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原文 1: Transplanters for Use in Developing Countries A Review Developing countries contribute 72% of the total vegetable production in the world. The transplanting operation is one of the most labor intensive in vegetable production. It is largely done by hand in India and most developing countries and incurs large investments in labor, time,and cost. This article presents the details of construction of vegetable transplanters in addition to recent advances in their development.Performance of transplanters under actual field conditions is discussed. Traditional Methods of Transplanting Vegetable Seedlings Ferminger (1953) reported that in India, for small-scale vegetable gardening, holes of 60 cm diameter and 30 cm deep are manually dug in the field at desired spacings. The soil is mixed with farmyard manure, bone meal,and wood ashes. The hole is then filled to a depth of 1520 cm and packed. A seedling is placed in the middle of the hole and topsoil is filled around the seedling, compacted, firmed, and soaked with water. A shelter is built to shade the seedling under dry weather conditions. This method does not require any field preparation. A shovel or spade is the only implement used. Classification of Vegetable Transplanters and Seedlings Transplanters are designed based on seedling type to be used. The semiautomatic transplanters can be used for almost all types of seedlings (Table 1). The bare root seedlings are obtained by pulling seedlings directly from nursery beds. The soil block seedlings are obtained by sowing of seeds in moist soil cubes made by mixing soil, peat, compost,and sand (Press, 2001). The cell mold seedlings are grown in flexible plastic (Tsuga, 2000) or heavy-duty injection-molded trays(Horticultural Supplies Co., Mumbai, India) with cells to fill with the soil mix and sow the seed. Trays can contain 128, 200, or 288 cells, in which the arrangement of cells is 8 16, 10 20, and 12 24, respectively(Tsuga, 2000). The Horticultural Supplies Co. tray has five sections,each with 30 or 40 cells, supported by an outer tray, which can hold 150 or 200 seedlings. The shape of the cell is an inverted truncated pyramid. Another method for transplant production is the paper pot,generally made from recycled paper. Paper pots provide an individual area for each seed to germinate and the plant to develop (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research IIHR, 2006). A total of 128 or 200 pots can be placed on a tray in 8 8 or 10 10 arrangements (Tsuga,2000).Semiautomatic and fully automatic transplanters can be used for plantingcell mold and paper potproduced seedlings. The linked paper pot,or a chain of pots prepared by connecting a series of paper pots, is made by joining two-ply sheets of paper with water-resistant adhesive(Nambu and Tanimura, 1992). They do not require a tray for holding seedlings but require an arrangement to separate the chain of pots into individuals before feeding them to the planting unit. Linked paper pots are used only with fully automatic transplanters. The walking-type semiautomatic transplanters are either self-propelled or hand tractoroperated machines. They are rare because the operator has to concentrate on the operation of the machine and feeding the seedlings.Riding-type two-row or three-row semiautomatic transplanters are tractor mounted or tractor pulled machines, whereas those that are used with more rows are tractor pulled. The walking-type automatic transplanters are self-propelled machines for sowing a maximum of four rows. Ridingtype automatic transplanters are either self-propelled (up to four rows) or tractor pulled (up to eight rows). Further, Marr (1994) described types of transplanters called punch planters (automatic) and water-wheel planters (semiautomatic). The punch planters transplant through plastic mulches by puncturing the mulch and the soil and setting the seedling into the holes. The water-wheel planters are similar to the punch planters with the addition of a large tank filled with water or fertilizer solution. As the hole is formed for the transplant, a portion of the solution is injected into the transplant hole. Seedlings are hand-set into the watered hole by operators riding low near the ground (Model 1600 of Robert Marvel Plastic Mulch, Annville, Pa.). As the seedling is pushed in, mud from the bottom comes up along the sides and covers the top to complete the transplanting operation. Munilla and Shaw (1987) described a dibbling transplanter in which holes are made in the soil and seedlings are planted in the holes. Seedling Box or Tray Holder A seedling box is provided on semiautomatic transplanters to store bare root seedlings for feeding to the planting unit. It is rectangular in cross section and is open at the top. Long rectangular seedling boxes are used in transplanters (Model 2000, Mechanical Transplanter Co., Holland, Mich.)used for planting long seedlings, in which a conveyor belt is provided,which can be driven by foot action. Carrousel tray holders (Figure 1) can also be used in transplanters (Mechanical Transplanter Co.s models 5000,5000W, 5000WD, 4000, and 6000) that use cell mold seedlings. Each tray holder stores four to six trays, each carrying 200 cell mold seedlings. In automatic transplanters, the tray is kept at a place with its orientation suitable for the pick-up device to remove seedlings from trays. It also has a mechanism to move trays forward as seedlings are removed from the tray. Recent advances in the design of vegetable transplanters. Apart from the essential components for efficient planting of vegetable seedlings, vegetable transplanters are provided with systems for maintaining the accuracy, precision, and effectiveness in planting seedlings with minimum human intervention. Researchers have reported recent developments in automatic vegetable transplanter in the United States (Parish,2005), Italy, Japan, Australia, and England (Labowsky, 2001). Robotic transplanters have been developed (Brewer, 1994; Kim et al., 1995;Ryu et al., 2001; Sakaue, 1992; Tai et al., 1994), and Figure 7 presents a schematic diagram for this type of transplanter developed by Ryu et al.(2001). It has a CCD camera, which identifies empty cells in high-density plug trays, passes this information to the computer, which feeds it to the manipulator. The manipulator actuates the end-effecter to pick up only the good-quality seedlings to the low-density growing trays. The labor and time involved in discarding the poor-quality seedlings are fully FIGURE 7. Schematics of the robotic transplanter: (a) the front view of the manipulator (b) the side view of the manipulator, the tray moving system,and the vision system (Ryu et al., 2001). Reprinted with permission of the Institute of Agricultural Engineers, UK. Further, a camera linked to a computer feeds the information on the leaf direction of the good-quality seedlings and the manipulator accordingly orients the end-effecter to pick up the seedlings. The lowdensity growing trays used for transplanting will have 100% good-quality seedlings without any human intervention. In machines employing the belt conveyortype planting unit (Series TP Transplanter of FMC Food Tech Agricultural Machinery Division, Collecchio-Parma, Italy), faulty seedlings are separated using a machine vision system. It is claimed that the mechanism has been developed to compensate for the deficit caused by removing faulty seedlings by momentarily increasing the feed rate of seedlings from the tray (Thijssen, 2000). Photo-cells are being used to detect the gaps and replace them with new seedlings (Lannen Plant Systems, Victoria,Australia). The desired plant spacing in the field can be entered into the computer and encoders are provided to read the distance traveled along the ground and plant the seedlings within 1-mm accuracy. The seedling planting depth can be electronically controlled. This is useful particularly in lettuce, where if seedlings are planted exactly level with the top of the soil,leaf rot will be minimized and development of lettuce into an oval rather than round shape will be reduced. The pressure applied by the soil compacting device can be controlled depending on the type of soil and its condition. Seedlings can be automatically planted at the speed of 2 seedlingss1 (Model G4 vegetable transplanter, Williames Hi-tech International Pvt. Ltd., Victoria,Australia). The machine can carry 35 trays with 260 seedlings each, eliminating time lost for loading of seedling trays by at least 1 h. A transplanter with the ability to adjust the seedling pick-up unit based on size and configuration of trays has been developed (Sena, 2006). The field performance of vegetable transplanters depends on the feeding rate of the seedling pick-up unit (for automatic transplanters), planting rate of the seedling planting unit, spacing between seedlings in a row, row spacing, and achievable optimum speed of operation to minimize missed plantings in addition to field, crop, and other operating parameters. Most researchers and manufacturers have reported data on planting rate and seedling feed rate rather than on field performance of machines. CIAE(2004) reported forward speed as 0.9 kmh1 and field capacity (field area plantedh1) as 0.1 hah1 for planting tomato at a 60-cm row spacing and 45-cm in-row plant spacing using a tractor-drawn two-row semiautomatic transplanter with pocket-type planting unit. The field performance of a two-row tractor-mounted semiautomatic transplanter with pocket-type planting unit developed by PAU (2004) is presented in Table 4. The suitable forward speed of operation for obtaining a minimum of missed plantings was found to be from 0.9 to 1.1 kmh1 for various crops. Increasing speed increased the percentage of missed plantings and necessitates that two laborers feed the single row to maintain the percentage missing within acceptable limits. Holland Transplater Co.s models 1500, FWD 1500, and 1600, and Mechanical Transplanter Co.s models 1000, 1000B-3,1000 2, 1980 nursery transplanter, 2000, and 22C have the provision for two laborers to feed the single row. Marr (1994) opined that the transplanter has to be operated at a speed that allows careful placement and attention to problems that develop. Operators should not be so involved in placing plants in the machine that they cannot watch for problems that develop. A rotary cuptype planting unit on a semiautomatic transplanter allowed for higher forward speed than that of a pocket-type planting unit(Labowsky, 2001). An average forward speed of 1.4 kmh1 and field capacity of 0.14 hah1 for planting tomato, cauliflower, chile peppers,and eggplant using a three-row semiautomatic transplanter with rotary cuptype planting unit has been reported (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University TNAU, 2004). For reasonable seedling spacing, the feed rate clearly limits the maximum allowable travel speed of the transplanting machine (Srivastava et al., 2006). Minoru Industrial Co. Ltd. (Okayama,Japan) claims that its two-row self-propelled walking-type automatic vegetable transplanter can plant 0.2 hah1. Tsuga (2000) found that the two-row fully automatic transplanter was able transplant 0.11 hah1 while operating at a speed of 1.21.4 kmh1 for cabbage at a plant spacing of 30 cm and an in-row spacing of 60 cm. There was less than 3% missed plantings. Kim et al. (2001) reported that the field capacity of a prototype two-row automatic transplanter for cabbage of 0.1 hah1 with 3.5% missed plantings.Srivastava et al. (2006) opined that an important performance criterion for transplanters is that seedlings must be oriented properly and in good contact with the soil. A successful planting has been defined as having seedlings inclined less than 30 from the vertical (Munilla and Shaw, 1987). 作者: G. V. Prasanna Kumar ; H. Raheman 出处: International Journal of Vegetable Science, Vol.14, No.3, 232-255 译文 1: 蔬菜移栽机在发展中国家的展望 发展中国家占世界蔬菜总生产的 72%。移栽技术是一种最密集型的蔬菜生产劳动。它主要是在印度手工完成和大多数发展中国家把大量的资源投资在人力、时间、和成本。本文介绍了蔬菜移栽机,除了最新的一些进展和研究发现,是在移栽机实现其特定性能条件下讨论。 传统方法的移植蔬菜种苗 。 Ferminger(1953)报道说 ,在印度对于小规模的蔬菜园种植 ,孔的直径是 60厘米 ,深 30厘米是手工挖场在理想状态下的空隙。土壤是混合堆肥 ,骨粉 ,和木灰。这个洞是的深度 15 - 20厘米。一个 幼苗被放置在中间孔上和表层周围被土所包围 ,围绕着种苗,将其压实 ,压牢固 ,再进行灌水。一个理想适当的环境是建立树荫下的幼苗干旱的天气条件。这种方法不需要任何现场准备,一个铲或锄头仅仅使用一种工具。 蔬菜的分类 移栽机 和秧苗 。 印度孟买的一家园艺有限公司,对此进行了开发研究,其让细胞充满 土壤与之充分混合 ,随后播下种子。试验中锁使用的托盘可以容载 128、 200或 288个细胞 ,再进行整齐排列,将细胞排列到 8 16、 10 20。 24 24几种排列托盘中(Tsuga,2000)。 园艺用品有限公司的托盘有五个部分, 每个有 30或 40个细胞 ,由一个外托盘盛载 ,可以容纳 150或 200颗蔬菜苗。而细胞的形状是一个反向的被截断的金字塔造型。另一个方法是移植生产 ,一般用可再生环保纸。环保纸盆提供一个个人面积为每个种子发芽和植物开发所需要的空间 (印度理工学院园艺研究 IIHR,2006)。 总共有 128或 200盆可以 被放置在一个 8 8或 10 10的托盘中整齐排列 (Tsuga,2000)。而半自动和全自动移栽机可以用于种植 电池模具和纸罐生产的种苗。 链接的纸盆 ,或一连串的准备通过连接一个系列的纸盆 ,是由 通过加入两层的纸张再用防水胶加 工 (Nambu和 Tanimura,1992)。 他们虽然不需要一个托盘 来排列但是他们需要安排一个人在喂食他们种植单位前使幼苗分离链形成,而 环保纸盆只能使用全自动移栽机。 步行式半自动移栽机一种是手推式操作机器,另一种是装载于手扶式拖拉机上的操作机器。它们并不常见 ,这是因为经营者专注于机器的操作和喂苗。还有一种骑式双排涡轮和由三行组成的半自动移栽机是在拖拉机上安装或拖拉机拉动的机器 ,而那些使用更多的是由拖拉机来提供拉动力。蔬菜移栽机的步行式和自动式都是自航机械,播种最多 4行。 Ridingtype自动移栽机要 么自航 (最多 4行 )或拖拉机拉 (8行 )。进一步 ,马尔 (1994)所描述的移栽机类型称为穿孔种植者 (自动 )和水轮播种机 (半自动 )。冲头通过塑料薄膜种植移植由穿孔薄膜与土壤设置幼苗进入洞口。种植园主和水轮相似的穿孔种植园还添加了一个大水箱并将其注满水或肥料溶液。随着孔形成的移植 ,一部分营养液和肥料注入移植孔。进浇苗洞并手工精制,运营商地面附近骑低 (型号 1600的罗伯特奇迹塑料覆盖物 ,Annville,Pa。 )。 随着秧苗的推进 ,泥浆从底部出现并沿两侧和顶部覆盖同时完成移植操作。 Munilla和萧伯纳 (1987)描 述了一种穴播插秧机在这洞是土壤和苗种植的洞。 苗箱和托盘架 。 一株幼苗盒子是提供半自动移栽机存储的根幼苗喂种植单位。它呈矩形其横截面和是开在顶部。长矩形育苗盒用于移栽机 (型号 2000,机械插秧机有限公司 ,荷兰 ,米奇。 )用于种植长苗 ,用传送带进行传送 ,这可以由人力来代替。旋转托盘也可用于移栽机 (机械插秧机公司的模型 5000,5000 w,wd 5000、 4000和 6000),使用电池模具苗。每个托盘持有人有 4到 6个托盘 ,每个托盘载有 200左右细胞型苗。在自动移栽机中托盘是保存在一个地方 ,其取苗机构为传感器 装置取出幼苗到托盘。它也有一个机制向前移动托盘苗移开从托盘。 现行设计的最新进展蔬菜 移栽机。 除了基本组件为高效种植的蔬菜苗 ,蔬菜移栽机提供系统维护的准确性、有效性和精准性 ,在种植幼苗与最小的人工干预。研究人员报道最近的自动蔬菜插秧机进展是在美国的 (教区 ,2005)、意大利、日本、澳大利亚和英国(Labowsky,2001)。机器人移栽机已经开发 (布鲁尔 ,1994;金 et al。 ,1995;Ryu et al。 ,2001;Sakaue,1992;大 et al,1994年 ),并提出了原理图的这种类型的插秧机 Ryu开发的 et al。 (2001)。 它有一个 CCD摄像机 ,它能识别空细胞高密度塞托盘 ,并将这些信息传送给计算机 ,让它来代替机械手。机械手的促动端区只捡优质的种苗到低密度增长托盘。劳动和时间参与完全丢弃劣质苗。英国制造的电路图的机器人插秧机,其机械手 ,托盘运动系统 ,和视觉系统 (Ryu et al。 ,2001)。 进一步


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