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1 英文资料译文 : 具有信号调理功能的 1g 到 5g 单片集成加速度计 特点: 五千分之一 g的分辨率, 噪声水平比 ADXL50 小 12 倍, 用户可选择的满刻度范围是 1g 到 5g, 单片集成加速度测量系统, 数字指令自检功能, +5V 单独供电操作。 应用: 用于振动测量的低成本传感器, 比电解质和水银传感器更快地响应倾角变化, 高灵敏的报警系统, 提供速度和位置的惯性检测。 总体描述: ADXL05是一个集成在单片 IC卡上的加速度测量系统。它能够测量的加速度范围是5g到 1g甚至更小。典型的噪声水平是 500 g/Hz(比 ADX50小 12倍),能够检测到低于五千分之一 g的信号。 ADXL05是一种既能够测量交流加速度(振动)又能够测量直流加速度(如惯性力和重力)的电容性加速度计。三个外部电容器和一个 +5V的可调电源就是测量 +5V加速度需要的一切。三个电阻用于设定输出缓冲放大器的输出范围从 200Mv/g到 1V/g。内部电容可以被加在电阻网络中以提供 1级或 2级的滤波。不需要额外的敏感元 12 件直接连接模数转换器件。这个装置以可与 TTL电平相容的自检功能为特色,这个功能可以通过任何时候旋转传感器的横梁来检测传感器和它的电特性 是否正常作用。 ADXL05可以封装在 10管脚的金属容器内,指定的商用温度范围是 0到 +70,工业应用的温度范围是 -40到 +85。 功能简图 ADXL05 规格明细表 ( TA=TMIN to TMAX,TA=+25 /J,VS=+5V,a=0g) 参数 状态 ADXL05J/A 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 传感器输入 测量范围 非线性 误差较正 横向灵敏度 -5 +5 0.2 1 2 g 满量程的 百分比 度数 百分比 灵敏度 VPR的初始灵敏度 VOUT的初始灵敏度 +25 +25, R3/R1=5 175 200 225 0.875 1.000 1.125 mV/g V/g 13 温度漂移 0.5 读数的百分比 0g 的偏差水平 初始补偿 Vs 温度 供电电压 VPR Vs=4.75V 5.25V 1.50 1.80 2.10 25/40 10 32 V mV mV/V 噪声情况 电压噪声密度 100 赫兹带宽噪声 10 赫兹带宽噪声 VPR BW=4Hz-1Hz 500 1000 5 1.6 g/ Hz mg rms mg rms 频率响应 3 分贝带宽 3 分贝带宽 传感器谐振频率 C1 = 0.022 F C1 = 0.010 F 1000 1600 4 12 Hz kHz kHz 自检输入 VPR的输出变化 逻辑“ 1” 逻辑“ 0” 输入电阻 ST 管脚从逻辑“ 0”到“ 1” -0.85 -1.00 -1.15 2.0 0.8 50 V V V k +3.4V 参考电压 输出电压 输出温度漂移 电源反馈 输出回路 DC, Vs=4.75V 5.25V 3.350 3.400 3.450 5V 1 10 500 V mV mV/V A 前置放大器输出 电压范围 当前输出 电容负载 来源和补偿 0.25 Vs-1.4 30 80 100 V A pF 14 缓冲放大器 输入补偿电压 输出偏差 开环增益 联合增益带宽 输出电压范围 电容负载 电源反馈 标准属性 1.800V DC IOUT= 100 A DC, Vs=4.75V 5.25V 10 25 5 20 80 200 0.25 Vs-0.25 1000 1 10 mV nA dB kHz V pF mV/V 电源 工作电压范围 静态供应电压 4.75 5.25 8.0 10.0 V mV 温度范围 工作范围 指定范围 自动范围 0 +70 -40 +85 -40 +125 系统操作说明 ADXL05 流耦合连接(满量程范围 1.5g) 12 (如无特殊说明 0g偏差水平 = +2.5V, C1 =0.022 F, R2 = 2.57R3) 参数 状态 ADXL05J/A 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 缓冲放大倍数 满量程范围 灵敏度 温度漂移 G = R3/R1 +25 TMIN TMAX 5 -1.5 +1.5 875 1000 1125 0.5 g mV/g 读数的百分比 0g 偏差水平 温度漂移 +25 +25 TMIN或 TMAX 2.5 2/5 V mV 频率响应 C4=3.3 F, R1=49.9k 1 1000 Hz 说明:电阻公差将影响系统的准确度。推荐使用 1%(或更高)的金属膜电阻 。 直流耦合连接(满量程范围 2g) (如无特殊说明 0g偏差水平 = +2.5V, C1 =0.022 F, R2 = 2.57R3) 13 参数 状态 ADXL05J/A 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 缓冲放大倍数 满量程范围 灵敏度 温度漂移 G = R3/R1 +25 TMIN TMAX 2 -2 +2 250 400 450 0.5 g mV/g 读数的百分比 0g 偏差水平 温度漂移 +25 +25 TMIN或 TMAX 1.75 2.5 3.2 50/80 V mV 频率响应 dc 1000 Hz 说明:电阻公差将影响系统的准确度。推荐使用 1%(或更高)的金属膜电阻。 绝对的最大等级 * 加速度(任何轴 0.5ms 无力作用) 1000g 加速度(任何轴 0.5ms 有力作用) 500g +Vs -0.3V +7.0V 输出短路持续时间 不确定 工作温度 -55 +125 储藏温度 -65 +150 ADXL05 长期工作在绝对最大等级之上可能导致永久的损坏。这些只是参数等级,芯片长期工作在这种情况下是不允许的,可能会影响芯片的可靠性。 封 装 14 封装 JA JC 芯片质量 Pin10 100 130 /W 30 /W 5克 序列指南 模型 温度范围 ADXL05JH ADXL05AH 0 70 -40 85 警告: 敏感的装置 EDS 的静电电压可高达 4000V,累积在人体和检测仪器上,可以自动放电。 虽然 ADXL05 以专有的 ESD 保护电路为特色 ,但是在遭受高能放电的设备上可能发生永久的损坏。因此推荐使用适当的 EDS 以避免功能性的损坏。掉在坚硬的表面会导致其所受振动加速度大于 1000g,从而超出芯片的绝对最 大等级,所以取用时要小心以防损坏。 连接电路图 15 管脚说明: +5V 电源输入管脚 C2 连接一个外部的旁路电容用来阻止振动转换噪声干扰 ADXL05 的其他电路系 统 ,一般为 0.022 F C1 连接解调电容,一般为 0.022 F COM 接地端 VREF 内部 3.4V 参考电压输出端。 ST 数字自检输入端,既与 CMOS 又与 TTL 电平相容。 VPR 前置放大器输出提供 200mV/g 的输出电压 VOUT 缓冲放大器输出端 VIN- 开环缓冲放大器的反相输入端 ADXL05 工作原理: ADXL05 是完全集成在单快 IC 卡上的加速度测量系统。它由微硅表面加工传感器 16 和具有力平衡控制环的信号处理电路。 ADXL05 既能测量位置,又能测量 5g 范 围内的加速度。 图 16 平衡状态下 ADXL05 传感器工作原理简图 图 16 是平衡状态下 ADXL05 加速度传感器的简图。传感器的实际结构包含 46 个单元和一个梁。察东电用传感器由独立的固定电极和连接在梁上的中心电机组成,梁通过运动来反映加速度的变化。两个电容连续连接,形成一个用可动中心 电极隔开的差动电容。传感器的两个固定电极分别用 1MHz 的方波驱动: 它们的幅值相等但相位相差 180。当传感器平衡时,两电容值相等,因此输出电压为零。 图 17 一定加速度作用下 ADXL05 传感器的工作原理 图 17 中显示了传感器受了一定的加速度。当这种情况发生时,中心电极或梁移近一个固定电极而远离另一个固定电极。这将造成两个电容的容值不同,其结果是中心电极有输出信号。输出信号的幅值直接取决于传感器所受的加速度的大小。 17 图 18 ADXL05 整体功能结构图 图 18 描述了 ADXL05 的整体结构。传感器中心电极的输出电压通过缓冲被锁存在同步调制器中,同时通过相同的振动信号驱 动传感器的固定电极。如果锁存的电压与参考电压相位相同,则输出为正;反之,为负。其他所有的信号都被拒绝。一个外部电容C1用来设置解调器的带宽。 同步解调器的输出用于驱动前置放大器 一个提供 1.8V 参考电压的仪表放大缓冲器。前置放大器的输出电压 VPR通过一个 3M的隔离电阻反馈到传感器的外部电极。电压 VPR使传感器重新回到它的 0g 位置并且直接测量加速度。 ADXL05 的前置放大器的输出是 1.8V 200mV/g,对于 5V 的输入有 1V 范围的输出。开环缓冲放大器在很大范围内提供调整刻度参数和 0g 补偿的能力。一 个内部参考电压提供必要的参考电压以启动芯片和 +3.4V 的电压以供外部需要。自检功能是指给 ADXL05 的自检管脚提供一高电平(大于 2.0V),它使芯片共给横梁一个偏置电压,此电压将横梁移动到相当于 -5g的位置(芯片的负向满量程输出)。注意 15%的公差是与灵敏度误差不成比例的。 ADXL05的基本关系 图 19 显示了 ADXL05 在输出刻度因素为 400mV/g, 2.5V 零重力水平,零重力水平附近 2.0V的满量程误差和大概 1.6kHz三分贝带宽条件下测量 5g范围内的加速度的基本关系式。通过电路原理图 19 可见所有 的转换功能关系是: VRRVVRRV PRO U T 8.1)8.1()8.1(2313 18 图 19 ADXl05 提供输出灵敏度为 400mV/g, +2.5V 的零重力水平和 1kHz 的带宽 11 英文资料: 1 g to 5 g Single Chip Accelerometer with Signal Conditioning ADXL05* FEATURES 5 milli-g Resolution Noise Level 123 Less than the ADXL50 User Selectable Full Scale from 61 g to 65 g Output Scale Selectable from 200 mV/g to 1 V/g Complete Acceleration Measurement System on a Single Chip IC Self Test on Digital Command +5 V Single Supply Operation 1000 g Shock Survival APPLICATIONS Low Cost Sensor for Vibration Measurement Tilt Sensing with Faster Response than Electrolytic or Mercury Sensors More Sensitive Alarms and Motion Detectors Affordable Inertial Sensing of Velocity and Position GENERAL DESCRIPTION 12 The ADXL05 is a complete acceleration measurement system on a single monolithic IC. The ADXL05 will measure accelerations with full-scale ranges of 5 g to 1 g or less. Typical noise floor is 500 mg/ Hz , (12 less than the ADXL50), allowing signals below 5 milli-g to be resolved. The ADXL05 is a force balanced capacitive accelerometer with the capability to measure both ac accelerations (typical of vibration) or dc accelerations (such as inertial force or gravity). Three external capacitors and a +5 volt regulated power supply are all that is required to measure accelerations up to 5 g. Three resistors are used to configure the output buffer amplifier to set scale factors from 200 mV/g to 1 V/g. External capacitors may be added to the resistor network to provide 1 or 2 poles of filtering. No additional active components are required to interface directly to most analog to digital converters (ADCs). The device features a TTL compatible self-test function that can electrostatically deflect the sensor beam at any time to verify that the sensor and its electronics are functioning correctly. The ADXL05 is available in a hermetic 10-pin TO-100 metal can, specified over the 0C to +70C commercial, and 40C to +85C industrial temperature ranges. Contact factory for availability of automotive grade devices. 13 ADXL05SPECIFICATIONS (TA = TMIN to TMAX, TA = +258C for J Grade Only, VS = +5 V, Acceleration = 0 g, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Conditions ADXL05J/A Min Typ Max Units SENSOR INPUT Measurement Range Nonlinearity Alignment Error1 Transverse Sensitivity2 Guaranteed Full Scale Best Fit Straight Line, 5 g FS 5 +5 0.2 1 2 g % of FS Degrees % SENSITIVITY Initial Sensitivity at VPR Initial Sensitivity at VOUT Temperature Drift3 +25C +25C, R3/R1 = 5 175 200 225 0.875 1.000 1.125 0.5 mV/g V/g % of Reading ZERO g BIAS LEVEL Initial Offset vs. Temperature3 vs. Supply at VPR VS = 4.75 V to 5.25 V 1.50 1.80 2.10 25/40 10 32 V mV mV/V NO ISE PERFO RMANCE Voltage Noise Density Noise in 100 Hz Bandwidth Noise in 10 Hz Bandwidth at VPR BW = 4 Hz to 1 kHz 500 1000 5 1.6 mg/ Hz mg rms mg rms FREQ UENCY RESPO NSE 3 dB Bandwidth C1 = 0.022 mF (See Figure 9) 1000 1600 Hz 14 3 dB Bandwidth Sensor Resonant Frequency C1 = 0.010 mF 4 12 kHz kHz SELF TEST INPUT Output Change at VPR Logic “1” Voltage Logic “0” Voltage Input Resistance To Common 5 ST Pin from Logic “0” to “1” 0.85 1.00 1.15 2.0 0.8 50 V V V kW +3.4 V REFERENCE Output Voltage Output Temperature Drift3Power Supply Rejection Output Current Sourcing DC, VS = +4.75 V to +5.25 V 3.350 3.400 3.450 5 1 10 500 V mV mV/V mA PREAMPLIFIER OUTPUT Voltage Swing Current Output Capacitive Load Drive Source or Sink 0.25 VS 1.4 30 80 100 V mA pF BUFFER AMPLIFIER Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current Open-Loop Gain Unity Gain Bandwidth Output Voltage Swing Capacitive Load Drive Power Supply Rejection Delta from Nominal 1.800 V DC IOUT = 100 mA DC,VS = +4.75 V to +5.25 V 10 25 5 20 80 200 0.25 VS 0.25 1000 1 10 mV nA dB kHz V pF mV/V 15 POWER SUPPLY Operating Voltage Range Quiescent Supply Current 4.75 5.25 8.0 10.0 V mA TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating Range J Specified Performance A Automotive Grade* 0 +70 40 +85 40 +125 C C C System Performance SpecificationsADXL05 AC COUPLED CONNECTION (1.5 g Full Scale) ( VOUT Terminal (Pin 9), unless otherwise noted. 0 g Bias Level = +2.5 V, C1 = 0.022 mF, R2 = 2.57 R3) Parameter Conditions ADXL05J/A Min Typ Max Units Buffer Gain FULL-SCALE RANGE SENSITIVITY G = R3/R1* +25C TMIN to TMAX 5 1.5 +1.5 875 1000 1125 g mV/g 16 Temperature Drift 0.5 % of Reading ZERO g BIAS LEVEL Temperature Drift +25C +25C to TMIN or TMAX 2.5 2/5 V mV FREQUENCY RESPONSE C4 = 3.3 mF, R1 = 49.9 kW 1 1000 Hz *Note: Resistor tolerance will affect system accuracy. Use of 1% (or better) metal film resistors is recommended. DC COUPLED CONNECTION (2 g Full Scale) ( VOUT Terminal (Pin 9), unless otherwise noted. 0 g Bias Level = +2.5 V, C1 = 0.022 mF, R2 = 2.57 R3) Parameter Conditions ADXL05J/A Min Typ Max Units Buffer Gain FULL-SCALE RANGE SENSITIVITY Temperature Drift G = R3/R1* +25C TMIN to TMAX 2 2 +2 350 400 450 0.5 g mV/g % of Reading ZERO g BIAS LEVEL +25C 1.75 2.5 3.2 V 17 Temperature Drift +25C to TMIN or TMAX +50/80 mV FREQUENCY RESPONSE dc 1000 Hz *Note: Resistor tolerance will affect system accuracy. Use of 1% (or better) metal film resistors is recommended. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Acceleration (Any Axis, Unpowered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . . 1000 g Acceleration (Any Axis, Powered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . . . . . . 500 g +VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 V to +7.0 V Output Short Circuit Duration (VPR, VOUT, VREF Terminals to Common) . . . . . . . Indefinite Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55C to +125C Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65C to +150C *Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; the functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Package Characteristics Package JA JC Device Weight 18 10-Pin TO-100 5 Grams ORDERING GUIDE Model Temperature Range ADXL05JH ADXL05AH 0C to +70C 40C to +85C CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the ADXL05 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Drops onto hard surfaces can cause shocks of greater than 1000 g and exceed the absolute maximum rating of the device. Care should be exercised in handling to avoid damage. CONNECTION DIAGRAM 10-Header (TO-100) 19 PIN DESCRIPTION +5 V The power supply input pin. C2 Connection for an external bypass capacitor (nominally 0.022 mF) used to prevent oscillator switching noise from interfering with other ADXL05 circuitry. Please see the section on component selection. C1 Connections for the demodulator capacitor, nominally 0.022 mF. See the section on component selection for application information. COM The power supply common (or “ground”) connection. ST The digital self-test input. It is both CMOS and TTL compatible. VPR The ADXL05 preamplifier output providing an output voltage of 200 mV per g of acceleration. VOUT Output of the buffer amplifier. 20 VIN The inverting input of the uncommitted buffer amplifier. THEORY OF OPERATION The ADXL05 is a complete acceleration measurement system on a single monolithic IC. It contains a polysilicon surfacemicro machined sensor and signal conditioning circuitry which implements a force-balance control loop. The ADXL05 is capable of measuring both positive and negative acceleration to a maximum level of 5 g. Figure 16 is a simplified view of the ADXL05s acceleration sensor at rest. The actual structure of the sensor consists of 46 unit cells and a common beam. The differential capacitor sensor consists of independent fixed plates and central plates attached to the main beam that moves in response to an applied acceleration. The two capacitors are series connected, forming a capacitive divider with a common movable central plate. The sensors fixed capacitor plates are driven differentially by a 1 MHz square wave: the two square wave amplitudes are equal but are 180 out of phase from one another. When at rest, the values of the two capacitors are the same, and therefore, the voltage output at their electrical center (i.e., at the center plate) is zero. 21 Figure 17 shows the sensor responding to an applied acceleration. When this occurs, the common central plate or “beam” moves closer to one of the fixed plates while moving further from the other. This creates a mismatch in the two capacitances, resulting in an output signal at the central plate. The output amplitude of the signal varies directly with the amount of acceleration experienced by the sensor. Figure 18 shows a block diagram of the ADXL05. The voltage output from the central plate of the sensor is buffered and then applied to a synchronous demodulator which is clocked, in phase, with the same oscillator that drives the fixed plates of the sensor. If the applied voltage is in sync and in phase with the clock, a positive output will result. If the 22 applied voltage is in sync but 180 out of phase with the clock, then the demodulators output will be negative. All other signals will be rejected. An external capacitor, C1, sets the


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