adj. 脏的- dirty v. 弄脏 e.g. He went in and sat down. The army downed a plane.,转化法举例,转化法举例,3. 派生(Derivation) 由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成 另一个词. 1)后缀(suffix) 名词后缀 -or actor sailor -ist scientist -ment achievement movement -(a)tion preparation exception -y difficulty discovery,形容词后缀 -ful useful cheerful -able comfortable enjoyable -ed manned cultured -less careless fearless -ive active decisive -an European Indian,动词后缀 -ize realize modernize -en widen strengthen,副词后缀 -ly really extremely -ward backward eastward,数词后缀 -teen fourteen fifteen -ty forty fifty -th ninth twelfth,表示人和物的名词后缀,后缀-er 构词能力,后缀-er 构词能力,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,后缀为-ion的名词,形容词后缀,副词后缀,动 词 后 缀,2)前缀(prefix) 一般不造成词类的转变, 只是引起意思 的变化 e.g. un-(不, 或做相反动作) unhappy undo im-(不) impossible impolite re-(重新) retell rewrite mis-(错误的) misunderstand 个别前缀会引起词类的变化 e.g. en-(使得) endanger enlarge a- asleep awake,1) a- 表示“在之上”,“向” aboard, aside, 2) by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路) 3) circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕, 回转” ,circumstance, circuit 4) de-, 表示“在下,向下” descend, degrade,表示空间位置, 方向关系的前缀,5) en-, 表示“在内, 进入” encage, 6) ex-, ec-, es-, 表示“外部,外” exit, eclipse, expand, export 7) extra-, 表示“额外”extraction (提取) 8) fore- 表示“在前面” forehead, foreground 9) in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内, 背于” inland, invade, inside, import,10) inter-, intel-, 表示“在间, 相 互” international, interaction 11) intro-, 表示“向内,在内, 内侧” introduce, introduce 12) medi-, med-, mid-, 表示“中, 中间” Mediterranean, midposition 13) out-, 表示“在上面,在外部, 在外” outline, outside, outward 14) over-, 表示“在上面, 在外部, 向上” overlook, overhead,15) post-, 表示“向后, 在后边, 次” postscript(附言), 16) pre-, 表示“在前”在前面” prefix, preface, preposition 17) pro-, 表示“在前, 向前” progress, proceed, 18) sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, 表示“在下面, 下” subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement,19) super-, sur-, 表示“在之上” superficial, surface, 20) trans-, 表示“移上, 转上, 在那一边” translate, transform, 21) under-, 表示“在下面, 下的” underline, underground 22) up-, 表示“向上, 向上面, 在上” upward, uphold, uphill(上坡),简略词,合成词,缩略词,指缩写词,examexamination plane aeroplane ad.advertisement maths mathematics,把两个词某部 分联合起来合 成为一个新词,smoke + fog = smog motor +hotel=motel,指首字母 缩略词,TV television TOEFL Test of English As A Foreign Language,1. Make compound words after the models. A: part, long, passer, film, short, well, cold, baby, get, low, world B: by, known, time, maker, wave, famous, sitter, term, t


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